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Session 107: 6th September 2022 - Death

Her home.

Cracked bricks.

An ice dragon.

Like the ones in the arena.


Her mother.



“I miss her

I didn't have enough time

There so much I want to tell her

I want to show her what I've done

I want to introduce her to my friends, tell her about when we fought in the arena, when I won the race, and I saw a dolphin. 

And when we tried to save Pavlos.

When he tried so hard to help the poisoned guy in Mytros. Helikaon too.


I want to tell her about how he held his own in almost every battle. 

How he strolled up the hill in the race to the top of the mountain. Following you all.

He helped me to navigate through the hurricane at the wheel, when we were screaming at each other it was so fun. He was my side.

And he basically saved me when those weird gygan ghosts tried to take the Ultros. What a battle against something I never believed in before I found you all. He was there defending us too.

His face when his egg was hatched, and his little baby dragon and he was there.

He tried so hard to kill the boar and just put himself in its way.

He protects us. He’s always by our side.

I can't believe he does that for us. 

He protects us without question.

What will happen to his dragons? To Aeneas? Who will protect them?

He needs to have more time to raise them, to take them on adventures, to show them what the world has to offer them. 

We all need more time by his side.”


A face in the fire approaches them, drawing from their bodies. Calliope fumes.

As it leaves, Calliope’s gaze moves. Xan speaks


And the siren flees across the woods to join her friends.

Alone Xan takes some time to speak to Ismane. She remembers her oath, and asks if Gold will commit to one, with Helikaon’s death on his shoulder.

Gold will be loyal as and when it comes - they do not need an oath.

Ismane calls her the champion of the mountain, the captain of the ship, a true arkelander and the future queen of mytros.

A ruckus outside and Bullbug calling for help, and Xan goes outside, to greet her grandmother standing with Bullbug.

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