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Born of tavern keeper in Taroworth, Voss Bender emigrated to Ambehgris at a young age with his family, in 503 AN. Having been granted receivorship of an Inn from a Hoegbotton  merchant en route between Tilford and Ostenfeld who delighted in the bucoloic accomodations provided by the Bender family, the resulting move to the colonies proved a boon for the young Voss Bender. 

His talents for literature and storytelling first emerged while still a youngster in the small plays and puppet shows he sripted and performed for guests of their Cavold Inn, now renamed The Bent Quill. At the tender age of 17, his first full scale production was staged at The Pilgrim Mug during the Saint Balthus Day celebrations of 513 AN. While the patronage of Unknown supporting both the major fastivities that year, as well as the Bender family in general is well documented, even critics with strong Anbehgrisian Independance leanings agree that this early work "The Shephard and the Wain" is a classic and cornerstone of the literary tradition of the City. 

Drafting from his success and exposure, Voss's father wisely relieved his son of all domestic duties supporting the family inn so the young author could focus on his writing. In the years that followed, Voss miraculously met the near continuous demand for new plays as well as completed two of his most well loved novels "The Tragedy of John and Sophia" and "Wilted as the Flower Lays". Later historians has claimed many of the lesser plays produced in this period were only edited by the young Voss Bender with the majority of writing being performed by assistants hired by his father, but the truth of these claims has been lost to time and buried by the weight of civic pride that champion's Bender's work as a crowining glory of Ambehgrisian culture.

Following his explosive growth and prominence, Voss Bender's masterworks were published in the years between 529 and 534 AN. "Trillian", "The Indigo Flask", and "Minstrel and Mace" all met with nearly instant acclaim, and are still commemoratively published to this date. 

 Voss's fame and well earned respect saw him elected to the Abanari in 535 AN, a post in which he served until his death in 557 AN. During these later years, his role in the Abanari appeared to be mostly ceremonial. While no direct legislation or civic efforts are attributed to him directly, his support of any initiative across the city was enough to capitulate the Abanari as well as the Prelate Himself. Though critics claim he was merely a Hoegbotton puppet in these civic proceedings, his cultural legacy and ongoing literary works even while serving as Abanari has enshrouded him in inviolable cultural stature. 

Works published in this latter period took a darker turn as the author explored the growing popularity of mystery novels and introspective allegory. "The King Underground", "Viridian" and "Whence Falls the Pallid Masque," found a diminished audience at the time but have been ensconced with the rest of his works as canonical literature of Ambehgris.

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