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A logistics ship captain was loading up cargo when he noticed a couple new faces. He was initially going to deny them passage until the owner of the golem offered to pay for his own food and a couple barrels of ale. The captain knew there’s some things that are best taken at face value, so he accepted. He feared that one of the boxes he was transporting had some cursed item because the crew started reporting glowing shapes in the dark, but that went away after port, granted some of the crew left afterwards.

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Medium humanoid (any race), any non-lawful alignment
Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.
Roll Initiative! +1
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Languages Any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Magic Resistance. The mutant has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Speak with Beasts and Plants. The mutant can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.


Tree Stride. Once on their turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of their movement to step magically into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.


Multiattack. The mutant makes two attacks with their cutlass and or tentacle.


Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage


Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage,


Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 20 ft., one creature. Hit: The target takes 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and it takes 21 (6d6) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The vine can constrict only one target at a time.

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Ye cannot goad one of the serpent folk into hatred or fear, or evoke in it love or friendship. They may feign such things to cozen ye, but within they are always coldly, calmly calculating.

The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snakelike are the leaders and the most humanlike are spies and agents in foreign lands.

Humans Transformed

The people who became yuan-ti were one of the original human civilizations. Their society built great temples of stone and forged metal into armor, tools, and weapons. In their ceremonies they paid homage to the snake as the embodiment of the qualities they most appreciated. They developed a philosophy of separating emotion from intellectual pursuits, allowing them to focus their energy on personal advancement and expanding their territory. They believed themselves to be the most enlightened mortals in the world, and in their hubris they sought to become ever greater.

The serpent gods of the primordial world heeded the prayers of these people and hissed dark demands into their ears. The people tainted their souls by performing human sacrifices in the name of the gods, debased their flesh by cannibalizing their victims, and then performed a sorcerous ritual while writhing in pools filled with living snakes that enabled them to mix their flesh with that of serpents, becoming like the gods in body, thought, and emotion. Freed from the limitations of their human bodies, the yuan-ti used their new abilities to conquer new lands and expand their borders.

One Race, Many Forms

The bodies of all yuan-ti have a mix of humanlike and snakelike parts, but the proportion varies from individual to individual. After the initial metamorphosis of the humans, their society quickly coalesced into a caste system based on how complete a person’s transformation was. The vast majority of yuan-ti fall into three categories — abominations, malisons, and purebloods — while the mutated broodguards and exceedingly rare anathemas have their place in the hierarchy as well.

All yuan-ti can interbreed. Females usually lay clutches of eggs, which are stored in a common hatchery, although live births aren’t uncommon. A mating between yuan-ti of different types almost always produces eggs that hatch into yuan-ti of the weaker parent, so most choose partners of the same type in the interest of maintaining the strength of their personal bloodline.

The yuan-ti have abandoned their humanity and consider non-serpentine humanoids to be lesser creatures, barely more civilized than common apes. Although some purebloods are able to reproduce with humans, most are disgusted by the idea and would do so only if seduction is necessary for a pureblood to preserve a role as a confidant or advisor in human society. The very rare offspring of such a union are always purebloods, although they may appear fully human at birth and for several years afterward.

The yuan-ti know rituals that can transform an individual into a more powerful type. The cost and time required to perform the ritual is prohibitive, and as a result most yuan-ti never get the opportunity to undergo such a transformation. Every use of the ritual must be modified to suit the individual undergoing transformation, and requires rare herbs, exotic magical substances, snakes, and one or more humans to be sacrificed and eaten as part of the procedure.

Undercover Empire

The human civilization that gave rise to the yuan-ti was among the richest in the mortal world. It rapidly progressed in metalworking, using keen intellect and magic to discover the secrets of making steel. Its military shattered rival tribes and developed advanced tactics for fighting in forests and open plains.

The civilization grew into a cluster of allied city-states. Conquered neighbors were allowed to keep their leaders and culture so long as they paid tribute, swore allegiance to the victors, and incorporated their conquerors’ serpent gods into their religions. These victories sent a constant influx of food, ore, and slaves back to the home cities.

The wealth of the empire allowed the ruling elite plenty of time to focus on intellectual pursuits. These nobles turned to philosophy and prayer, offering gifts of magic and animal sacrifices to their serpent gods, paying homage to the perfection of the ophidian form. The serpent gods taught the humans how to take on aspects of the snake, but the cost of the change was high, requiring many sacrifices for each person to be transformed. Entire households of slaves in one city-state were killed and eaten to create the first yuan-ti, and once the news of how to perform these rituals spread to other leaders, the call for slaves to fuel the process increased. As the serpent gods began to demand more and more sacrifices, the yuan-ti stepped up their raids on bordering settlements to meet this need.

