1. Characters

Birdy Allen

Bird Bot
Player Character (War)


Birdy Allen was involved in top secret Karnathi experiments. He is aware that the purpose of his design is military use. However, he cannot recall any of his work. He found correspondence of previous missions, specifying use of his talents he didn't know he had. 

He firmly believes he is a masterpiece, that has been wronged. His now imperfect self, lashes out at others. Birdy Allen is very sadistic, he takes pleasure in doing what he was made for. 

Birdy Allen will hunt down the men in charge of creating him, and demand them to restore him to his glory. Birdy Allen is interested in Big Game, and will eventually go on to hunt for trophies. Birdy Allen has always been someone who received orders, and wishes to one day command forces for the might of Karnath.

My name is Birdy Allen, and i WAS the fastest birdforged alive. To the outside world I'm just a weirdly molded Envoy Warforged, but secretly I was part of a prototype design among 10 others that resulted in a dream for aerial conquest in the name of Karnath. I love the rush of battle, to excel above my competition. I hunted after those who would oppose Karnath's might, but in doing so was damaged and separated from my flock. I'm the height of Karnath's technology, so I will follow the tracks to regain my memory, and my flight.