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Agnar is one of the oldest out of all within the pantheon of Drakonias. His temperament precedes him as he is known to be the center of most conflicts raging into war. Agnar was one of the first deities to come forth into the mortal plane to oversee a war long time ago between the world and the archipelago. Seeing the small lands struggling, he interfered with the war and was behind the victory of the gruesome battle. He declared that the archipelago would be blessed under his name and ruling. Thus creating what would now be known as Unknown. It is believed that he and Dia are the strongest Gods aside from Solvi and Raka.

He is present during all wars and battles choosing the side he deems the most worth of victory for their noble causes. 

It is rumored that he shared relations with Dia who had given birth to Unknown.

The Symbol of Agnar is that of a sword with wings at the hilt. The sword representing the bravery in battle and the wings representing victory. 

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Medium Construct, Unaligned
Armor Class 15 Natural Armor
Hit Points 91 (11d8 + 30) 
Speed 30 ft.
Roll Initiative! -1
19 (+4)
9 (-1)
18 (+4)
6 (-2)
10 (+0)
5 (-3)
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities CharmedExhaustionFrightenedParalyzedPetrifiedPoisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Understands the languages of its creator but can't speak
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Berserk. Whenever the golem starts its turn with 40 hit points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points.

The golem's creator, if within 60 feet of the berserk golem, can try to calm it by speaking firmly and persuasively. The golem must be able to hear its creator, who must take an action to make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the check succeeds, the golem ceases being berserk. If it takes damage while still at 40 hit points or fewer, the golem might go berserk again.


Aversion of Fire. If the golem takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.


Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.


Lightning Absorption. Whenever the golem is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.


Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The golem makes three slam attacks or one slam and two hook attacks. 


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


Hook. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10+4) piercing damage.

Legendary Actions

When the Body Puppet drops below 50% health, it mutates, growing a long python-like tail. it gains the following attack option:

Bite. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.  11 (1d12+4) piercing plus 15 (3d8) poison damage. On a successful hit, the target must make a dc 14 constitution save or be poisoned for 1 minute. 

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The Horrors act as a type of corrupted divine magic. This is primarily through means of God's procreating with mortal races, an individual killing a God, or those of far superior magic comprehension. These are being who often act as a secondary deity and bestow their magic unto beings of their own choosing. 

Horrors born to the God's are bestowed a unique mark on their body in red, those who have killed a God have a mark that appears black. Those who surpass in magic aura have a mark that often appears in a dark purple. 

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Changelings can shift their forms with a thought. Many changelings use this gift as a form of artistic and emotional expression. It’s also an invaluable tool for grifters, spies, and others who wish to deceive. This leads many people to treat changelings with suspicion.

A Hidden People

Wherever humans live, changelings reside also; the question is whether their presence is known.

Changelings are born to one of three paths. A few are raised in stable communities where changelings are true to their nature and deal openly with the people around them. Some are orphans, raised by other races, who find their way in the world without ever knowing another like themselves. Others are part of nomadic changeling clans spread across the Five Nations, families who keep their true nature hidden from the single-skins. Some clans maintain safe havens in major cities and communities, but most prefer to wander the unpredictable path of the god known as the Traveler.

In creating a changeling adventurer, consider the character’s relationships with people around them. Does the character conceal their true changeling nature? Do they embrace it? Do they have connections to other changelings or are they alone and in search of companions?

Masks and Personas

In their true form, changelings are pale, with colorless eyes and silver-white hair. It is rare to see a changeling in that form, for a typical changeling changes their shape the way others might change clothes. A casual shape — one created on the spur of the moment, with no depth or history — is called a mask. A mask can be used to express a mood or to serve a specific purpose and then might never be used again. However, many changelings develop identities that have more depth. They build an identity over time, crafting a persona with a history and beliefs. This focused identity helps a changeling pinpoint a particular skill or emotion. A changeling adventurer might have personas for many situations, including negotiation, investigation, and combat.

Personas can be shared by multiple changelings; there might be three healers in a community, but whoever is on duty will adopt the persona of Tek, the kindly old medic. Personas can even be passed down through a family, allowing a younger changeling to take advantage of contacts established by the persona’s previous users.

Changeling Names

A changeling might use a different name for each mask and persona and adopt new names as easily as they change faces. The true name of a changeling tends to be simple and monosyllabic; however, there are often accents to a changeling’s name that are expressed through shapeshifting, something single-skins will likely miss. So, two changelings might have the name Jin, but one is Jin-with-vivid-blue-eyes and one is Jin-with-golden-nails.

