1. Characters

Hala ir'Wynarn

This character is dead.
The Sun Queen
NPC (Politician)

Hala ir'Wynarn never expected to be Queen of Galifar. The fourth child of the king, she was appointed Princess of Thrane. She devoted herself to Dol Arrah, studying the arts of war and vowing to live a virtuous life. When cruel fate slew her older siblings and placed her on the throne, she began her reign by purging corrupt elements within the royal court and the Army of Galifar. She quickly turned her attention to the ongoing conflicts in southern Cyre and western Breland, and insisted on leading campaigns against ogres and worgs. She was celebrated by the common folk of Breland and advanced the borders of the nation. Stories say that it was her younger brother who convinced her to pursue a grander threat than any mere ogre or troll. At that time, Sora Maenya had been credited with the destruction of a number of small villages on the edge of Aundair, and the Sun Queen led an elite force of trackers and hunters into the Towering Wood to finally end this threat. Hala was only 24 when she led her troops into the Wood, and had yet to produce an heir; her brother claimed the throne when she was finally declared to be dead. 

Hala ir'Wynarn is a legendary champion and an inspiration for paladins; Tira Miron was likely following the example of the Sun Queen. Only Sora Maenya knows her final fate, and it's possible that the hag still has Hala's arms and armor—or that they are hidden somewhere in the Towering Wood. A gruesome possibility is that Maenya has bound Hala's soul and has the queen's skull among her trophies; adventurers could be charged to recover the relic and finally allow Hala to rest.