1. Quests

Dragon Discussion

(any type)

Loose threads: kobold priesthood, cracked moon, anduinath, lagamal.

Participants: Geld, Tinkado Mushameri, Reiko Amiri, Ariana Yaxiri

Locations: Watchers' Tribe Village, tunnel to rydess, Rydess' Lair

Short summary:

Party went to watchers village to teach the kobolds taint detection. Encountered infighting. Escorted the kobold priest Mother Imikh to Rydess to grant her her blessing. Discussed taint with rydess.

Full Report

After learning the taint detection ritual from Mother Blizzard, geld and party went to the watcher village to teach them the ritual. This sparked infighting among the priesthood of who should be the one to learn it and lead the watchers. Two candidates stood out. Cyrano and Imikh. We offered to escorted them to rydess to have her choose but only imikh decided to join us. She showed us a secret tunnel the watchers used to use to transport offerings to rydess but had become overgrown with sentient plants. During the travel throught the tunnel we encountered some kind of elven abomination. Am amalgamation of at least three separate being merged into one that was obsessed with cooking. We continued and the next day encountered a group of sentient bushes and trees. Dispatching then we kept going and encountered some kind of priest of the taint godess causing all these plants known as The Mother. After a tough fight we made it to the offering chamber. Rydess wasn't home so we went to her front door and waited. When she told us the history of the conflict of the dragons and the taint. She explained she was supposed to have a partner to assist her, lagamal, but they never showed up. Geld asked if there was a way to restore the seal on the moon but rydess had no such knowledge but said a more aged dragon might. Imikh learned the ritual. She stayed to do cores for Rydess and Tinkado stayed to do some chores in exchange for some loot.

History of the Dragons and the Taint. As told by Rydess.

It began millennia ago, in a more primal era. Our creators lived and worshipped the very entities that we now keep sealed. Upon learning ritualistic power from the entities, our creators continued to grow and innovate, eventually being seen as a threat. Upon noticing this, the entities quashed them, but not before our primogenitors were left in their eggs, lying deep beneath the earth. Time passed, as other insignificant races rose and fell, and our enemies grew complacent. They spread themselves thin and as they placed all their pieces on the board, our primogenitors hatched to spoil their plans. A great war proceeded, and after many years of conflict, our enemies were weakened and sealed away. Those who assisted in the conflict were evacuated to another world, while those who stood against us were left to rot. Upon closing the portal, the planet was put under stasis so that time would pass slower inside than out, and only a few of us remained to watch the seals, well suited to do so due to our natures being anathema to our enemies' beings. In Our instance, Our ability to turn the greenery into desert prevents the sealed one from regaining any influence. Without any support, the remaining societies of the fools who stood by our enemies began to collapse and break apart, and we soon met a similar fate thanks to Livinyas' treason. Now we live in a pale reflection of what we once were, keeping track over beings that continue to plot our demise as their chains break one by one. We know little of the other dragons. They live far away, either on other continents, or in one such case, the moon. Or... They used to live on the moon. They have surely perished by now. The only other dragons that should have been nearby are Lagamal or his descendants, but as We mentioned before, they have never materialized, not in the past and not now. If they do exist and have not perished, then perhaps they followed Livinyas' example."