Changelings have a fluid relationship with gender, seeing it as one characteristic to change among many.

Changeling Names: Aunn, Bin, Cas, Dox, Fie, Hars, Jin, Lam, Mas, Nix, Ot, Paik, Ruz, Sim, Toox, Vil, Yug

Changeling Traits

Your changeling character has the following traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 2. In addition, one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.


Changelings mature slightly faster than humans but share a similar lifespan—typically a century or less. While a changeling can transform to conceal their age, the effects of aging affect them similarly to humans.


Changelings tend toward pragmatic neutrality, and few changelings embrace evil.


Your size is Medium. To set your height and weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:

Size modifier = 2d4

Height = 5 feet + 1 inch + your size modifier in inches

Weight in pounds = 115 + (2d4 × your size modifier)


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can’t duplicate the appearance of a creature you’ve never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren’t changed by this trait.

You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die.

Changeling Instincts

You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: DeceptionInsightIntimidation, and Persuasion.


You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.

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Driven by the pursuit of knowledge and its scholars’ worship of the Knowing Mentor, the Library of the Cobalt Soul is one of the best-respected and most heavily guarded repositories of tomes, history, and information in all Exandria. People from all lands come to the library to seek knowledge, and those particularly dedicated to the virtues of truth often pledge their minds and bodies to the Cobalt Soul’s cause. To become a member of the Cobalt Soul is to give oneself over to a quest dedicated to unveiling life’s mysteries, bringing light to the secrets of concealed evil, and guarding the most powerful and dangerous of truths from those whose unwholesome thirst for knowledge might bring death and suffering to others.

The monks of the Cobalt Soul are the embodiment of the maxim: “Know your enemy.” Through tireless research, they steel themselves against the unrelenting tides of evil. Through rigorous training, they learn to break through their foes’ mental and physical defenses. Then, once the fight is done, they record their findings for future generations of monks to study.

Extract Aspects

Starting at 3rd level, you can strike pressure points to intuit crucial information about a foe. When you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can analyze it. Whenever an analyzed creature misses you with an attack, you can immediately use your reaction to make an unarmed strike against that creature if it’s within your reach. This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest.

Additionally, when you analyze a creature, you learn all of its damage vulnerabilities, damage resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities.

Extort Truth

Starting at 6th level, you can precisely strike a hidden cluster of nerves on a creature, temporarily preventing it from masking its true thoughts and intent. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is unable to speak a deliberate lie, and all Charisma checks directed at the creature are made with advantage for up to 10 minutes. You know if it succeeded or failed on its saving throw.

An affected creature is aware of the effect and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such a creature can be evasive in its answers as long as the effect lasts.

If you wish to impose this effect on a creature without injuring it, you can attack the creature to simply touch it, dealing no damage on a hit.

Mystical Erudition

Also by 6th level, you have extensively studied the history and lore within the archives of the Cobalt Soul. You learn one language of your choice, and you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: ArcanaHistoryInvestigationNature, or Religion. If you already have proficiency in one of the listed skills, you can instead choose to double your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make that uses the chosen proficiency.

You gain an additional language and an additional skill proficiency from the above list (or you can double the bonus of an existing proficiency from the list) at 11th and 17th level.

Mind of Mercury

Starting at 11th level, you’ve honed your awareness and reflexes through mental aptitude and pattern recognition. Once per turn, if you’ve already taken your reaction, you may spend 1 ki point to take an additional reaction. You can use only one reaction per triggering effect.

Mystical Erudition (Additional)

You gain an additional language and an additional skill proficiency from the above list (or you can double the bonus of an existing proficiency from the list) at 11th level.

Debilitating Barrage

Upon reaching 17th level, you’ve gained the knowledge to manipulate a creature’s ki to undermine their fortitude. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 ki points to cause the creature to gain vulnerability to one damage type of your choice for 1 minute, or until the end of a turn in which it has taken damage of that type.

If a creature has resistance to the damage type you choose, this resistance is suppressed for 1 minute, rather than gaining vulnerability. A creature that is immune to the damage type you choose is unaffected. A creature who is affected by this feature cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Mystical Erudition (Additional)

You gain an additional language and an additional skill proficiency from the above list (or you can double the bonus of an existing proficiency from the list) at 17th level.

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Your friend was a victim to a tormenting event that has left her scarred and mentally unwell. She hasn't been the same and is unable to speak of the events. You are wanting to get down to the bottom of what happened to her when you were approached by an individual who feels like they can assist. 

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This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red and hides the rest of your face in shadow while you wear it.

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