Calm long-view schemers, innate deceivers, and immune to poison — yuan-ti make perfect courtiers. And, worse for the rest of us, rulers.

The physical and magical prowess of the yuan-ti empire allowed the former humans to retain their holdings for several hundred years, until a combination of drought, attacks by enemies (including dragons and nagas), civil war, torpor among the serpent gods, and the development of iron weapons by the some of their conquered enemies finally loosened the yuan-ti’s hold over nearby lands. The serpent people withdrew to their fortified cities and underground temples, ceding the rest of their territory to their former minions. The yuan-ti crawled away and hid in a matter of weeks, all but disappearing from the world. Yuan-ti structures throughout the land were torn down to celebrate liberation from the snake-bodied oppressors, and within a few generations the yuan-ti were all but forgotten by the new humanoid civilizations.

For over a thousand years after their empire fell, the yuan-ti remained ensconced in their hidden strongholds, biding their time until they were ready to strike again. Today, with their numbers greatly depleted and their enemies much stronger than in ages past, the yuan-ti know they can’t resort to direct attacks in order to reclaim their rightful place in the world. Operating out of the subterranean ruins of their buildings in foreign lands, yuan-ti agents infiltrate enemy governments to discover weaknesses that their leaders can exploit. The yuan-ti look forward to the day when their empire rises again and spreads across the world like venom through the blood, as it once did.

Because their population is so small, the yuan-ti are aware they are vulnerable in open warfare. Instead, their current plans assume they will never rule outwardly in human society, so they gain influence by controlling enemy rulers — and those close to them — through blackmail, drugs, magic, and the subterfuge of disguised purebloods.

From Calimshan and the Lake of Steam out along the trade routes to cross the world, yuan-ti poisons and potent liquors are covertly sold. Beware! Some of the latter slowly and subtly bring imbibers under the sway of the next pureblood serpent-spy or yuan-ti malison to meet with them unlooked-for.

Emotionless Evil

During their ascension ages ago, the yuan-ti freed themselves from the yoke of their human emotions. Now they view the world from a pragmatic and dispassionate perspective. They understand emotional connections in a detached, intellectual way, and recognize that these feelings in others can be exploited through bribes, favors, or threats.

As creatures devoid of emotion, yuan-ti exhibit behavior and use tactics that exemplify that outlook (or lack of one). Whether in combat or in daily life, the following principles guide the yuan-ti in all they do.

Other Lives Are Cheap

Yuan-ti put little value on humanoid lives, even those of their own slaves and cultists. They would poison children to carry out a threat against their parents, or turn one person into a broodguard in order to show her family the consequence of resistance. They might refrain from provoking others’ feelings if doing so could adversely affect the yuan-ti’s plans, but they understand humanoid psychology well enough to know that they can get away with this casual disregard for life almost anytime.

Furthermore, in the yuan-ti caste system, a greater yuan-ti’s life is worth far more than a lesser one’s. Weaker citizens are expected to lay down their lives to protect their betters. Leaders rely on this zealotry in their plans, and although they don’t needlessly waste the lives of purebloods on futile actions, most strategies include a fallback option in which mobs of purebloods and slaves are thrown at opposing forces in the hope of allowing the malisons and abominations time to escape.

Survival First

Yuan-ti are likely to retreat or flee from conflict if they don’t believe they have a reasonable chance of success. This reaction isn’t out of cowardice, but practicality—yuan-ti value their own lives much too highly to risk them when the odds aren’t in their favor. A short retreat might be just the thing to reach a better tactical position, find allies, or to allow the yuan-ti the opportunity to study their opponents and implement better tactics. Any enemy who chases a group of fleeing yuan-ti might be on the victorious side of a rout or could be heading into a trap; if the enemy has been encountered before, it is likely that the yuan-ti have prepared a special ambush at the end of the pursuit.

Capture, Not Kill

The objective of the yuan-ti as a race is to conquer and enslave others; they don’t espouse the sort of evil that calls for them to butcher or eradicate all who oppose them. In keeping with their goal of domination, the yuan-ti would rather capture potentially useful opponents than kill them. They use many methods for capturing enemies, such as poisoning, knocking out an opponent instead of making a killing blow, throwing nets, using magic such as suggestion, or restraining them in the coils of a giant snake.

