1. Locations

The Former Wreck of The Discovery

Formerly a wrecked ship, now where it lies is an empty bay at Port Skipper. Where will The Discovery go next?

Historical Content

A large ship with rotting sails partially submerged in the bay, lettering on the side in common names it "Discovery". The deck of this ship still remains above water. A large hole has been punched in the lower deck facing the shore.

The first known seafaring ship to leave the harbors of Egland , lettering on the side in common names it "Discovery". Light and maneuverable, ocean-going, sailing ship with multiple decks. Staffs a crew of 20.

Crew Manifest

Crew Manifest of the Discovery

16 People are listed, with a 17th inked in at the bottom.

  Name Position Schedule
1 John Ogwang Captain A, B
2 Darwesh Helmsman B, C
3 Mota Boatswain C, A
4 Sheldon Raga Navigator/Artist A, B
5 Spencer Cragwell Carpenter N/A
6 Toraonan Surgeon N/A
7 Boldo Dale Ship's Steward A, B
8 Zayn Moore Passenger/Sponsor N/A
9 Olfuth Nilrit Deckhand A, B
10 Haros Deckhand A, B
11 Lewis Collins Deckhand A, B
12 Little Broadriches Deckhand B, C 
13 Pimom Krunmuse Deckhand B, C
14 Umacceks Deckhand B, C
15 Zatum Aua Deckhand C, A
16 Angaler Berake Deckhand C, A
17 Malystin Stowaway -> Deckhand ??? (C, A)