The Nations Of Midora


"The Gods see our fates, we must seek their trust."

The Nagan Empire is a vast and powerful nation that onace dominated the entire western block of Midora, now it is but a shadow of its former self, despite that the Empire is still a mighty nation on the continent Lunora. It was founded in ancient times by the Nagama people, who united the warring tribes of the region and established a powerful centralized government under the rule of their first Emperor Dao Nagarax Min. Over the centuries, the Nagan Empire grew in size and power, expanding its territory through conquest and diplomacy. Now sits the first Empress of the Empire, Nimari Min.

The Nagan Empire is known for its rich culture and sophisticated society. Its capital city, Nagadao, is a center of wealth, knowledge and art, and is home to the noble Imperial Houses. The Nagan people are renowned for their martial prowess, on the outer regions of the Empire lies the protectorates of the Nagan Warlords and their samurai armies are feared throughout the continent and beyond.

However, the Nagan Empire has not been without its troubles. In recent years, it has been beset by internal strife and external threats. Long ago the Empire broke into a civil war known as the Lunora Civil War, which tore the Empire apart, six centuries later the Empire had another civil war, the Industrial Revolution, with their southern regions, the Empire lost the entire continent of Eros. Despite these challenges, the Nagan Empire remains a formidable force in the world. Its military might and cultural influence are felt throughout the continent, and its wealth and resources are the envy of many. The Empire continues to invest heavily in education and infrastructure, and it is home to some of the most advanced arcane discoveries in the world.

The current state of the Nagan Empire is one of relative stability, but there are concerns about the future. The Empire's leaders are aware of the challenges facing them, and they are working hard to address these issues. However, there are still many internal and external forces that could threaten the Empire's long-term viability. It remains to be seen what the future holds for this ancient and powerful nation.


History of the Nagan Empire

The First Age

The Humble Beginning

In the early days of Lunora, the sprawling continent in the far western reaches, the landscape was a patchwork of isolated villages and small towns. This decentralized society existed within a wild and perilous land, where interaction between settlements was limited. The indigenous population, primarily comprising native elves, led tranquil lives, each community self-sufficient and relatively isolated. The dense jungles and diverse wildlife of Lunora served as natural barriers, confining many inhabitants to their respective territories.

This era of peace, known as the First Age, spanned nearly eight centuries, fostering an unusual era of harmony and peace among the native elves. Despite the absence of significant intermingling or expansive civilization, these scattered settlements managed to sustain themselves and, to varying degrees, thrive. Some communities flourished more than others, benefiting from their unique local resources and adaptations to the challenging environment.

The absence of large-scale conflicts or overt wars during this epoch lent an air of tranquility to the land, fostering a sense of stability despite the untamed wilderness that surrounded these villages and towns. The inhabitants, deeply attuned to their environment, coexisted in a delicate balance with nature, their lives intertwined with the rhythms and cycles of the jungle. This tranquil existence was poised to undergo a radical shift, as disparate villages and isolated pockets of civilization gradually began to connect, laying the foundation for the eventual emergence of a unified entity that would evolve into the formidable Nagan Empire.

Rise of Diion and the Fraying Harmony

In the unfolding tapestry of Lunora's history during the First Age, the emergence of Diion marked a transformative period for the continent. Diion, a vibrant serpentine god, stood as a divine embodiment of nature's cycles, governing the intricate dance of seasons. His influence extended over life and death, growth and decay, orchestrating the delicate balance inherent in the natural world. As the teachings of Diion spread, a unifying principle rooted in respect for nature and the imperative of balance took hold. Many emerging cultures and religions across Lunora embraced these principles, recognizing Diion as a deity worthy of reverence. The serpentine god's presence became the unifying thread weaving through the fabric of diverse communities, fostering a shared understanding of the interconnectedness of life.

The growing connectivity among the people of Lunora catalyzed by Diion's teachings led to unprecedented developments. Trade flourished, and prosperity bloomed as wealth circulated through interconnected settlements. However, along with prosperity came ambition, and with ambition, the seeds of discord began to take root. Amidst the growing affluence, whispers reached the ears of Rhaaga, a shadowy and enigmatic serpentine goddess. Drawn to the unrest sown by the undercurrents of greed and ambition, Rhaaga found adherents among those who sought her influence for personal gain. The tranquil era of harmony that had characterized Lunora for centuries was unraveling.

The onset of infighting and discord disrupted the long-standing peace, as towns and villages once united now found themselves at odds. The fragility of the delicate balance Diion had sought to instill was exposed, and the stage was set for a more tumultuous chapter in Lunora's history. The age of harmony had drawn to a close, replaced by a turbulent period of ideological conflict and growing unrest.

Dao Min and the Rise of the Nagan Empire

The dawn of the year 800 of the First Age marked the birth of a man who would carve an indelible mark upon the lands of Lunora—Dao Min. Born into a prosperous high elven family, Dao's upbringing was marked by a predestined greatness from the outset. His innate brilliance and physical prowess manifested at an early age, marking him as a figure of prominence within his affluent town, which had thrived over the years. Dao, sensing the latent potential for unification, embarked on a quest to unite the disparate factions of the region under one unifying banner.

Even in his youth, at the tender age of 16, Dao Min had already honed his skills as a warrior and had blossomed into a charismatic leader. Renowned for his stirring speeches and the fervor of his battle cries, he inspired his troops with an unwavering belief in his divine blessing. His military genius and prowess quickly garnered him the moniker "Nagarax" as he led his armies to victory, triumphing over rival kingdoms and tribes scattered across Lunora.

By the year 820 of the First Age, Dao had turned 20, and with his ascent, he began implementing a series of transformative reforms designed to solidify his dominion over the region. Establishing a centralized government structure, Dao appointed governors and officials to preside over various territories and cities. He introduced a uniform legal code and taxation system, streamlining the administration and ensuring a more efficient revenue stream for the nascent empire. Under his rule, the Nagan Empire was born, its authority extending across the vast expanse of Lunora. For a significant period, a sense of peace and stability prevailed throughout the territories, signifying a period of relative calm in the wake of Dao Min's ascension to power.

The Kalamar Threat and the Birth of the Samurai

Amidst the zenith of the Nagan Empire's glory, Emperor Dao Nagarax Min solidified his dominion, transforming his humble hometown into the grand capital of Nagadao. The Empire, renowned for its unparalleled military might, boasted an enviable standing army and a naval force that ruled the seas. Under the Emperor's reign, the soldiers were well-trained, wielding superior weaponry that projected the Empire's influence far and wide. A cultural renaissance flourished, nurturing artists, scholars, and philosophers who thrived under imperial patronage, bringing a renewed sense of harmony to the land.

For a period, the absence of opposition rendered the need for a standing army obsolete. Soldiers were rewarded with farmlands outside the capital, while higher-ranking officers were granted estates within Nagadao's burgeoning walls. However, in the year 872, the tranquil era was shattered with the arrival of seafaring warlords from the distant lands of Kalamar. Their incursions into costal villages, marked by raids and enslavement, posed an imminent threat to the Empire, which found itself woefully underprepared to counter such invasions.

Repeated attempts to repel the raiders proved futile, prompting the Empire's nobility to seek an alternate solution. Emperor Dao Nagarax Min, flanked by enigmatic figures, approached six Kalamar warlords bearing gifts of gold and a compelling proposal. This proposition was straightforward: settle within the Empire's lands, protect its borders against future incursions, and in return, be granted lordship and territories. Two among the six warlords accepted this offer, eliminating the others swiftly. These two warlords formed the foundation of the Nagan Warlords, Clan Yaggard and Clan Yurami, and over time, transitioned from marauding warriors to the first esteemed Samurai of the Empire.

The evolution of the Warlord Clans into honorable defenders heralded a monumental shift in the Empire's defense strategy. Their fierce loyalty and dedication to their newfound homeland fortified the Empire against future threats, not only from the Kalamar warlords but also from any invaders daring to challenge the Empire's sovereignty. This strategic maneuver became the pivot point for the Nagan Empire, empowering it to unprecedented heights of power and affluence.

