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Mortius Xephira is one of the current joint Archdevils of the Fourth Layer of The Nine Hells, Phlegethos. Mortius was born shortly after his twin sister, Elvira Xephira, to the Lord of the Nine Hells and Valkyre Xephira sometime around 6500BA.

Known as the Lord of Silence, Mortius is the youngest son of the Xephira family. It is said that he cannot speak aloud, although the reason for this is unclear, some accounts suggest that perhaps he spoke out against his father and was silenced as punishment. Regardless, his power and actions speak far louder than any words for whilst generally mild and not easily angered, he is one of the most powerful Archdevils. As such whilst his twin is obeyed though guile and persuasion, he is obeyed out of fear, especially since he runs The Nine Hells judiciary system and precides as Judge of the Courts.

His appearance is described as being bloodlessly pale like his mother, with long white hair set against amber eyes, and huge white horns. Tieflings of his bloodline (Tiefling (Mortius)) are few as his twin sister handles most of their soul quota, but those who are may share some or all of these traits.

For this reason, contracts with him are also rare, though occasionally some may pique his interest, though what might characterise them is unknown.

Mortius may be chosen as a Warlock patron as a Fiend. Regardless, the price for such patronage is invariably one's soul and perhaps more besides.