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  1. Abilities

You Will be the First Against the Wall


The edges of society are already starting to crumble, and you can hear the growing mob outside. The revolution is now and you’re the first thing they’re going to burn.

Dice Pool: Presence + Satiety vs. Composure + Supernatural Tolerance

Normal: The victim sees the hatred and knowing looks of the wronged everywhere she goes. The victim gains the Agoraphobic Condition.

High Satiety: Even the most trusted allies may possibly surrender the victim to the mob. Even a helpful offer of a ride might just be a delivery to the gallows in disguise. The victim may no longer benefit from Teamwork actions with others.

Satiety Expenditure: It isn’t paranoia if they’re really out to get you. The victim sees the signs of the mob anywhere, and any situation where they’re outnumbered is enough to put them in a panic. Any room that has more than two people is treated as a large crowd by the Agoraphobic Condition.

Exceptional Success: Everywhere the victim looks he can see signs of those out to get him. Even once-safe places are now a threat. The victim gains the Lost Condition whenever he at- tempts to flee from a crowd.