Second Age

The Reign of Kenshii Nagamara Min

After the serene reign of Dao Nagarax Min, the Nagan Empire mourned the passing of its visionary leader, revered as the founding father of the realm. His demise marked a transition to a new era under the rule of the adopted heir, Kenshii Nagamara Min, who ascended to the throne at a tender age. Despite being anointed Emperor, the affairs of the Empire were predominantly managed by adult advisors and influential warlords during Kenshii's formative years.

The early part of Kenshii's reign was marred by a challenging landscape within the Empire. Unscrupulous nobles, driven by their avarice, exploited their positions, exacerbating the economic plight of the populace. Poverty proliferated, casting a dark shadow over the once-prosperous land. Under such circumstances, the young Emperor was sheltered and guided by advisors who wielded substantial influence and control over the Empire's governance. For the ensuing 429 years, Kenshii's rule was characterized by a firm, unyielding grip on power. The Emperor, influenced and directed by a cadre of advisors, ruled with an iron fist, implementing policies and decrees fed to him by his councilors. His reign, marked by an insular and autocratic style, perpetuated a sense of oppression and deprivation among the populace, as the economy struggled and the people endured hardships.

Throughout this lengthy period, dissent brewed beneath the surface. Whispers of dissatisfaction spread among the common folk, fostering an undercurrent of discontent. While the Emperor remained insulated from the daily affairs of the Empire, his rule, more a result of manipulation by advisors, perpetuated a cycle of poverty and subjugation for the people of the Nagan Empire. Kenshii Nagamara Min's reign became a chapter in the Empire's history marked by economic turmoil, social deprivation, and a palpable sense of discontent among the populace, a stark contrast to the golden era of his revered predecessor.

Third Age

The Lunora Civil War and Kenshii's Dilemma

At the onset of the Third Age, the discontent festering within the Nagan Empire erupted into a formidable internal conflict known as the Lunora Civil War. The insurgency, primarily entrenched in the northern territories of Lunora, comprised disgruntled factions voicing their grievances against the empire's oppression and economic despair. Emperor Kenshii Nagamara Min, grappling with the weight of this rebellion, made a fateful decision to engage directly in the war, hoping to quell the uprising and maintain the empire's sovereignty. Initially, the empire gained ground against the rebels, securing victories that offered glimpses of triumph. Kenshii's strategic prowess and the discipline of his troops proved instrumental in the early successes, bolstering morale and determination among his forces.

The pivotal Battle of Nawachi stands out in the annals of the war, as Kenshii, despite being outnumbered, orchestrated a decisive victory, displaying superior tactical acumen and prowess on the battlefield. This triumph cemented Kenshii's standing as a formidable leader, earning admiration and loyalty from his soldiers. Another crucial turning point in the conflict was the siege of Kamisan, a rebel stronghold that had long challenged the empire's authority. Kenshii led an extensive and relentless assault on the fortified city, subjecting it to an enduring siege. The eventual breach of its defenses culminated in a significant triumph for the empire, marking a high point in Kenshii's campaign against the rebellion.

Yet, the rebels, resorting to guerrilla warfare and elusive tactics, persisted in undermining the empire's control. Kenshii's attempt to flush out the rebels in the Plains of Kakumaru led to an arduous and protracted battle. The conflict, entrenched in unpredictable terrain, ended in a costly victory for Kenshii, yet it failed to decisively eradicate the rebel threat. As the conflict dragged on, draining the empire's resources and manpower, the war weariness grew palpable. Despite the Emperor's earlier victories, the empire found itself unable to secure a conclusive triumph over the rebels. Kenshii and his lords, faced with the untenable cost of continuing the conflict, chose to negotiate peace, conceding the independence of the northern territories to the insurgents. This secession dealt a heavy blow to the empire's power and influence, leaving a lasting stain on Kenshii's reign as many scrutinized his perceived failure to secure victory in the protracted war.

The loss of the northern regions and the repercussions of the civil strife reshaped the landscape of the Nagan Empire, marking a chapter in its history fraught with internal turmoil, territorial divisions, and a weakened grip on authority.

The Troubled Reign of Emperor Shido Nagamotto Min

The death of Emperor Kenshii Nagamara Min marked a somber transition for the Nagan Empire, and the subsequent ascension of Shido Nagamotto Min to the throne brought with it a reign fraught with instability and eccentricity. Shido's early life was marred by trauma, including the loss of his mother and an assassination attempt, experiences that left him scarred and marked by a pervasive paranoia. Upon taking the throne in the year 556 of the Third Age, Shido's erratic behavior became increasingly evident. The Imperial Court witnessed a ruler who squandered the empire's wealth on personal projects while neglecting essential state affairs. Courtiers and advisors grappled with his unpredictable temperament, as he would descend into fits of rage and make arbitrary decisions.

One of the most distinctive features of Shido's rule was his delusional belief in his superiority over the Empire's patron god, Diion. He asserted that Diion was a feeble deity and declared himself the sole true ruler of the Empire. Shido's hubris would be put to the test during the Magalore War, an infernal incursion led by the god Malagore. Despite the united efforts of various kingdoms and empires against this existential threat, Shido saw an opportunity to assert his supremacy. He dispatched his elite force, the Sun Lords, to the front lines. These soldiers, meticulously chosen by Shido, were renowned for their unwavering loyalty and resilience in battle.

The Magalore War was a grueling conflict, with the Sun Lords facing the brunt of infernal forces. They fought valiantly, confronting demons and horrors in the name of their Emperor and homeland. Shido, in his overconfidence, believed that this war would be his defining moment, eclipsing even the influence of the patron god. However, victory came at an immense cost. The Sun Lords, including Shido's closest confidantes, perished in the brutal conflict. The triumph against Malagore, while celebrated as a collective achievement, left the Nagan Empire reeling from the loss of its finest warriors and leaders. Shido returned to the empire with a mere handful of survivors, a stark reminder of the toll exacted by his vainglorious ambitions.

The Magalore War, etched in history as a costly victory, underscored the resilience of the Nagan Empire but also highlighted the consequences of Shido's unchecked ego. The emperor's eccentricities and the strain on the imperial coffers contributed to a legacy marked by internal strife and a diminished reputation on the global stage.

Fourth Age

The Fall of Diion and the Rebellion in Eros

Shido Nagamotto Min's descent into madness reached its zenith as he sought to sever the spiritual ties between the Nagan Empire and its patron god, Diion. Shido's resentment toward Diion's influence over the populace led to a treacherous plot. Under the pretext of honoring the god, the Emperor lured Diion into the Imperial Garden. There, Shido and his closest advisors betrayed the god, imprisoning him in a concealed chamber beneath the garden. The act was a brazen attempt by Shido to assume the divine mantle and control the Empire through a manufactured deity.

The people, however, were not easily deceived. The revelation of Diion's imprisonment sparked widespread unrest and anger among the population. Shido's audacious move, far from consolidating power, further alienated him from the hearts and minds of his subjects. Discontent brewed in the shadows, and the Nagan Empire teetered on the edge of rebellion. Simultaneously, Shido's disregard for technological advancements outside the imperial core became a critical flaw. Unbeknownst to him, the lords of industry in Eros, who had suffered the ravages of the Magalore War, developed potent weapons and arcane war machines. The Empire's military, still reeling from the loss in Eros, found itself ill-equipped to counter the rebels' newfound technological prowess.

A rebellion ignited in Eros, initially met with brute force by the Empire. However, the rebels' superior arcane weaponry proved insurmountable. The conflict spiraled into a brutal war, as more lords joined the cause and threw their support behind the rebels. Shido, refusing to acknowledge the impending defeat, persisted in pouring resources into the war effort. But the damage was irreversible. Eros, determined to assert its independence, fought relentlessly against the imperial forces. The Empire, faced with mounting losses and the unwavering resolve of the rebels, was compelled to concede defeat. Abandoning the continent, the Empire left Eros scarred by destruction and devastation.

The rebellion in Eros became another pivotal moment in the Nagan Empire's history, forcing a reckoning with its past mistakes. The loss of Eros, while a blow to imperial pride and power, served as a crucible for change. It prompted the Empire to reflect on its reliance on military might and learn from its errors. In the aftermath, the Nagan Empire would embark on a journey of rebuilding, vowing never to forget the lessons imparted by the rebellion in Eros.

