Fey are magical creatures closely tied to the forces of nature. They dwell in twilight groves and misty forests. In some worlds, they are closely tied to the Feywild, also called the Plane of Faerie. Some are also found in the Outer Planes, particularly the planes of Arborea and the Beastlands. Fey include dryads, pixies, and satyrs.

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Speaking to Vodhos

Motivating the turtle

Attacked by A roc


Grandma Ana

Not all the Tritons have left Thylea. About 40% of them made an expedition to find the sunken city (Legend of the Sirens - https://kanka.io/en/campaign/36205/journals/28339)

Attack by Pteros monks and wizards

Meeting Oceanid 

A Oread Shopkeeper named Nefehalas with an extremely powerful set of weaponry - he allows them to summon him - https://kanka.io/en/campaign/36205/characters/827265

To the Ziggurat

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The Colossus of Pythor is actually a hollow structure, but it is sealed and guarded. Unbeknownst to the Centurions of Mytros, Unknown  had tunneled up from the sewers. Her servants built a secret entrance into the interior of the great bronze statue, allowing her to use it as a base of operations. She was evicted when the The Heroes of Thylea broke into the statue but was able to escape without encountering them.

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Goloron is one of Sydons children. He bears a resemblance to Lutheria.

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Common Languages

  • Thylean: This is the Common trade language of the world. Spoken by almost everyone. Language of the settler races
  • Giant: Cyclopes, Gygans, and other Giants. Despite dwindling numbers, the Gygan culture left a big impact on the world.
  • Sylvan: Fey creatures, natives to Thylea, the Titans, quite a few settlers as it is the second most common language in the world.

Uncommon Languages

  • Amazon: Amazonians or a descendent. A language unique to the Amazonian culture with roots in the Sylvan language.
  • Aquan: Underwater creatures. Roots in Primordial
  • Celestial: Sirens & Harpies. Celestial & Divine beings. Many Gods.
  • Draconic: Dragonlords and Dragons. Priests of the Five. Super devout worshippers/fans of the Dragonlords.
  • Infernal: Tieflings (called Stygians in this setting), Fiends from the Underworld, Practitioners of Dark Arts, and denizens of the Nether Seas.

Rarely Spoken Languages

  • Abyssal: Creatures from The Hollow World. Demonic beasts.
  • Deep Speech: A language of madness and insanity.
  • Druidic: Druids
  • Primordial: the language of elementals and elemental beings. Used in arcane studies and druidic cultures, and the Father tongue of Aquan. Popular among summoners. 

You are on your own

  • Lost One: Any other unique racial or cultural languages brought from other realms
  • Undercommon: Creatures of the Underdark (Called the Hollow World) just speak Abyssal.


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Yala is the strongest among Sydon's children. She fights at the head of his armies. Mortals flee in terror before her wrathful temper.

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The heroes have rescued the Oracle from the clutches of a hag and cemented their place as the subjects of her prophecy. Now, it seems that the party must perform three mighty tasks in order to prepare themselves for a confrontation with the Titans, Sydon and Lutheria.

The Heroes of Thylea must Claim the Weapons of the Dragonlords, Light the Fires of the Mithral Forge and Drink From the Horn of Balmytria. Only then they will be ready to sail out and confront The Ancient Titans.

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The leader of the Nest of the Forgotten. Takes a draught from Jankas that suppresses her stony gaze, but also blinds her. Nevertheless she uses her curse given power to keep intruders away from the nest.
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"The greatest constellation in the night sky is the group of bright stars called the Dragon."

"In the beginning, this land was populated only by the fey creatures: nymphs, centaurs, gygans, and satyrs.  The first of the civilised races to arrive on Thylea's shores were refugees and castaways, survivors of ships buffeted by the storms and whirlpools that protect these islands.  They carved out a meagre existance, living in tiny villages on the coast while the children of the Titans dominated the rest of the realm.

But then everything changed.  The Dragonlords, astride their legendary winged mounts, discovered this land.  With the power of the dragons, the native races were pushed back into the forests and steppes, and Thylea was claimed for the mortal settlers.

The constellation o the Dragon is a tribute to the victories of the Dragonlords, and a reminder that we are living in Thylea's Golden Age."

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Estor Arkelander annd Telamok Arkelander were both memebrs of The Order of the Dragonlords. Unlike most others in the Order they have ancestors alive to this day.

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Ochos is another in the Arkenlander family, but he was a soldier rather than a king. 

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The Underworldis a name for the sunless land of tunnels and caverns that exists between the verdant land of Thylea. More commonly referred to as “The Bowels of Thylea”, it is said to have formed from the twisting and turning guts of the mother titan when she formed the lands. It is said that the tunnels of the Bowels link all the lands of Thylea, including the islands - but they have never been mapped out, even by the Titans. They are a dangerous place, with rumours of mushroom men and blind monsters. The Dragonlord Dourin Kobalos, after the death of his dragon in the War, ventured deep into the Mithral Mines in an attempt to find a way of traversing the land without being seen by Sydon, Lord of the Sea. However, he never returned.

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