1. Locations

Feywild Jungles

Interplanar Forest

Crashing into the dune sea from the rift torn open by the magic of the Promythean, the Feywild jungles formed from the Conjunction of The Realms as the Feywild was forcibly merged with the material plane. Filled with abundant and mystical life, the Feywild jungles are nearly an antithesis to the barren desert which once spread in their stead. Many wild Fey, Sprites, flora, and fauna roam the jungles which now spread across a wide expanses of The Sarranid Desert

Sprawling across a large expanse of The Sarranid Desert, the Feywild Jungles are an ethereal and whimsical wonder, an unpredictable, effervescent landscape that is as bewitching as it is bewildering. Comprising a vibrant mosaic of biomes and habitats, these jungles are a product of the Conjunction of the Realms when the Material Plane and the Feywild intertwined, giving rise to an environment that's as unpredictable as it is beautiful.

The heart of the Feywild Jungles is the Hyrule of Hyrsam, a realm presided over by the Archfey and trickster god Hyrsam, a Satyr deity known for his merry revels and wily pranks. Dominated by the Sanctuary of The Satyr, a thriving community of these Fey creatures, the Hyrule is a place of endless festivities, where mead flows freely and music fills the air.

Radiating outward from Hyrule, the Feywild Jungles reach to the fringes of the Southern Sarranid Desert, where they are halted only by the steep cliffs of the Green-Ridge Mountains. These grand mountains were birthed from the shattered ruins of the Promythean Temple, where the Primarch Prometheus nearly obliterated both the Feywild and Material Plane, forever changing the landscape.

The southern reaches of the Feywild Jungles weave a different tapestry. Here, the dense, lush greenery gives way to a landscape sculpted by time and the elements. The hardy flora that calls this region home is a testament to life's tenacity and adaptability, capable of thriving even under the harsh desert sun.

The Feywild Jungles is a complex web of life and magic. From the moss-covered trunks of ancient trees to the dazzling array of fey creatures that call these jungles home, the realm pulses with the vibrant energy of the Feywild. Here, the borders between the Material Plane and the Feywild are blurred, creating a region where the rules of both realms apply and often clash, resulting in a landscape that's as unpredictable as it is vibrant.

The Feywild Jungles serve as a potent reminder of the Conjunction of the Realms events, reflecting the destruction, renewal, and evolution that shaped the present-day world. The jungles are a testament to the adaptability and resilience of life and the raw, untamed power of the wild magic of the Feywild.