The Rise of The Five and Shido's Demise

Shido Nagamotto Min's attempt to imprison Diion, the patron god of the Nagan Empire, had unintended consequences. Instead of subduing Diion's influence, the god, filled with anger and despair, used his own essence to create five demi-gods: Liao, Nori, Laaos, Takata, and Gao. These entities embodied various aspects of Diion's power and became the new gods of the Nagan Empire. Far from being the puppet deities that Shido had hoped to control, The Five quickly garnered followers. Each god possessed unique powers and abilities, becoming symbols of different facets of life, prosperity, and natural forces. Worship of The Five spread rapidly across the empire as people witnessed miracles and blessings attributed to their influence.

Despite Shido's attempt to dominate the divine landscape, he unwittingly paved the way for a new pantheon that surpassed his ambitions. The people's faith in The Five grew, and their reverence eclipsed any authority Shido had hoped to maintain. Strange occurrences and miracles became commonplace, solidifying The Five's reputation as benevolent and powerful deities. Shido, who had considered himself a greater authority than Diion, found himself overshadowed by these newly ascended gods. Attempts to manipulate or control them proved futile, and The Five, unyielding, refused to acknowledge Shido's supremacy.

As The Five's popularity soared, Shido's grip on power weakened. A rebellion led by his own lords, disillusioned by Shido's failed rule, ultimately overthrew him and his supposed sons. Shido met his demise at the age of 952, marking the end of an era dominated by a mad emperor. The legacy of The Five endured long after Shido's fall. They became integral figures in the Nagan Empire's religion and culture. Worship of The Five persisted through the ages, shaping the spiritual and cultural identity of the empire. Even in the present day, the influence of The Five can be felt across the land, a testament to the enduring power of the gods Shido inadvertently brought into existence.

Empress Nimari's Ascension and Reign

In the year 900 of the Fourth Age, Empress Nimari Min assumed the mantle of leadership in the Nagan Empire following the assassination of her father. Her unexpected ascension to power at a tender age of ten thrust her into a realm of tremendous responsibility and authority. Despite her youth, Empress Nimari displayed exceptional maturity and wisdom in her governance, earning the admiration and respect of her subjects. Her reign was marked by a profound devotion to the divine entities, often seeking their counsel through divination and sacred rituals. Nimari strongly believed that she was a conduit through which the divine communicated with the mortal world. Her decisions were thought to be guided by this spiritual connection, making her not just a political leader but a spiritual figurehead as well.

To efficiently manage the Empire, Nimari restructured the old Imperial Court into two entities: the Imperial Court and the The Chogan Court. The former comprises advisors and officials overseeing day-to-day affairs, while the latter incorporates representatives from diverse tribes and clans within the Nagan populace. The Chogan Court allows Nimari to maintain a close connection with her people, ensuring their voices and concerns are heard and addressed.

Despite initial doubts due to her youth, Nimari has proven her mettle as a diplomat and strategist. Through her adept negotiation skills, she has fostered treaties with neighboring kingdoms and navigated the complex political landscape within the Empire. Her leadership has been pivotal in upholding peace and stability following her father's untimely demise. Nimari's unwavering rapport with the gods has led many to believe that she is blessed with the ability to communicate with The Five. She just turned 18 and the people view Nimari as their protector and voice of authority, attributing her decisions to the guidance and wisdom imparted by The Five. Under her rule, the Empire has flourished, fostering a newfound fondness and loyalty among its citizens toward their enlightened Empress.


Sovereignty Type

The Nagan Empire stands as a monarchical state, where the reigning Emperor or Empress assumes the paramount role, embodying the highest mortal authority within the realm. Revered as a conduit between the mortal world and the divine, the Emperor or Empress is believed to directly communicate the wishes and pronouncements of the Five, shaping the guiding principles of the Empire.

The Courts

The governance of the Empire operates through two distinct courts, each representing different strata of society and channels of influence. The Imperial Court, comprised of nobility and elite dignitaries, serves as a conduit for the aspirations and desires of the noble houses. Here, the voices and concerns of the aristocracy are conveyed, shaping policies and decisions that impact the upper echelons of society.

In contrast, the Chogan Court functions as the representative body for the commonfolk and the Nagan Warlords. This court becomes the voice of the people, advocating for their needs, rights, and aspirations. Through the Chogan Court, the concerns and desires of the populace and the influential Samurai clans find expression, influencing the socio-political landscape of the Empire.

The Empire, characterized by a rich tapestry woven from historical distrust, acts of kindness, and advancements in the arcane arts, remains a stalwart of safety within its region. Embracing a culture steeped in tradition, the Nagan Empire boasts a robust education system, fostering high literacy rates and nurturing the minds of its populace. Flourishing trade networks thrive within its borders, although the Empire grapples with an observable shortfall in infrastructure development and export capabilities.

Tradition wields substantial influence over the societal fabric of the Empire, shaping its cultural identity and instilling deeply ingrained norms. This adherence to tradition defines the behavioral patterns, rituals, and collective ethos of the Nagan populace, providing a cohesive framework for their way of life.


Geography and Culture

The Nagan Empire is situated in the western continent of Lunora, encompassing vast territories that once extended over Lunora and the southern island continent of Eros. However the empire lost substantial portions of its land, retaining only the midlands, characterized by perilous grasslands and dense jungles. The climate of the Nagan Empire varies across its regions. The midlands experience a harsh tropical climate due to the jungles and grasslands. This climate presents both challenges and opportunities for the inhabitants, requiring adaptation to the rugged wilderness. The inhabitants of the Nagan Empire have adapted to the harsh tropical wilderness surrounding their remaining territories. They have learned to farm amidst the challenging conditions, making use of the fertile lands to cultivate exotic fruits that thrive in the jungles.

The midlands, where the Empire now stands, feature dangerous grasslands and thick jungles. These wild regions are home to diverse and often formidable wildlife, including various beasts and dinosaurs of varying sizes, presenting challenges for settlement and exploration. The capital city, Nagadao, stands as a formidable fortress city located in the heart of the Empire. Other prominent cities include AkasamaTzokaNagasaga, and Taova, each contributing to the diverse cultural fabric of the empire. Additionally, strategic strongholds like Liadon CastleYurami CastleTzun Castle, and Nevenes Castle are scattered throughout the remaining territories, fortifying the Empire's positions.


Religion assumes a crucial role in the lives of the Empire's denizens, influencing their hospitality and societal conduct. The guiding principles of the Five deities, each presiding over distinct seasons, shape the populace's actions and beliefs. For instance, farmers exhibit heightened spiritual devotion towards Gao (harvest) during the harvest season, dedicating their efforts to specific deities associated with the respective seasons. Notably, the Samurai, revered warriors of the Empire, offer prayers to gods like Laaos (wisdom), Liao (death), or Takata (war) during times of crisis. Spiritual practices are prevalent, intertwining with an array of elaborate celebrations and significant rites of passage that define the cultural tapestry of the Empire.

The Nagan Empire stands as a unique blend of tradition, spirituality, and societal advancement, navigating the complexities of its political landscape while honoring its rich cultural heritage.

Primary Threat

The Nagan Empire faces an imminent challenge posed by the rapid advancement of the arcane and machine industry within the neighboring Vache Kingdom. This burgeoning industry represents a formidable force, signaling a looming threat that the current leadership of the Nagan Empire may find challenging to address adequately. The relentless pace of innovation and progress in the Vache Kingdom's arcane and machine factories poses a concern, potentially unsettling the balance of power or disrupting the status quo within the region. The Empire's leadership is wary of the Vache Kingdom's advancements, raising concerns about how to effectively navigate and manage this growing technological disparity to maintain stability and prosperity within their own borders.

Population and Diversity

Presently, the Nagan Empire sustains a population of nearly 28 million people. Its inhabitants represent a rich multicultural tapestry, with a diverse mix of Elvenkind, HumansTabaxiLizardfolkAarakocra, and Dragonborn. The prevalent languages within the empire include Elvish, Common, and Draconic, spoken among the diverse populace.

Population Opinion

Despite the Nagan Empire's infrastructure limitations, the populace generally expresses contentment and satisfaction with their lives. The high literacy rates prevalent among the citizens play a pivotal role in alleviating numerous societal challenges. Education becomes a crucial factor in mitigating issues arising from infrastructure shortcomings, fostering adaptability and resilience among the people. This educational advantage empowers the population to navigate hurdles more efficiently, contributing to an overall sense of satisfaction and contentment within the Empire. The citizenry, equipped with knowledge and understanding, often finds innovative solutions and workarounds to circumvent infrastructure deficiencies, which, in turn, minimizes the impact of these limitations on their daily lives.