To force their compliance, enemies might be brainwashed, charmed, tortured, or transformed into broodguards. Those that prove intractable still have their uses, either as sacrifices to the gods or as food.

Depend on Deceit

Yuan-ti have no sense of honorable combat. They are naturally stealthy, and if they can sneak up on enemies, either in an ambush or to murder them in their sleep, the yuan-ti will do so—and they actually prefer these tactics to open warfare. Because abominations and malisons can change into the shapes of snakes, they can keep their presence hidden and get into places their normal forms couldn’t enter.

Their immunity to poison gives all yuan-ti a tactical advantage in dealing with other creatures. A pureblood serving as a food taster for a royal family could poison a meal and declare it “safe” after taking a bite.

There are legends of certain yuan-ti infiltrating human cities and forming deadly covert societies that sell drugs and spell scrolls, blackmail merchants, and influence kings. But lacking any proof, I can’t believe such tales.

Ye should.

Roleplaying a Yuan-ti

When you’re roleplaying a yuan-ti, the following tables contain possible inspiration. They suggest characteristics that a yuan-ti might possess.

Yuan-ti Personality Traits

d8Personality Trait
1I see omens in every event and action. The serpent gods continue to advise us.
2I have very high standards for food, drink, and physical pleasures.
3I prefer to be alone rather than among other creatures, including my own kind.
4I sometimes become consumed by philosophy.
5I believe I am superior to others of my caste.
6I am driven by wanderlust and want to explore lands far from our cities.
7I am interested in modern human culture, even as primitive as it is.
8I await the day when we again conquer lands by force, as we did in the old times.

Yuan-ti Ideals

1Greed. I display my wealth as a sign of my power and prosperity. (Evil)
2Aspiration. I strive to follow the path toward becoming an anathema. (Evil)
3Unity. No leader shall put personal goals above those of our race. (Any)
4Kinship. My allegiance is to my caste and my city. Other settlements can burn for all I care. (Any)
5Inspiration. My actions set an example for the lesser castes to emulate. (Any)
6Power. Everything I choose to do is determined by whether it will make me smarter and stronger. (Evil)

Yuan-ti Bonds

1I will see our empire rise again and, in so doing, win the favor of the serpent gods.
2I am enamored with the culture and trappings of another society and wish to be part of it.
3I respect my superiors and obey them without question. My fate is theirs to decide.
4I have an interest in an unsuitable mate, which I can’t suppress.
5I respect and emulate a great hero or ancestor.
6An enemy destroyed something of value to me, and I will find where it lives and kill the offender.

Yuan-ti Flaws

1I feel twinges of emotion, and it shames me that I am imperfect in this way.
2I put too much credence in the dictates of a particular god.
3I frequently overindulge in food and wine, and I am impaired and lethargic for days afterward.
4I worship a forbidden god.
5I secretly believe things would be better if I was in charge.
6If I could get away with it, I would gladly kill and eat a superior yuan-ti.

Yuan-ti Names

Yuan-ti names have meanings that have been passed down through the generations, although spellings and inflections have changed over time.

Some yuan-ti add more sibilants to their birth names to create an exaggerated hissing sound, based on one’s personal preference and whether an individual’s anatomy can more easily pronounce the name in this altered form. An adopted name of this sort is recognized as a variant of the birth name, rather than a unique name unto itself. A yuan-ti might refer to itself by its birth name, by its adopted name, or (especially among purebloods) by a name it borrows from the local populace.

The Yuan-ti Names table provides yuan-ti birth names suitable for any campaign.

Yuan-ti Names


Yuan-ti Pureblood Traits

Your yuan-ti pureblood character — called a pureblood for short — has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.


Purebloods mature at the same rate as humans and have lifespans similar in length to theirs.


Purebloods match humans in average size and weight. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Innate Spellcasting

You know the poison spray cantrip. You can cast animal friendship an unlimited number of times with this trait, but you can target only snakes with it. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast suggestion with this trait. Once you cast it, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Magic Resistance

You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Poison Immunity

You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.


You can speak, read, and write Common, Abyssal, and Draconic.

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Your magical essence that you can use to imbue golems is in one single piece. This means you can bring pseudo life to a single larger golem. 

