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Session 11


Session 11

  • Fuckin' scarecrows
  • Fuckin' racists
  • Hi, Kershaw!
  • Thunderhide Prevents Mass Murder

Following the gruesome discovery of Basil Mureal's sloughed-off skin, the party dove into battle against a trio of scarecrows. They emerged slightly bloodied and continued along Undercliff Way before butting up against a different beast: a brewing mob of locals surrounding a lone tiefling traveler.

The group, assisted by their new ally Kershaw Turnuroth, diffused the situation and split from Inden so he could guide Falados the tiefling to Waterdeep. As the pair departed, they began to interrogate Vance Liften—the captured mob leader—and a fear-struck underling.

From there, they proceeded to the cult's meeting place: an abandoned barn. There, they lay in wait.