1. Characters

Moranna ir'Wynarn

Former Regent, Chief Advisor to the Crown, Minister of Foreign Affairs
NPC (Politician)

With her gray hair tight in a bun, you might first mistake this matronly woman for a typical Karrn courtier. But then you notice the corded muscles in her forearms and the faint blade-scars on her face. ”Speak or leave,” she says, jabbing her finger in your direction

A powerful necromancer, Moranna ruled Karrnath until Kaius III came of age.

Five Nations

Everyone knows she has some necromantic power, and it’s an open secret that she uses magic to give herself a deathlike pallor and some undead qualities. But few know the truth: she’s a vampire.

Moranna takes great delight in throwing her political weight around. She used to run Karrnath, after all, and she knows all the political players. If the PCs have Moranna on their side, problems with the Karrnathi government evaporate as soon as the PCs’ connection to the regent is made clear. And if the PCs have crossed Moranna, they’ve effectively crossed the entire government of Karrnath.

The first time Moranna grants an audience to the PCs, her starting attitude is indifferent, regardless of what the characters may have already done to deserve her attention. After applying any appropriate modifiers from the following list, the DM makes a Diplomacy check on behalf of the character with the highest modifier in that skill. The outcome of the PCs’ contact with the regent depends on the check result, as outlined below.

Modifiers: PCs have performed missions for Karrnath already (+2); PCs served Karrnath when Moranna was in charge (prior to 991 YK) (+4); PCs are members of Order of Rekkenmark (+2); PCs demonstrate gullibility or naiveté (+2; Moranna plans to exploit that flaw later); PCs are brash and don’t back down when Moranna acts threatening (–4); PCs are druids or are connected to the Silver Flame (–2).

If Moranna turns unfriendly (check result 0 or lower), she summons guards and dismisses the PCs from her presence, using fear spells and her dominate ability if necessary.

If she remains indifferent (check result 1–14), Moranna agrees to provide minor assistance to the PCs if they perform a task for her first. The task is an adventure that probably involves thwarting the Order of the Emerald Claw.

If she changes to friendly (15–29), Moranna offers periodic employment for the PCs; a series of missions against the Order of the Emerald Claw and Karrnath’s enemies abroad.

If she becomes helpful (30 or higher), Moranna provides whatever assistance she can, and recommends the PCs to King Kaius for additional missions.