1. Characters

Marala ir'Wynarn

This character is dead.
Queen; The Hand of Aureon
NPC (Politician)

Princess of Aundair before ascending to be Queen of Galifar, Marala ir'Wynarn devoted herself to strengthening the Arcane Congress, but also to improving schools and universities across the united kingdom. Much of the common traditions of education in Galifar are the direct result of Marala's efforts, leading the people to call her the Hand of Aureon. 

In addition to her public works, Queen Marala took great pride in her personal library. She collected tomes from across Eberron, and was known to possess rare texts and spellshards from Aerenal, Ohr Kaluun, and even a massive codex written by a Cul'sir wizard of ancient Xen'drik. The tales say that her library was hidden in an invisible tower; modern scholars believe that this was probably some form of magnificent mansion. She died under mysterious circumstances, and her trove of texts wasn't accounted for in her will; it's quite possible that her invisible tower is still out there in the ether, waiting to be found.