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  1. Quests

Episode 3.0 - A Spinning Arrow

Main quest

The band traveled due North from Waterdeep until the Compass pointed East. They camped on the beach off the coast of the Sword Mountains and heard war horns from somewhere high in the mountains.  The next morning they hiked straight East through the mountains and came across a mak'gora between two different groups of orcs. The party claimed to be there to participate in it, and the battle commenced.  In the middle of combat, Moriah was downed, and her friends saw her life begin to slip away. They stabilized her mid-fight and killed the orc responsible. When the dust settled, the party conceded the mak'gora to the strongest remaining orc and his men. He led them back to their village for medical treatment and warm food and explained that their now-defeated prior chief would kill the "weak babies," including his own. The new chief's wife took Moriah and Barles to her hut to start treating her wounds.