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To the Future Unborn King,

As I inscribe these words upon the ancient pages of our people's history, I am struck by the irony that you, who will one day wield the sceptre of dominion, are not yet privy to the tale of Thaelia's rise and fall. I, Talindra, an elf who has borne witness to the ages, feel compelled to recount the chronicle of our land's transformation, though you exist beyond the veil of time as I know it.

Less than two thousand years ago, a new presence arrived upon our shores—a race of beings known as humans. With them, they brought their ambition, their desires, and their thirst for power. In their quest to conquer, they shattered the harmony that had reigned for eons between elves, dwarves, orcs, and other folk of this continent. The diversity that once defined our land was replaced by the homogeneity of human rule.

The humans' ascent was swift, and they carved out empires that spanned the breadth of continent . Ancient forests fell to the axe, replaced by sprawling cities and factories that belched smoke into the skies. Magic, once the lifeblood of our realm, dwindled as the humans' influence grew. They erected walls and borders, seeking to bind the land to their will.

Yet, time has its own way of weaving its threads, and the human empires that once stood so resolutely have begun to crumble under the weight of their own hubris. A decades long famine has gnawed at the heart of their dominion, exposing the fragility of their rule. The very land they thought they could bend to their desires has risen against them, reminding them of the balance they dared to disrupt.

It is an irony that I am certain would amuse you, future king, if only you could experience the depth of its poignancy. The humans, who once believed themselves invincible, now find themselves divided and at odds with one another. The echoes of their past arrogance reverberate through the land like a haunting melody, as the consequences of their actions finally catch up to them.

As I pen this tale, my heart both heavy and hopeful, I wonder what lessons you, the one who holds the future of our people in your hands, will draw from our history. Will you continue the path of dominion and exploitation, or will you heed the whispers of the past and seek a different course? Can you find a way to restore the balance, to honour the magic that once flowed through every living being, and to mend the fractures that this vermin inflicted upon our land?

I, Talindra, have no answers, for my existence is bound to this moment in time. But I implore you, future king, to look beyond the grandeur of human ambition and consider the legacy you wish to leave behind. As you ascend the throne, remember that the land you rule is not a conquest to be tamed, but a living, breathing entity that demands respect and stewardship.

May the wisdom of ages guide your decisions, and may you choose a path that rekindles the spirit of Thaelia rather than perpetuates its decline.

With hopes for a future renewed,

Talindra, lorekeeper of Frynia, 821 AC

Created 6 years ago. Last modified 1 week ago