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  1. Quests

The Call of Atropus: Path of the Comet

Main Campaign

After returning to meet with a monk, the party headed to a nearby village to investigate reports of strange sights and sounds coming from the Cloud Peak mountains. They headed to Easthallow, East of Candlekeep and South of Baldur’s gate. They found a group of locals huddled together, in a trance of sorts, their hands outstretched to the sky. They managed to break the trance, but the people turned to dust shortly after. They then headed towards the mountains, coming across a destroyed and massacred mind flayer colony. All of the illithids had been murdered by Slaads, who acted far too intelligent for their normal existence. They then headed further, coming across a tower. They encountered several cultists, one of whom managed to escape from the fight. They discovered a telescope was under construction on top of the tower. Kingswell and Na’Dull both suffered madness effects, which will wear off in 45 hours and 10 hours, respectively.