"Breaking a law is an insult to the Gods"

Laws and Justice in the Nagan Empire

The legal framework within the Nagan Empire is deeply enmeshed with the religious dogma and societal values that honor both divine authority and imperial command. A fundamental belief ingrained within the empire is the concept that transgressing a law is not merely an affront to the imperial governance but also a sacrilege against the pantheon of revered deities, thus inviting their wrath.

Penalties for violating laws are meticulously crafted to align with the ideals of justice, aiming to sustain societal order and reinforce the paramount significance of loyalty and obedience. The legal system serves as a conduit to uphold communal values and reinforce a collective sense of community among the people.

The core regions, also known as the Throne Region of Nagadao, comprising bustling cities and towns within the heartland of the empire, maintain stringent laws meticulously designed to preserve cleanliness, civic order, and social decorum. Regulations pertaining to public conduct, sanitation, trade, and communal welfare are rigorously enforced to foster a harmonious and well-ordered urban environment.

However, the outer regions, governed by the jurisdiction of the Samurai, exhibit a nuanced enforcement of laws. Here, the dominance of various clans contributes to the divergence in the stringency and interpretation of laws. Some clans adhere to stricter enforcement, while others adopt a more lenient approach, often mirroring the cultural inclinations and values inherent to each clan.

The legal landscape of the Nagan Empire thus embodies a tapestry of diverse ordinances and interpretations. The underlying principles remain rooted in the reverence for divine honor, the upholding of imperial authority, and the promotion of community well-being, creating a complex yet cohesive legal system that echoes the empire's multifaceted societal fabric.

Common Penalties

  • Public Dispute: Engaging in a public dispute or disturbance is considered disruptive behavior and is met with a small fine. This penalty serves as a deterrent against causing public unrest and encourages individuals to resolve conflicts peacefully.

  • Public Indecency: Engaging in inappropriate behavior in public spaces is deemed disrespectful to societal norms. Offenders face fines and community service, serving as a reminder to uphold public decency.

  • Vandalism and Destruction of Property: Willful destruction of public or private property is considered an act of disruption and disrespect. Perpetrators are fined and obligated to contribute to the repair or restoration of the damaged property.

  • Stealing: Theft is seen as a violation of both the property rights of individuals and the harmony of society. Offenders caught stealing are subject to a small fine and a short period of imprisonment. This punishment aims to discourage theft and protect the sanctity of private property.

  • Animal Cruelty: Mistreatment or abuse of animals is seen as a violation of compassion and respect for life. Perpetrators are fined and may undergo community service in animal shelters.

  • Smuggling: The empire places great importance on regulating trade and maintaining control over its borders. Smuggling is considered a serious offense against the economic stability of the empire. Those caught smuggling face a considerable fine, reflecting the economic harm caused by such activities.

  • Disrupting Religious Ceremonies: Intentionally disrupting or disrespecting religious ceremonies or practices is considered sacrilegious. Offenders are fined and required to perform community service within religious institutions.

  • Spying: The empire takes its national security seriously and strives to protect its interests from foreign threats. Spying is regarded as a betrayal of the empire and its secrets. Individuals caught spying are subjected to a considerable fine and imprisonment as a means to deter espionage activities.

  • Evading Taxes: The Nagan Empire relies on a well-structured taxation system to support its governance and ensure the welfare of its citizens. Evading taxes is seen as a direct violation of the empire's economic and social stability. Offenders may face imprisonment or servitude as a consequence of their actions, serving as a reminder that everyone has a responsibility to contribute to the empire's prosperity.
  • Defamation and Slander: Spreading false information or rumors that tarnish another person's reputation is deemed an offense against societal harmony. Offenders are fined and required to issue a public apology to the affected individual.

  • Accepting Bribes: Corruption and bribery undermine the fairness and impartiality of the empire's institutions. Individuals found guilty of accepting bribes are subjected to a small fine and branding, marking them as individuals who have betrayed the trust of the empire. This serves as a public reminder of their transgressions and acts as a deterrent against future corruption.

  • Forgery and Counterfeiting: The creation or distribution of forged documents or counterfeit goods undermines the integrity of official records and economy. Individuals involved in such activities face imprisonment and substantial fines.

  • Abuse of Authority: Exploiting one's position of power or authority for personal gain or to harm others is a severe breach of trust. Those found guilty are stripped of their position, publicly reprimanded, and may face exile.

  • Inciting Rebellion: The empire's authority and stability are of paramount importance. Inciting rebellion or attempting to overthrow the imperial rule is seen as a grave threat to the empire's existence. The penalty for inciting rebellion is lifetime imprisonment, ensuring that those who pose a danger to the empire's unity are removed from society.

  • Treason: Actions that directly threaten the sovereignty and safety of the Nagan Empire are considered treasonous. Those found guilty of treason face severe penalties, including execution or life imprisonment, to deter any attempts to destabilize the empire.

  • Lying under Oath: The act of perjury is viewed as a grave offense against truth and justice. Those who are found guilty of lying under oath face severe consequences. Depending on the circumstances, the penalty may range from execution to exile. This strict punishment reflects the empire's commitment to upholding honesty and the integrity of the legal system.


Resources and Trade


Despite its wealth and abundance, strategically engages in imports to supplement its economic needs and foster international relations. Gold, a universal symbol of wealth and prestige, is among the essential imports, contributing to the Empire's economic stability and supporting various facets of its society.

The eastern continent of Agera provides a valuable resource for the Empire in the form of fabrics. These textiles, imported to enrich the Empire's diverse tapestry of materials, find applications in both practical and ornamental aspects of daily life. The intricate patterns and quality of these fabrics add a layer of sophistication to the Empire's cultural landscape.

Salt, a fundamental and versatile resource, is another critical import for the Nagan Empire. Whether for culinary purposes, preservation, or industrial applications, the importation of salt reflects the Empire's pragmatic approach to meeting its diverse needs. The careful selection of imports showcases the Empire's commitment to maintaining a delicate balance between self-sufficiency and global engagement.


The economic vitality of the Nagan Empire is driven by a diverse array of exports, each representing a facet of the Empire's rich and varied resources. The lush jungles yield a bounty of Exotic Fruits, Sugar, Tea, and Grain, sourced meticulously from farms, plantations, and villages that dot the verdant landscape. This abundance not only caters to domestic needs but also positions the Empire as a prominent supplier of these coveted goods in the global market.

The Empire's subterranean wealth comes to the forefront with its gemstone exports. Jade, with its mesmerizing green hues, takes center stage alongside other precious stones such as Yellow Sapphire, Emerald, Aquamarine, Coral, and Obsidian. These gemstones, extracted with precision from mining villages, contribute not only to the Empire's economic prosperity but also serve as a symbol of its geological abundance.

One of the distinctive aspects of the Nagan Empire's exports is its production of Oriental Medicines. These unique formulations, cultivated from ancient knowledge and local flora, have garnered acclaim beyond the Empire's borders, attracting interest and demand from distant lands.

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"We live within the paradise of the Gods."

The Kami Concord was established as a result of the Lunora Civil War, a long and devastating conflict that tore the Nagan Empire apart. The Kamis, a group of northern rebels, fought against the southern lords for greater representation and control over their own resources. After years of bloody conflict, the Empire was forced to sue for peace, and the Kamis were granted their own territory in the north, which became known as the Kami Concord.

Despite its tumultuous beginnings, the Kami Concord eventually became a prosperous and powerful region, known for its agriculture and resourcefulness. The Kamis, who had once been seen as second-class citizens, now had their own place at the world table, and their influence continued to grow over the years to come.

Today, the Kami Concord is a region of great diversity and cultural richness. Its people are fiercely independent, proud of their heritage and traditions, and fiercely protective of their land and way of life. The region is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, including vast jungles, rolling hills, and sparkling coasts and rivers.

The Kami Concord is also a hub of trade and commerce, with bustling towns and thriving marketplaces. Its economy is based largely on agriculture, with crops such as rice, wheat, and barley grown in abundance. In addition, the region is home to many skilled craftsmen, who produce high-quality textiles, ceramics, and other goods.

