Danger lurks around every corner. Witches hide in the forest, waiting for children to stray from the path. Hyper-intelligent raccoons threaten to take over the planet. Children move to a new school where nobody wants to be their friend. The humans can't save themselves! They don't even notice the danger!

It's a good thing they have magical kitties.

How to Play

When your kitty tries to do something tricky or dangerous, you will be asked to make a check. Your game master (GM) will tell you which attribute—Cute, Cunning, or Fierce—is that one you will roll for. (Don't remember what the attributes do? Read Creating Your Kitty!) The number you have in that Attribute is the number of dice you start with. This is called your dice pool.  If your kitty is using a Talent, you can add an additional die to your dice pool. If your kitty is using a Magical Power, you can add two more dice to your dice pool, but you can only do this once per scene. You may also get a die for a success bonus, or lose a die for each injury you have. If your total dice in a pool is zero, you can't roll the dice.

The difficulty of the check ranges from 3 to 6. The higher the number, the tougher the check. 

Once you have all of your dice and know the difficulty, it's time to roll your dice. Roll them all at once. Each die that gets a number equal to or higher than the difficulty counts as a success. If you rolled no successes, your kitty fails at the task. If it at least one die was a success, your kitty Succeeds. The more successes you roll, the better your kitty does!

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Making your kitty is like making up a character in a story. You decide what he or she looks like, what they like to do or don't like to do, and their personality. Part of creating your kitty is also assigning certain numbers used in the game's rules.

First you have to decide on your kitty's name. This could be a name their human uses, or another name that magical kitties call them, or both.  Then decide what your kitty looks like. Think about different colors and cat breeds.

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Cliffside Hospital was built atop the cliffs southwest of the River City Town Square in the 19th century. The hospital has seen many renovations, but much of the original brownstone character remains. One wing of Cliffside is a psychiatric hospital. Originally built as an asylum in the early 20th century, there are urban legends of "the Bunker" that lies beneath the hospital to contain and treat the "strange cases."

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Daniel is a kind-hearted and hardworking man and a bit of a foodie. He loves to cook and experiment with different flavors and ingredients. He's a bit of a dreamer, with a strong desire to make a success of the Stone Circle Restaurant he runs with his husband Richard Troy-Stevens. He wants to provide a great experience to his customers. Lately though, Richard hasn't been letting Daniel work in the kitchen.

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The raccoons of River City are not your normal raccoons. They are highly intelligent (one might even say hyper-intelligent) and live in the River City Dump where they gather the supplies they need for some unknown project.

Raccoons don’t have Magical Powers, but with their hyper-intelligence they build machines to suck magic out of magical kitties and other supernatural creatures. Then they use it to power impossible hyper-technologies they assemble out of high-tech junk scavenged from garbage cans and dumps.

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Most of the images used in this campaign were created using Midjourney.

The following pieces used in the campaign were created by the artists of Magical Kitties Save the Day, Ekaterina Kazartseva and Anthony Cournoyer:

Campaign header by Ekatrina Kazartseva.
Campaign sidebar by Anthony Cournoyer.
Mouse by Ekatrina Kazartseva.
How To Play by Anthony Cournoyer.
Rival by Ekatrina Kazartseva.