Danger lurks around every corner. Witches hide in the forest, waiting for children to stray from the path. Hyper-intelligent raccoons threaten to take over the planet. Children move to a new school where nobody wants to be their friend. The humans can't save themselves! They don't even notice the danger!

It's a good thing they have magical kitties.

How to Play

When your kitty tries to do something tricky or dangerous, you will be asked to make a check. Your game master (GM) will tell you which attribute—Cute, Cunning, or Fierce—is that one you will roll for. (Don't remember what the attributes do? Read Creating Your Kitty!) The number you have in that Attribute is the number of dice you start with. This is called your dice pool.  If your kitty is using a Talent, you can add an additional die to your dice pool. If your kitty is using a Magical Power, you can add two more dice to your dice pool, but you can only do this once per scene. You may also get a die for a success bonus, or lose a die for each injury you have. If your total dice in a pool is zero, you can't roll the dice.

The difficulty of the check ranges from 3 to 6. The higher the number, the tougher the check. 

Once you have all of your dice and know the difficulty, it's time to roll your dice. Roll them all at once. Each die that gets a number equal to or higher than the difficulty counts as a success. If you rolled no successes, your kitty fails at the task. If it at least one die was a success, your kitty Succeeds. The more successes you roll, the better your kitty does!

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Making your kitty is like making up a character in a story. You decide what he or she looks like, what they like to do or don't like to do, and their personality. Part of creating your kitty is also assigning certain numbers used in the game's rules.

First you have to decide on your kitty's name. This could be a name their human uses, or another name that magical kitties call them, or both.  Then decide what your kitty looks like. Think about different colors and cat breeds.

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This friendly shop sells board, card, and roleplaying games. The store dog — a little black and white bundle of energy named Bandit — loves to greet customers as they come in, and is even  surprisingly friendly with kitties. He keeps a careful watch on the comings and goings in the town square, and also picks up all sorts of gossip from the customers, making him a reliable source  of information. Kitties who can help him get out of the store after hours can also count on him to provide some muscle when the need arises.

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Mikayla went to college for an art history degree, but didn't find many opportunities after college that she felt would be meaningful. She decided to come back to River City to help out her parents at Danbury's Antique ShopShe's a bit more outgoing and modern than her parents, and she's excited to bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to the shop, but lately she's been sorting through all of the big, dusty piles of things that haven't been uncovered since Grandpa Leon was running the store.

She's a bit nervous about the transition returning home, as she's used to the more fast-paced life of the city. But she's ready to take on this new challenge and prove herself, and is looking forward to learning from her parents and expanding her knowledge about the trade. She's also eager to reconnect with her old friends and make new ones in the community.

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They're pale, they dress in tatters, and they're really moody. No, they're not human teenagers, they're ghosts!

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Most of the images used in this campaign were created using Midjourney.

The following pieces used in the campaign were created by the artists of Magical Kitties Save the Day, Ekaterina Kazartseva and Anthony Cournoyer:

Campaign header by Ekatrina Kazartseva.
Campaign sidebar by Anthony Cournoyer.
Mouse by Ekatrina Kazartseva.
How To Play by Anthony Cournoyer.
Rival by Ekatrina Kazartseva.