Despite its prosperity, however, the Kami Concord is not without its challenges. Its people continue to face threats from natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, as well as from outside forces seeking to exploit the region's resources. In addition, there are those who seek to undermine the Concord's hard-won independence and push for greater control from the Nagan Empire.

The Kami Concord remains a vibrant and resilient land, with a rich history and culture that continue to inspire and captivate those who visit it. Whether you are a traveler seeking adventure, a trader seeking new markets, or simply someone looking to experience the unique beauty and diversity of this remarkable region, the Kami Concord is a place that should not be missed.


The Kami Concord, nestled in the far north-western reaches of the Lunora continent, boasts a diverse and captivating landscape. The region is marked by its breathtaking variety of terrains, from expansive fertile grasslands to cascading fresh water rivers and majestic mountain ranges. These distinct features contribute to the wealth and prosperity of this nation. The Concord's heartland flourishes with fertile plains, a patchwork of farmlands and ranches that contribute significantly to the region's agricultural output.

  • Imports: Gold, a highly prized precious metal, holds critical importance in the Concord's economic and financial sectors. It serves as a foundational component for currency, reserves, and various industries, contributing significantly to the region's economic stability and trade capabilities. Despite the Concord's fertile lands, certain food preservation techniques and industrial processes necessitate a steady supply of salt. It is indispensable for preserving foods, aiding in various chemical reactions, and maintaining the overall balance of essential nutrients for both humans and livestock. As a fundamental industrial material, iron plays a pivotal role in the manufacture of tools, machinery, and infrastructure. The Concord's industrial sectors heavily rely on iron for construction, manufacturing, and technological advancements, bolstering its capacity for development and innovation.

  • Exports: The fertile grasslands and favorable climate of the Concord facilitate the cultivation of a diverse array of exotic fruits. Mangoes, pineapples, papayas, and other tropical fruits thrive in this region, presenting a rich and vibrant export portfolio that caters to global markets seeking premium, high-quality produce. The crowning jewel of the Concord's exports, Cloud Crystals, are a unique and sought-after resource. Renowned for their ability to manipulate gravity, these rare gemstones power arcane airships, making them indispensable in advanced transportation systems and magical applications.

    The region boasts a flourishing textile industry, producing high-quality fabrics coveted for their durability, intricate designs, and vibrant colors. Additionally, the Concord's skilled artisans craft exquisite ceramics, including pottery, tiles, and artistic pieces, showcasing a distinct aesthetic appreciated by collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Beyond exotic fruits, the Concord's export basket includes an array of diverse food products. This encompasses specialty spices, preserved delicacies, and unique culinary items that cater to international tastes and preferences, carving a niche in the global gourmet market. The region's rich natural resources extend to an assortment of gemstones beyond Cloud Crystals. Alongside this, the Concord produces specialized medicines derived from unique flora and fauna, offering remedies with potent healing properties sought after in medicinal and magical circles.

Cities and Strongholds:

Kamisan, a bustling harbor city, stands as the vibrant and dynamic capital of the Kami Concord. It serves as a melting pot of cultures, teeming with sailors, traders, and merchant guilds. The city's maritime prominence and commercial prowess contribute significantly to the region's economic vitality. The Concord is dotted with several key cities such as Kadasan, Fumaga, Kaiyo Harbor, Tomoshi, and Nawachi, each contributing uniquely to the region's cultural tapestry and economic activities. Amidst remnants of past civil conflicts, smaller forts speckle the landscape. However, two formidable strongholds, Goro Castle and Saga Castle, symbolize the Concord's defensive might and strategic control over critical regions.

The diverse population of nearly 18 million encompasses a rich blend of races, including High Elves, Wood Elves, Humans, Tabaxi, Lizardfolk, Aarakocra, and Dragonborn. The cultural amalgamation contributes to the region's vibrant society and varied traditions.

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"We are unbound by the rules of gods and religions."


The Vache Kingdom is a confederate nation that is currently ruled by three Iron Kings. While there are no opposing groups against the current leadership, many guilds and aristocrats are out for personal gains, although they are not actively against the Kings rule as long as they can expand their own coffers. The nation is built upon the industrial advancements, ingenuity and comradery of its past and is now among the richest countries in the western regions of the known world.

One of the Kingdom's greatest strengths is its income, trade, and life expectancy. However, the nation lacks in the food industry due to the destruction of their own landscapes. The current greatest threat to the Kingdom is the aggressive tension from the Nagan Empire in the north, but the current leadership is powerless to solve this issue as the Empire opposes the nation's industrial advancements, which will never cease. They are the ones that brought the wonders of airships nad automatons into the world.

The people within the Kingdom are content and live great lives. While food might be lacking, their income helps relieve most of their issues. The majority of the rich people in the world live and run businesses within the Kingdom. The Iron Kings are exceptional intellectual rulers who seek the advancement of their people and Kingdom. They seek to safeguard their fallen loyalists with the help of magic and technology.

The Iron Kings

The three Iron Kings that rule the Kingdom are Maxillian Ferrus, the King of the Land, Drimniir Ironfist , the King of the Sky, and Dragmar Cravheart, the King of the Sea. Maxillian Ferrus is a human who is the master and commander of all matters based across their lands, including mines, forges, and cities. Drimniir Ironfist is a dwarf who rules up in the sky among his airships. He is the mastermind behind air buildings and ports hidden up in the sky that can provide deadly air support. Dragmar Cravheart is a dark elf who rules the coasts of the Kingdom. All the iron fleets and ports are under his direct command.


Religion holds litle importance in the lives of the people in the Kingdom, and if anything, it has made them more driven. They fuse souls with their machines to become idols of war and labor. They are called "Cog Spirits" and used in everyday work. The people have firm beliefs, but they rely more on science and technology. The Cog Spirit is a modern belief system revolving around spirits and ancestors. Their main teachings revolve around good versus evil and technology, and these teachings are often passed on through readings by spiritual leaders and community blueprints.

The Cog Spirit is the term used for those who manage to seal lost souls and fuse them with their technology. The teachings come from ancient necromancers who were exiled from the Nagan Empire. They often express their beliefs through bracelets, figurines, and Cog necklaces. While it is a modern belief system, it is well-established and heard of throughout the world, but their following isn't huge. More and more people see the Cog Spirit as a way to find an answer on the afterlife. Overall, the Vache Kingdom is a prosperous nation with a strong economy and culture that is constantly advancing with technology and magic.

The Revolution War for Freedom

The industrial revolution of Eros was a time of great progress and prosperity for the people of the southern region of the Nagan Empire. The region was bustling with innovation and creativity, and the artificer guilds was at the forefront of this movement. The people had grown tired of being under the thumb of the Nagan Empire, and they had finally found a way to break free.

But this newfound freedom came at a cost. The war of independence was long and bloody, with both sides committing unspeakable acts of violence. The people of Eros were fighting for their very survival, and they were willing to do whatever it took to secure their freedom.

The separatists, led by a group of wealthy industrialists, had developed new war machines that gave them a significant advantage over the imperial armies. They were able to outmaneuver and outgun their opponents, causing devastating losses on both sides. The battlefields were littered with the dead and dying, their cries echoing through the air.

The war dragged on for years, and it seemed like it would never end. The people of Eros were losing hope, and they began to question whether their sacrifices were worth it. But the leaders of the separatists were determined to see the war through to the end. They knew that this was their only chance to break free from the tyranny of the Nagan Empire.

Finally, after years of fighting, the separatists emerged victorious. The Nagan Empire was forced to recognize the independence of Eros, and the Vache Kingdom was established. But the victory came at a heavy price. The people of Eros had been traumatized by the violence of the war, and they were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.

The scars of the war would be felt for generations to come. The people of Eros had won their freedom, but at what cost? The industrial revolution that had sparked the war had led to unprecedented prosperity, but it had also brought with it a new kind of darkness. The people had become obsessed with progress, with innovation, with wealth. They had lost sight of what was truly important, and they had paid a terrible price for their ambition.



