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This 8-inch-diameter, vaguely-spherical orb of sapphire is inscribed with various symbols in archaic Auran, only legible to air elementals or speakers familiar with older elemental dialects. A constant, gentle breeze blows around it in a five-foot radius, and despite its size, it weighs only a pound.

The Galestone is an ancient relic that predates the history of Tiera Minuut. Said to be a gift from the now-forgotten wind goddess herself to the ones who established the first settlement on the floating island, the Galestone's elemental magic is used to maintain the barrier that surrounds the city and protects it from both the elements and nearly every form of external attack. The use of the Galestone for this purpose is supervised directly by the Council of Nine and conducted by a number of skilled mages at any one time. It is housed in Tiera Minuut's central temple and is under constant surveillance by the city watch.

The barrier created by the Galestone has the following effects:

  • The barrier is a solid barrier of magical force. A 20-foot-square section of it can be destroyed by Disintegrate or similar magic.
  • The barrier slowly restores any holes or gaps so long as the Galestone sustains it, at a rate of a 10-foot-square section per day.
  • All creatures and objects are barred from passing through it. Spells and other magical effects can't extend through the barrier or be cast through it. The atmosphere inside the space is insulated and dry, regardless of the weather outside, allowing Tiera Minuut to be as warm as 50°F despite Frostfell's climate.
  • The barrier will weaken and eventually fade if the Galestone ever leaves its area.