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  1. Notes

Business Activities

Downtime Activity

Business Activities

[Supply Run]

Cost: 5 Business Days

Details: The Business will do 3 sets of contested rolls against the DM.

DM Roll:

  • 2d10+5 (For all 3 rounds)

Business Roll:

  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Logistics Modifier
  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Management Modifier
  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Ethics Modifier

  • Any one roll can be substituted with the Security modifier instead, however this must be declared before the roll.


1 Win   =   50 Supply
2 Wins = 100 Supply
3 Wins = 200 Supply

[Reputation Run]

Cost: 5 Business Days + 50 Supply

Details: The Business will do 3 sets of contested rolls against the DM.

DM Roll:

  • 2d10+5 (For all 3 rounds)

Business Roll:

  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Customer Service Modifier
  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Management Modifier
  • Round 1 - 1d20 + Advertising

  • Any one roll can be substituted with the Ethics modifier instead, however this must be declared before the roll.


1 Win   =   50 Reputation
2 Wins = 100 Reputation
3 Wins = 200 Reputation

[Magic Item Acquisition]

Cost: 10 Business Days + 100 Rep

Details: The Business will find out what items they can acquire by rolling on the magic item table list. (These rules are the same those for Buying Magic Items )

Step 1 (Magic Item Table): Business rolls 1d20 + Logistics modifier to determine the magic item table they will get. Players can choose to downgrade to a lower table if they wish. For each table the business decides to downgrade, they will get 1 additional item during Step 2.

A business can choose to spend 50 Reputation to gain a +1 bonus to the roll. This can be done to a maximum of a +10.

Check Total
Items Acquired
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table A.
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table B.
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table C.
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table D.
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table E.
Roll 1d6 times on Magic Item Table F.

Step 2 (Number of Items): Rolls 1d6 + (Customer Service Modifier) + (1x each table downgrade) = Number if magic items to roll for in Step 3.

Step 3 (Rolling for Items): Roll Xd100. X = Number of items from Step 2.

Step 4 (Pricing for Items): 

For each item, the DM will roll on the chart below to determine the seller's minimum selling price.
(If an item is acquired, a business can sell it for any price as long as it is not below the minimum selling price)

Asking Price*
(1d6 + 1) × 10 gp
1d6 × 100 gp
2d10 × 1,000 gp
Very Rare
(1d4 + 1) × 10,000 gp
2d6 × 25,000 gp

Step 5 (Commission for Items): Business rolls 1d20 + Customer Service Modifier = Commission %

Premium Item Notes:

  • If a magic item is sold to a player or purchased using supply, the Business will gain a GP value equal to the Commission % of the final sale price.

  • Magic items acquired this way are considered "Premium Items" and are not owned by the business. Each business can only hold a limited number of Premium Items which is determined by the level of the business. A level 1 business can hold 10 Premium items and will increase by +2 for each level gained.

  • Premium Items can be purchased directly by a Business using Supply. Once an item has been purchased this way it is owned by the business and is no longer considered a Premium Item.

[Bulk Sale]

Cost: 10 Business Days + 50 Supply

Details: The Business will roll 1d20 + Logistics to determine the price offer they will receive.

A business can choose to spend 50 Reputation to gain a +1 bonus to the roll. This can be done to a maximum of a +10.


1 = Could not find Seller (Fail)
2-10 =   50% Market Value
11+  = 100% Market Value

Once a price has been determined, the Business can declare what items they wish to sell or cancel the deal entirely.