Region: South-West
Capital: Iron Citadel
Population: 18.172.000
Major Cities: Steam Harbor, Forgetown, Ironbridge
Major Strongholds: Cogfort, Anvil Keep, Steel Spire


Races: Dark Elves, Humans, Gnomes, Tieflings, Dwarfs, Halfling, Dragonborn and Warforged
Languages: Common. Undercommon and Dwarvish
Religion: The Cogspirit


Imports: Fur, Animals, Slaves
Exports: Gold, Exotic Fruits, Gemstones, Spices, Weapons, Copper, Iron, Warforged and Armor


Ruler: Three Iron Kings
Government: Confederate nation.
Factions: Guild Mechanica, Institute of Mortality, Sky Federation, Wargame Company

Sovereignty Type

The Vache Kingdom is a confederate nation ruled by three Iron Kings, each of whom has sovereignty over their respective domain. The three Iron Kings are Maxillian Ferrus, the King of the Land, Drimniir Ironfist, the King of the Sky, and Dragmar Cravheart, the King of the Sea.

Under the confederate system, each Iron King has control over their own territory, but they work together to ensure the overall stability and prosperity of the Kingdom. The Iron Kings are exceptional rulers who seek the advancement of their people and Kingdom. They are highly respected by the citizens of the Vache Kingdom, and their leadership has been instrumental in the Kingdom's economic success.

While each Iron King has their own domain of control, they work together to ensure that the Vache Kingdom remains strong and prosperous. They rely on the strengths and expertise of each other's domains to achieve this.

Primary Threat

The current greatest threat to the nation is aggressive tension from the Nagan Empire in the north, but the current leadership is powerless to solve this issue as the Empire oppose the nation’s industrial advancements which will never cease.

Population Opinion

The people within the Kingdom are fairly content. They live great lives and while food might be lacking, their income helps relief most of their issues. The majority of the rich people in the world live and run buisnesses within the Kingdom.


The culture of the Vache Kingdom is a unique blend of industrial innovation, magic, and spiritual beliefs. The people of the Kingdom are known for their ingenuity and resourcefulness, as well as their dedication to advancing their society through technology and science.

One of the most notable aspects of Vache Kingdom culture is its reliance on technology and machines. The Kingdom is home to some of the most advanced industrial technology in the known world, and the people are skilled in the creation and use of these machines. The Cog Spirit belief system, which involves fusing lost souls with technology, is a central aspect of the Kingdom's culture and has led to the creation of unique and powerful machines, such as airships and iron fleets.

Despite their technological focus, the people of the Vache Kingdom also hold strong spiritual beliefs. The Cog Spirit religion revolves around the fusion of magic and technology, and its teachings are often passed down through readings by spiritual leaders and community blueprints. This blend of magic and technology has also led to the creation of the Cog Spirits themselves, which are used in everyday work and seen as idols of war and labor.

The Kingdom is ruled by three Iron Kings, each with their own area of expertise and responsibility. These Kings are known for their intellectual prowess and dedication to the advancement of their people and society. The people of the Kingdom are content with their lives, and while there may be some personal ambition among guilds and aristocrats, there is no active opposition to the current leadership.

Overall, the culture of the Vache Kingdom is one of innovation, dedication, and spiritual belief. It is a unique blend of technology and magic, and the people of the Kingdom take pride in their ability to use both to advance their society and way of life.

Laws and Economy

"Break the law and you will be forever marked."

Common Penalties

  1. Practicing Forgery: Engaging in the creation or use of counterfeit documents or signatures is a serious offense in the Vache Kingdom. Those found guilty of forgery may face a significant fine and a long period of imprisonment, reflecting the severity of this crime.

  2. Public Dispute: Engaging in public altercations or disputes that disrupt the peace and tranquility of the kingdom is met with a small fine, intended to discourage individuals from engaging in confrontations that can disturb public order.

  3. Stealing: The act of stealing is considered a violation of the social contract and the property rights of others. Offenders may face a small fine and branding, marking them as thieves and serving as a permanent reminder of their transgressions.

  4. Lying Under Oath: Perjury is taken very seriously in the Vache Kingdom's legal system. Those who are found guilty of lying under oath may face a long period of imprisonment, reflecting the kingdom's commitment to upholding the truth and the integrity of its judicial processes.

  5. Accepting Bribes: Corruption is strongly condemned in the Vache Kingdom, and those who accept bribes are subject to a small fine and branding, publicly shaming them as individuals who have compromised their integrity for personal gain.

  6. Smuggling: Engaging in illegal smuggling activities, such as the transportation of contraband goods, is met with a considerable fine. The kingdom aims to deter individuals from participating in illegal trade that can undermine its economy and security.

  7. Inciting Rebellion: Any attempts to incite rebellion against the ruling power are met with the harshest penalty in the Vache Kingdom: public execution. This severe punishment reflects the kingdom's commitment to maintaining stability and the severe consequences of attempting to overthrow the established order.

  8. Spying: Engaging in espionage or unauthorized surveillance is a serious offense. Those caught spying may face a considerable fine and branding, marking them as individuals who have violated the kingdom's security and trust.

  9. Failing to Uphold a Contract: Contracts and agreements hold significant importance in the Vache Kingdom's economy. Individuals who fail to uphold their contractual obligations may face penalties such as the loss of privileges, reflecting the importance of maintaining trust and honoring agreements in business dealings.

  10. Evading Taxes: Tax evasion is treated as a severe offense in the Vache Kingdom. Offenders may face branding as a mark of their transgressions and a term of servitude, emphasizing the kingdom's dedication to maintaining a fair and functioning tax system.

  11. Disobeying a Royal Command: The Vache Kingdom places great importance on loyalty and obedience to the ruling power. Disobeying a royal command is met with the ultimate penalty: execution. This severe punishment serves as a deterrent and underscores the absolute authority of the monarchy.

  12. Murder: Taking another person's life is considered one of the most heinous crimes in the Vache Kingdom. Murderers may face execution or lifetime imprisonment, reflecting the kingdom's commitment to preserving life and ensuring justice for victims and their families.

  13. Sexual Assault: The Vache Kingdom prioritizes the safety and well-being of its citizens, particularly with regard to acts of sexual violence. Those convicted of sexual assault may face public hanging, emphasizing the kingdom's zero-tolerance approach to such heinous crimes.

  14. Illegal Mining/Fishing: Engaging in unauthorized mining or fishing activities, which can harm the environment or disrupt regulated industries, is met with a considerable fine. This penalty aims to deter individuals from engaging in activities that can damage natural resources or impact the kingdom's economy.


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"We live upon a graveyard, never forget that."

The Kingdom of Kalamar is a land of rugged terrain and harsh winters, where the people are tough and resilient, and where strength and honor are highly valued. The Kingdom is ruled by the Duke of Axeholm, a strong and wise ruler who oversees all matters of the state with the help of his Earls. Each city and town has its own ruling Earl, who strives to gain the favor of the Duke by any means necessary. The people of Kalamar have a proud and rich history, built upon the sacrifices, virtues, and natural resource abundance of their past. Despite their autocratic rule, the Kingdom is highly adored by its people and has many strengths. Kalamar's export industry is highly developed, and they are known for their high-quality textiles, furs, and whale oil. Hygiene is also a top priority, and the Kingdom boasts some of the cleanest cities and towns in the region.

However, there are also weaknesses in the Kingdom's infrastructure. Food production is a significant challenge due to the harsh weather, and as a result, Kalamar is heavily reliant on imports from its sovereign state, the Silver Dominion. Additionally, mining efficiency is low, and public education is lacking. The people of Kalamar are not very spiritual, and religion plays no significant role in their daily lives. The official faith of the Kingdom is The Word (Silver Prince), but most citizens do not hold strong religious beliefs. Instead, they rely on their experience and what they know will work, and they value oaths and actions above all else.

There are some who openly oppose the Dominion and their push for their faith, but they are often taken away. The Earls of Kalamar often argue over the Dominion's power, with some eager for another war, but most hope to depart from the Dominion peacefully and without bloodshed. Despite this desire for peace, the natives of Kalamar have a craving for conflict, and many leave to serve at the border. Many of the Goliaths and Giants of Kalamar, who are highly respected for their strength and fighting abilities, have grown tired of the Dominion's demands, and many have migrated to the south-east to settle in the land of Vikholm or the Khein Dynasty. The Kingdom of Kalamar remains a land of contrasts, with a tough and resilient people and a strong autocratic rule, but also with weaknesses in infrastructure and a growing desire for independence from the Silver Dominion.

