1. Locations



High in the Auxyl Hills stands a relic of a bygone age: a great blocky fortress of crumbling gray stone. Horse trails snake from Auxylgard through the surrounding countryside to Daskaran, Flamekeep, and Athandra. Soldiers standing on the battlements of Auxylgard can see trouble coming from miles away and mobilize quickly to any of these three cities.

The fortress itself is surrounded by scorched hills. In decades past, Auxylgard served as an academy for the king’s royal guard, but the fading of the monarchy sealed the academy’s fate. That said, the fortress fended off several Aundairian incursions during the Last War, and its strategic importance has not diminished over time. It now watches over the road to Flamekeep. A priest (LG male human cleric 7 [Silver Flame]) remains on site to tend to the sick and relay warnings to Flamekeep (via sending spells) when necessary.