Beginning of 2023

Dear Kanka subscribers,

We're calling upon your infinite wisdom! We need your help to know what to focus on for the first quarter of 2023. We have a few exciting options that have been requested in our recent community survey.

Family tree

Family trees have been requested many times over the years, and it might be time we add them to Kanka. While third party tools exist, they are all limited to a "classical" concept of family, which falls flat for the diverse worldbuilding taking place in Kanka. This option would require building a whole interface from scratch, allowing boosted campaigns to set up a tree for each family.

Session planning

Another frequently requested feature is for a way to organise session planning directly in a boosted campaign. The way we see this is by having a new entity in Kanka dedicated to planning a session, with an RSVP system, directly available on the campaign dashboard. By making this an entity, it would inherit Kanka's permission engine, allowing admins to control who can even see and RSVP a session.

Campaign duplication

The most complicated feature to build that we've been putting off for years. This options would allow a user to duplicate a campaign they are a member of. The complexity lies in updating all the references, mentions, attributes, permissions, etc.

Due to the investment needed to build, maintain, and server costs to run such a feature, we see this feature being limited to only Wyverns and Elementals at first. Those users would also only be able to duplicate a campaign once a month.

Build a family tree
Build a session planner
Build a campaign duplicator

187 participants voted.

Voting lasted from December 30, 2022 until January 8, 2023

See all votes