The Unification of the Tribes and the invasion of Kalamar

The Tribal Unification of Kalamar was a significant event in the history of the Agera continent. The story begins in the year 840 of the first age, when all tribes across the northern part of Agera came together to support one another during a long and punishing winter. However, Warlords and Chiefs were fighting over who would lead the gathering, which caused significant unrest among the tribes. To resolve the issue, they decided to hold a trial that was open to all chiefs and warlords. The trial was a bloody affair, but eventually, one warlord emerged as the defacto leader and was crowned the first King of Kalamar. His name was Ivor Grimfar.

In the early years of the third age, the Silver Dominion invaded the lands of Kalamar and attempted to annex the north. However, Kalamar was a land of hardened warriors who were not prepared to give up their country without a fight. They battled long and hard for their fellow men and country. While they could endure the war, old rivalries and internal conflicts caused the war to stagger, and some Kalamar clans bent the knee to annex their lands to the Silver Dominion. Clan Tusk and Clan Moor took the side of the Dominion and became House Tusk and House Moor. Their lands became part of the Dominion, and the rest of Kalamar ceased the war to find a middle ground. Despite being able to endure the war, the King did not wish to see more clans fall to the Dominion. The clans and the King agreed to become a vassal of the Dominion if they were allowed to maintain their power and titles within their land. The Dominion ended their hostile acts, and the treaty was signed.

In the year 576 of the third age, King Dagmar Karaheim ruled Kalamar with an iron gauntlet. He stood up for his country and did everything to stop the total control of the Dominion, who was actively growingtheir politic influance in the land. The Dominion knew better than to have the entire north rally against them and "allowed" the King to rule. In the year 600 of the third age, the infernal god known as Malagore was causing havoc across the world, and the mortal nations came together to stop him. The mortals were losing the fight until the King of Kalamar, Dagmar, with his last breath, called out for aid by saying a long-forgotten name, Rhaaga, the abyssal queen. With that one last breath, the Kalamar King turned the tide of the battle as hoards of abyssal demons came through the ground to fight the infernal fiends. The mortal world was saved from total annihilation by a necessary evil.

At the beginning of the fourth age, Kalamar underwent significant changes due to the demands of the Dominion. The title of the King was replaced with the title of Duke, and his warchiefs became Earls. Kalamar became a kingdom without a king. While the country remained strong, many groups are fighting among themselves over past glories and dreams of independence. Despite this, the Tribal Unification of Kalamar remains an important moment in the history of the Agera continent, as it demonstrates the strength and determination of the people of Kalamar to come together in times of need and adversity.



Situated in the northernmost region of the continent Agera, Kalamar boasts a diverse landscape characterized by expansive grasslands, pristine white forests, snow-capped mountains, and rolling hills. The land's terrain showcases a breathtaking blend of natural beauty, making it both picturesque and formidable.

Settlements and Landmarks:

Axeholm, a bustling port city and the capital city renowned for its ruggedness, serves as the epicenter of trade and maritime activities within Kalamar. It hosts numerous trade hubs and sailors, fostering a vibrant commercial atmosphere. Other notable cities include Malmborg, Anaheim, and Traxton, each contributing to the region's economy and cultural tapestry. Despite having no active strongholds following their vassalage to the Silver Dominion, Kalamar has recently begun fortifying its cities anew in response to the imminent naval threat posed by the Khein Dynasty. These fortified cities stand as bastions against potential incursions.

Population and Diversity:

With a population nearing 6 million inhabitants, Kalamar accommodates a diverse populace primarily composed of Humans, Goliaths, Dwarfs, Halflings, Gnomes, and Giants. The prevalent languages spoken in the region include Common, Dwarvish, and Giant, reflecting the multicultural fabric of its society.

Strongholds and Recent History:

Once home to active strongholds and fortifications, Kalamar relinquished these defenses upon becoming a vassal to the Silver Dominion. These structures were dismantled, leaving the region vulnerable. However, recent developments have allowed the re-fortification of cities, spurred by the looming naval threat posed by the Dynasty. The population of Kalamar stands at approximately 6 million, comprising mainly Humans, Goliaths, Dwarfs, Halflings, Gnomes, and Giants, contributing to a diverse and dynamic society. The prevalent languages spoken include Common, Dwarvish, and Giant, reflecting the cultural diversity within the populace.

Climate and Resources

Kalamar's imports and exports form a crucial economic framework, catering to the region's diverse needs and leveraging its natural resources and skilled labor to contribute to regional and international trade dynamics.

  • Imports: Kalamar faces a formidable challenge due to its extended and harsh winters, severely limiting agricultural productivity. As a result, the region heavily relies on importing various foodstuffs from southern nations to meet the dietary needs of its population. Staple food items such as grains, preserved goods, and other essential consumables are procured from these regions to offset the scarcity imposed by the frigid climate. The aristocratic circles within Kalamar exhibit a pronounced affinity for fine wines, leading to a significant import of these coveted beverages. The demand for quality wines among the elite prompts substantial imports from renowned vineyards located in the warmer southern realms. These imports cater to the refined tastes and preferences of the noble class, elevating social gatherings and prestigious events.

    Iron, steel, and various other metals constitute critical imports that serve as the backbone of Kalamar's industrial sector. These raw materials play a pivotal role in bolstering the region's manufacturing capabilities, facilitating the production of machinery, tools, and implements. The need for these industrial materials aligns with the region's efforts to modernize and reinforce its industrial infrastructure.
  • Exports: Kalamar capitalizes on its rich wildlife and the expertise of its skilled hunters, enabling the export of a diverse array of natural resources. Pelts, fur, and leather sourced from the abundant wildlife form a significant portion of Kalamar's exports. These high-quality materials are in demand across various industries for crafting garments, luxury items, and functional goods. The region's maritime endeavors yield a valuable resource in the form of whale oil. Kalamar's skilled seafaring communities engage in whaling expeditions, extracting this sought-after commodity. Whale oil serves multiple purposes, from lighting and lubrication to pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications, making it a lucrative export commodity.

    Kalamar harnesses its abundant natural resources, exporting sturdy timber sourced from its forests, gravel extracted from its terrain, and coal mined from its deposits. These materials find utility in construction, infrastructure development, and energy production, meeting the demands of various regional markets. Renowned for its exceptional purity and quality, the region's pristine spring water emerges as a notable export commodity. Coveted by regions like Vikholm and the Khein Dynasty for its unmatched clarity and taste, this premium water serves as a symbol of purity and wellness, commanding a discerning market.

Cultural Significance and Economy

Kalamar's geographical diversity and resource abundance shape its economy and trade dynamics. The region's unique blend of natural beauty and harsh climate influences its trade patterns and resource management, leading to a delicate balance between imports and exports. The recent history of relinquishing fortifications and subsequent re-fortification highlights the geopolitical complexities shaping Kalamar's present and future. This wiki page serves as a testament to the rich tapestry of Kalamar's geography, resources, and economic landscape.

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"No loyal servant of the Silver Prince dies unavenged."

The Silver Dominion is a theocratic nation located in the eastern continent, consisting of six territories ruled by noble houses under the guidance of the Dominion Church. The nation as a whole is ruled mainly by the Church of the Silver Prince, a powerful religious organization that spreads the word of the nation's patron deity. The Church holds significant political power and wields considerable influence over the country's governance and society.

The Silver Dominion was built upon the faith, sacrifices, and rare resources of its past, and has since become one of the most prosperous nations in its corner of the world. Its infrastructure, sustainability, and life expectancy are among its current greatest strengths, with well-paved roads, reliable transportation of goods, and high-quality healthcare services available to its citizens through the Church. However, the nation does face some challenges, including a shortage of natural resources and a lack of medicine.

The Church of the Silver Prince plays a central role in the nation's culture and daily life. Its teachings emphasize obedience, piety, and devotion to the Silver Prince, who is believed to have bestowed his favor upon the nation. The Church's hierarchy is headed by the Enlightened Silver Lord, who is considered the protective leader of the nation and wields significant political power. Below him are two Arch-Confessors who are the spiritual leaders of the Church, they are stationed within the Dominion's vassal states of Rivermond and Kalamar. The Church also maintains a powerful military force, the Dominus Chain, who are sworn to protect the nation and enforce the Church's teachings.

