1. Organizations

Black-Gold Brotherhood



The Black Gold Brotherhood is a collective of bandits formed 5 years ago when the current mayor of Newport was elected for a second term. They were set up by the officials in Weymouth.

Only the higher ranked members of the Brotherhood know the connection to Weymouth, most are just petty thieves just looking for an extra buck.


The Brotherhood has people in most institutions of Newport. They can control parts of the Guard either by bribery, threat, or directly with people working for them.

They have about 150 members just in the city of Newport.


The goal of the Brotherhood is to weaken Newport. The city of Weymouth has always always been jealous of the riches of Newport, especially since the maritime route now allows merchandise to bypass the taxes of Weymouth.


The leader of the operation in Weymouth is Lorenas, the Church Head Priest. He replaced the head priest 2 years ago when the previous one passed away.

All characters that are members of this organization.