Spring of 2023

Dear Kanka subscribers,

Spring has arrived, which means it's time for another community vote. While we'll continue improving family trees now that they are released, we have bandwith to focus on another new feature for Kanka.

Renaming modules

Customising the sidebar on a campaign is nice and all, but it only impacts the text and icon of the sidebar. We propose to instead split the sidebar setup into two features: one for positioning items in the sidebar (existing), and one for controling how modules are named, for example how families appears througout the campaign.

This option means that you could set family/families to be displayes as clan/clans or any other custom text in your campaign instead. Same thing for the icon representing families or other entities. This would not include a gender engine for gendered language.

Bulk entity creator templates

A recent feature request was asked in the Discord to allow the quick creator, notably the bulk mode, to be able to select an entity template from the list, creating multiple entities based on a template at a time. This option would allow this new workflow in the entity creator.


Lastly, the gallery could use some love. This option would add three big features. The first is to make it so that images in the gallery could set a focus point for thumbnail cropping. The second is that adding an image from the gallery into the text editor would track that image in the gallery's "used in" list of entities. Lastly, we want to expand the gallery upload feature in the text editor to allow selecting which folder the image should be uploaded in, as to make our user's lives easier.

Renaming modules
Bulk entity creator templates

119 participants voted.

Voting lasted from April 2, 2023 until April 10, 2023

See all votes