Travel can go at various speeds, depending on the terrain and method of transportation.


Slow Pace

At a Slow pace, the party is moving carefully and quietly. They gain Advantage to all checks to perceive danger and all hostile creatures suffer Disadvantage to detect the party. Navigation checks enjoy Advantage.

Slow travel covers ~15 km per day, assuming 8 hours of traveling at ~2 km/ph.

Normal Pace

At a Normal pace, the party travels normally. They may forage for food with Disadvantage.

Normal travel covers ~25 km per day, assuming 8 hours of traveling at ~3 km/ph.

Fast Pace

At a Fast pace, the party travels more quickly. While traveling at a Fast pace, the party cannot forage for food at all. They suffer Disadvantage on all checks to perceive dangers and on Navigation checks. Hostile creatures enjoy Advantage on checks to detect or track the party.

Fast travel covers ~35 km per day, assuming 8 hours of traveling at ~4 km/ph.


Horses are not necessarily faster on long distances, as they tire out fast. They can, however, carry way more equipment. The travel speed is the same on a horse as it is on foot.


A cart only travels at ~3 km/ph. They do generally travel for 14 hours per day, though, covering ~40 km per day. Furthermore, many carriage companies have dedicated rest stations along popular routes, meaning tired horses get swapped out. This makes it possible to travel for 24 hours a day, covering up to ~70 km per day.


The distances traveled by boat depend on the type of ship.
Distances are indicated in kilometers and noted per hour, per shift (4 hours), per normal day (4 shifts of sailing) and per full day (6 shifts of sailing).

  • Ship of the Line: 3/12/50/75
  • War Galleon: 4/16/65/100
  • Brigantine, Frigate: 5/20/75/115
  • Sloop, Corvette: 6/24/100/150