Concentrated Fire Power

Starting at 1st level, you have chosen to keep your imbuement essence whole. When using your Imbuement feature, you can imbue a single golem of Medium size. The golem has the statistics below. certain features in the golem's stat block will refer to "G-INT", which is your Intelligence modifier. Some features will refer to "G-level", which is your golemancer level. Finally, some features will refer to "G-PB", which is your proficiency bonus.

Your golem has its own movement, action, and bonus action, but no reaction. You can use your reaction to grant your golem a reaction.

When you imbue a golem, you calculate its maximum HP as if it were a PC of your level.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, your golem can make two Slam attacks instead of one when it takes the Attack action.

Towering Intimidation

Starting at 10th level, the imposing sight of your golem looming over you lends your threats more weight. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks while your golem is within 5 feet of you.

Golemic Resonance

Starting at 14th level, if your imbued golem is within 60 feet of you, you can use an action and expend one use of Dimensional Shunt to switch places with it. 


Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points d8 + your Intelligence modifier + your artificer level

Speed 30 ft

10+double G-INT
4+double G-ING
10+double G-INT
1 (-5)

Damage Immunities poison, pysichic

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses passive Perception 9

Languages understands the language of its creator but can't speak

Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +STR+G-PB to hi, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8+STR bludgeoning damage


Protect. When the golemancer is the target of an attack while within 5 feet of the golem, the golem can use its reaction to become the target of the attack instead.

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Your friend was a victim to a tormenting event that has left her scarred and mentally unwell. She hasn't been the same and is unable to speak of the events. You are wanting to get down to the bottom of what happened to her when you were approached by an individual who feels like they can assist. 

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Inside this heavy cloth bag are 3d4 dry beans. The bag weighs 1/2 pound plus 1/4 pound for each bean it contains.

If you dump the bag's contents out on the ground, they explode in a 10-foot radius, extending from the beans. Each creature in the area, including you, must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

If you remove a bean from the bag, plant it in dirt or sand, and then water it, the bean produces an effect 1 minute later from the ground where it was planted. The GM can choose an effect from the following table, determine it randomly, or create an effect.


015d4 toadstools sprout. If a creature eats a toadstool, roll any die. On an odd roll, the eater must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour. On an even roll, the eater gains 5d6 temporary hit points for 1 hour.
02-10A geyser erupts and spouts water, beer, berry juice, tea, vinegar, wine, or oil (GM's choice) 30 feet into the air for 1d12 rounds.
11-20A treant sprouts. There's a 50 percent chance that the treant is chaotic evil and attacks.
21-30An animate, immobile stone statue in your likeness rises. It makes verbal threats against you. If you leave it and others come near, it describes you as the most heinous of villains and directs the newcomers to find and attack you. If you are on the same plane of existence as the statue, it knows where you are. The statue becomes inanimate after 24 hours.
31-40A campfire with blue flames springs forth and burns for 24 hours (or until it is extinguished).
41-501d6 + 6 shriekers sprout
51-601d4 + 8 bright pink toads crawl forth. Whenever a toad is touched, it transforms into a Large or smaller monster of the GM's choice. The monster remains for 1 minute, then disappears in a puff of bright pink smoke.
61-70A hungry bulette burrows up and attacks.
71-80A fruit tree grows. It has 1d10 + 20 fruit, 1d8 of which act as randomly determined magic potions, while one acts as an ingested poison of the GM's choice. The tree vanishes after 1 hour. Picked fruit remains, retaining any magic for 30 days.
81-90A nest of 1d4 + 3 eggs springs up. Any creature that eats an egg must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, a creature permanently increases its lowest ability score by 1, randomly choosing among equally low scores. On a failed save, the creature takes 10d6 force damage from an internal magical explosion.
91-99A pyramid with a 60-foot‐square base bursts upward. Inside is a sarcophagus containing a mummy lord. The pyramid is treated as the mummy lord's lair, and its sarcophagus contains treasure of the GM's choice.
00A giant beanstalk sprouts, growing to a height of the GM's choice. The top leads where the GM chooses, such as to a great view, a cloud giant's castle, or a different plane of existence.
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Long ago, the Frecia Army invaded Cradania through the city of Mikatia. The plan was to invade and take resources to further enhance the technological advances Frecia was conducting. However, in the battle their magic was proven to be useless due to The Divine Crystal. The battle only lasted a few hours before the Cradania Army pushed Frecia out.

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