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  1. Characters
The Lord of the Burning Leaves, The Forest Eater, the Burning One
Current Location
The Lord of the Burning Leaves prefers to keep to himself much of the time, and so resides in an isolated part of Ignis
General Description
The Lord of the Burning Leaves, or to give his true celestial name Judah, is the only child of Leannan and the Elder Being of War Proelium, and was conceived as the result of a one-night-stand due to the ever-chaotic Leannan deciding she needed some carnal attention with someone of her own level (and not being blackmailed into it such as with Xyius) for once during Marduk's absence. Quite why she decided to keep the unintentional product is known only to the unfathomable mind of the Queen of Trees. While he does have a church dedicated to him, it is rarely mentioned in anything other than hushed tones; people within his church or have deeper knowledge of the Gods wonder why, for while he is highly destructive as his purpose is the renewal of the land through fire and earth, contributing to the constant change of the world and allowing new life to grow and spread, Judah is not evil or even particularly disagreeable, seeing his destructive role as "just a job" and being on good terms with other members of the divine family, particularly his grandfather and elder sister and especially his mother

As the Lord of the Burning Leaves, Judah appears in the mortal realm as a life-size wolf made of charcoal and covered in carved runes, an albino Giant woodcutter with glowing flame red eyes, the shape of a man formed in flames, a mirage of a crystal ship, a face formed in the earth, or most alarmingly a screaming voice booming out of an erupting volcano on one occasion. His true form is a humanoid figure made of wood and wicker with coals for eyes who is perpetually engulfed in roaring flames. 
Judah is the god of volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, mudfloes, wildfires, sinkholes and other terrestrial natural disasters as opposed to the storms and floods created by his half-sister Sionnaine, and the protector of lumber workers, charcoal burners, ore smelters and all others whose livelihoods depend on the use and conversion of natural resources.