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  1. Quests

The Call of Atropus: Fallen Sun (Chapter 2)


Isaiah Vyshaan exited "Vyshaan Archive #4" and headed into Neverwinter in the dead of night, searching for a host for Typhon. Typhon informed him that, while a mortal body would be preferable, they were on a timer, and it might be best to find a suit of enchanted armor or something similar for the time being. As such, Isaiah prowled the streets, searching for an alchemist's shop. He found a strange, cloaked figure in a side-alley, and after a bit of negotiation, came to an agreement with a mercenary named Varus, who identified himself as a member of the Black Network. Varus and Isaiah headed further, and were ambushed by a group of robbers, with whom they dispatched, rather viciously. Isaiah channeled the full force of his Asmodean power to terrify one of the would-be thieves, who then promptly met the wrong end of a crossbow bolt. Isaiah headed to the Alchemist's shop, and Varus picked the first set of locks, allowing for easy entry. Once they got inside, they found a wide variety of useful tools and weapons, including several serums. After a rather unfortunate incident with one of the vials, Typhon was able to possess a suit of armor, which will act as a host form for the considerable future. Varus, Isaiah, and Typhon then travelled back to the archive, where Isaiah granted Varus access to the wardings. After a night's rest, which was disturbed greatly, due to strange visions in Isaiah's mind, the party set out for the temple of Oghma, seeking out Isaiah's old friend, Morgan Lightbane. After speaking with the staff at the House of Knowledge, Isaiah, Varus, and Typhon headed to the Ruby Hall, a temple dedicated to Asmodeus. They met with Morgan, and learned that Vault #5 was located in Evernight, the reflection of Neverwinter that exists only in the Plane of Shadow. With this new information, Isaiah headed out to prepare for his most dangerous journey yet.