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  1. Quests

Episode 1.1 and 1.2 - White Wedding, Silver Eyes

Main quest

The band started finished a bar brawl and scored their first gig at a wedding in Athkatla for the now anti-slaver Beoccio family.  After scoring a ride on a ship belonging to a friend of Lindir's father, they arrived in the City of Coin the night before the wedding and interacted with some of the locals. 

That night ...

The band gathered some information on the wedding they were to perform at. Lindir went to a wild party hosted by Athkatlan nobility, and Moriah and Barles spent some quality time together. They performed at the Den of the Seven Vales to practice their wedding reception set.  All seemed set for their first international gig, until they arrived and found that the wedding was a massacre and the bride kidnapped.  They spent a stint in the jail, just long enough for the mercenary guard to put in some paperwork, and met Ol' Barnacle Leg, who told them of Captain Silver Eye Tides and his very real treasure and a path for obtaining it.

He left them with one final warning:  Beware the hybrid.

The Band's Set List:  Amn Wedding