1. Families

House of Davshad


House Davshad of the Great Pyramid


Look Upon Our Works


Great Pyramid of Nemish, Nemish


Beldharu XIX Davshad




Pharaoh (formerly)

Wearer of Many Crowns (formerly)


Lord of Nemish

Keeper of the Temple

Bringer of Harvests

Child of Beld

Heir of Davshad

Blood of Deshen and Abuleth


House Odios Pelegon




III 42

IV 4298 (82nd Dynasty)

The House of Davshad, often referred to in Imperial documents as House Davshad to fit with the naming systems of the other Houses Majoralso called the Line of Pharaohs, House of Deshmesses, or the House of Abuleth, is the dynasty which has ruled Nemish since its foundation. They trace their lineage back to Davshad, the great-grandson of Abuleth

It is said that Davshad led settlers to the land which would become the site of the city of Nemish and settled a dispute between the feuding spirits Pas'rab and D'shent by marrying both of them. This gave regularity to the flooding of the Pas'r River and ending the encroachment of the D'shenti Desert onto the more fertile Pas'r River Valley. This allowed the lands surrounding the city of Nemish to become incredibly fertile. Davshad married his daughter by Pas'rab and son by D'shent to one another, and they jointly ruled as Tutankh’woon I and Safbeld I. This tradition of sibling marriage continued and remains until this day. 

The arms of the House of Davshad were designed by Safhotep VI following the formal annexation of Dasurkat into Pelegon and the adoption of the feudal system. They include the five main symbols of the Pharaoh: the winged sun, the Eye of Davshad, the Star of Deshen, the Flower of Abuleth, and the Pharaoh's crown, rod, and scepter. 

Due to their divine and Mannic heritage, the members of the House of Davshad frequently have purple or golden eyes. Due to the heritage of Abuleth, members often have blond or golden hair. 

Though the vast majority of Pharaohs and Phanaohs have been descended from Davshad, multiple dynasties have reigned as Pharaoh due to histories of usurpation, invasion, and other conflicts. As such, before it became the House of Davshad, it had been referred to as the 82nd Dynasty of Dasurkat. The 82nd Dynasty is considered to have been started when Pharaoh Tutankh’deshen III bent the knee to Pelegon I and offered him the title of Pharaoh and her hand in marriage. Her younger brother was then named Phanaoh Safhotep VI, the ruler of all Dasurkat as a vassal of House Odios Pelegon.