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  1. Quests

Monster Hunts

Game Type Framework

Hunt Powerful Monsters!

Level 1 GM or higher.

Special Rules

Here are the special rules for Monster Hunts.

Amulet of Life  -  Every character and side kick is given an amulet of life. This amulet teleports them back to the City of Tele'ron with 1 HP. when they fail their 3rd saving throw.  Pets, mounts, and familiars do not get this amulet. At the end of the monster hunt, success or failure all amulets are taken back by the empire. If the player leaves the area using any magic or reason the necklace teleports back to the empire. (There is no way mechanically the player can keep the amulet, it is always taken back)

Pet Dismissal - A player may send their pet, mount, or familiar home at any time. (even in the middle of an attack roll) If they do, they may not bring them back for the rest of the monster hunt. This rule does not apply to sidekicks as they have Amulets of Life.

Setting Up

Add up character levels. (Pets that aren't class features or familiars are always considered level 1. Sidekicks count for their level value unless they are being played solo without an accompanying PC, in this case a sidekick is counted at 1/2 their level. )

Divide by the number of Player Characters. (Do not count pets and sidekicks for this)

Add 3 to this number.

Select a CR creature or creatures equal to the party level average. (what you calculated above)

  • If the monster has less then two natural resistances then:
    • For every 5 average party levels select 2 magic type resistances.
    • For every  2 resistances pick 1 opposed vulnerability.
    • For every 5 average party levels select 1 weapon type resistance.
  • For every 5 average party levels the creature gets 1 legendary resistance. (if the monster already has legendary resistances use those instead)
  • The monster keeps ALL legendary actions it has on its stat block.
  • Always use MAX HP for the monster, not the average displayed.

Select a map from anywhere in Locations.

Once you have notated your monster and its new stats, tell a story to the party about the empire hiring them to track down the monster. If players want to take time and money to research the monster use the Research rules found in Spending Downtime Days. Give them appropriate information based on their roll.

Once the players are ready set their minis up on the map and place the monster down some where they can not see it. GMs choice. Try to keep it 300 ft from any of the players through.

Roll initiative and get everyone in order and then proceed to the running the game section.



Running a Monster Hunt

Run a monster hunt like any other combat.

Be Ruthless - Players don't die for real here and can dismiss their pets "home" at any time. So be ruthless. Don't be afraid to down players or target their pets, they can literally send them home in the middle of an attack, so make them earn their rewards.



Each player that survives the monster fight gets 1 XP bubble, (for every 3 hours rounded down), 10 Down Time Days, and 20 Gold.

Each player that survives the monster fight gets 1 roll on the magic item table A. (it mostly just has potions calm down)

Each player that does not survive the monster fight gets 1 xp bubble and 10  downtime days.