The people of the Silver Dominion are generally devout and highly respectful of the Church and its teachings. Religion holds great importance in their lives, and they are taught from a young age to adhere to the strict moral code espoused by the Church. The nation's society is highly stratified, with a rigid class structure that is largely determined by one's birth and family connections. Nobles, who are typically members of the Church's hierarchy or other powerful families, hold significant power and influence over the country's governance and economy.

Despite the apparent stability and prosperity of the Silver Dominion, there are some within the nation who oppose the current leadership and its policies. These groups are largely unknown to the public and operate covertly, fearing the Church's retribution. Nevertheless, they are active in their attempts to undermine the Church's power and create a more egalitarian society.

In terms of international relations, the Silver Dominion is a major player in the region, with significant trade and diplomatic ties with neighboring countries. The nation's wealth and military power make it a formidable force, and its influence is felt throughout the eastern continent. They have a tense rivalry with the Khein Dynasty and often clash along the border. However, the nation's religious fervor and aggressive expansionist policies have also earned it many enemies, particularly among those who reject its particular brand of faith.


History of the Dominion

First Age

The Formation of the Silver Dominion

The western territories of Agera hosted numerous affluent Houses that would lay the foundation for what is now recognized as the Silver Dominion. In the early ages, these noble Houses, while having territorial disputes, managed to maintain a degree of order. However, as their wealth and influence grew, their focus shifted towards self-interest. The year 860 marked a pivotal turning point as raiders from the northern kingdom of Kalamar descended upon the region. The sudden and unexpected attacks led to the pillaging of the Dominion's rich farmlands, prompting the Houses to unite and defend their territories collectively. Together, they repelled the raiders and established a defense army known as the Silverin Guard to thwart future incursions from the north, marking the inception of the Dominion of the Great Houses.

Second Age

The Arrival of the Silver Prince

Approximately 160 years later, in the year 40 of the Second Age, a divine figure, later revered as the Silver Prince, arrived in the western territories of Agera. This enigmatic figure, a towering presence exuding immense power and wisdom, wandered the lands. The nobility of the Dominion welcomed this divine entity into their midst, eager to gain favor. However, the figure quickly perceived the self-serving nature of the mortals, each attempting to sway him to their own agendas.

Understanding the machinations of the mortal Houses, the figure assumed a commanding stance, compelling every great House to submit to his divine authority. Displaying his extraordinary powers, the figure captured the admiration and faith of the people. Shrines and temples in honor of the Silver Prince began to emerge, marking places of worship across the Dominion. The Church of the Dominion, established 15 years later in the year 55 of the Second Age, solidified the foundation of worship and religious practices dedicated to the Silver Prince, shaping the Dominion's spiritual landscape.

The Annexation of the Kingdom of Rivermond

In the year 100 of the Second Age, a pivotal event unfolded as the mighty Silver Dominion laid claim to the southern territories of the Kingdom of Rivermond, igniting a fierce conflict. King Arion Rivers, a revered and principled ruler, staunchly opposed the Dominion's advances, seeing them as a threat to Rivermond's sovereignty. King Arion Rivers, known for his courage and determination, led his forces against the Dominion's expansionist ambitions. Despite his valiant efforts to defend the kingdom's independence, the Dominion's military prowess and strategic might posed a significant challenge. As the conflict raged, a clandestine betrayal brewed within the heart of the kingdom.

Prince Malachi, the ambitious and discontented son of King Arion Rivers, held clandestine grievances against his father. Feeling marginalized within the kingdom's power dynamics, Prince Malachi clandestinely formed an alliance with the Silver Dominion. His betrayal shook the kingdom, as he turned against his father and rallied support for the Dominion's cause. Tragically, amidst the chaos of battle, King Arion Rivers fell, marking a turning point in Rivermond's history. Prince Malachi ascended to the throne as King Malachi, empowered by his alliance with the Dominion. His rule marked the subjugation of Rivermond as a client state to the Dominion, albeit with King Malachi maintaining a nominal position of power.

Under King Malachi's reign, Rivermond underwent a transformation. The Dominion's influence penetrated the kingdom's affairs, leaving its mark on Rivermond's governance and policies. The kingdom navigated the delicate balance between its people's aspirations for true independence and the Dominion's exertion of control. Successive generations of Rivermond's rulers faced the daunting challenge of reconciling the desires of their subjects with the Dominion's demands. The kingdom remained torn between the ambitions of the Silver Dominion and the aspirations of its people. The monarchy grappled with constant pressure to harmonize the interests of the Dominion while addressing the needs and desires of its populace.

This complex and nuanced struggle for autonomy and sovereignty would resonate throughout the generations, shaping the political dynamics and future course of Rivermond's history within the vast and influential sphere of the Silver Dominion.

The Eastern Invasion

In the year 130 of the Second Age, the Silver Dominion faced an unprecedented threat as the forces of the eastern Khein Dynasty breached its territories, heralding a new challenge from the deserts to the east. This invasion marked a significant departure from the Dominion's centuries-old preparation for a northern assault, catching the noble Houses off guard. A series of fierce battles ensued across the Southern Hills, which would later come to be known as the Southern Skull Hills, as the Dominion mobilized its defenses against the unforeseen eastern aggression. Despite the initial surprise, the Dominion's forces stood resilient, fighting tenaciously to repel the invaders.

Amidst the conflict, the Silver Prince emerged as a crucial strategist and pivotal force in the defense against the Khein Dynasty's incursion. Recognizing the grave threat posed by the Khein forces, the Silver Prince personally intervened to negotiate a resolution to the conflict. A crucial turning point occurred during an intense confrontation between the Silver Prince and Prince Ahriman Khein, the leader of the invading forces and one of the immortal Princes of the Dynasty. In a dramatic showdown, Prince Ahriman attempted to strike down the Silver Prince, seeking victory for his Dynasty. However, the Silver Prince demonstrated unparalleled power and swiftly subdued Prince Ahriman, displaying an unexpected act of mercy before banishing him back across the continent to the deserts of his homeland.

This decisive and awe-inspiring display of divine power by the Silver Prince not only turned the tide of battle but also struck fear into the hearts of the remaining forces in the forest. Witnessing their leader's defeat and being faced with the might of the Silver Prince, the invaders dropped their weapons and hastily retreated, fleeing back into the territories of the Khein Dynasty.

The Dominion celebrated its first significant triumph over a formidable foreign threat, solidifying its military prowess and earning the admiration and fear of neighboring regions. This pivotal event further cemented the legend and authority of the Silver Prince, and the famed Silverin Guard, as defenders of the Dominion against external forces seeking to challenge its sovereignty. This also marked the beginning of an eternal rivalry between the two empires.

The Northern Crusade and the Conquest of Kalamar

For over a millennium, the Silver Dominion had meticulously maintained order, establishing control over its territories through the power of its Church and the influence of the Great Houses. However, as internal power struggles brewed between the noble Houses and the Church, the dominion was marred by a clandestine conflict in the shadows, signaling an impending upheaval. Amidst this unrest, House Silver, one of the oldest and most influential houses within the Dominion, sought to redirect attention and consolidate power through a grand undertaking: a crusade. In the year 576 of the Second Age, House Silver proposed and obtained approval for a crusade by invoking the Silver Prince's desire for global order.

The objective was a northern invasion, aimed at claiming the territories held by the Kalamar raiders who had evolved into formidable warrior clans over the centuries. The Church of the Dominion asserted its claim over the entire northern region, signaling its intent to expand the Dominion's dominion. However, the Kingdom of Kalamar, ruled by King Dagmar Karaheim, fiercely resisted the Dominion's advances. King Dagmar, a resolute and determined leader, stood unwavering in defense of his kingdom, refusing to relinquish Kalamar's sovereignty to the encroaching Dominion forces.

The crusade dragged on for 24 years, ravaging the lands and claiming numerous lives on both sides. The Dominion's armies, facing the resilient resistance of the Kalamar warriors, found themselves locked in a protracted struggle. Recognizing the impending harshness of the winter of year 600, the Dominion opted to negotiate a ceasefire. In the face of the coming winter's ferocity, the Silver Dominion and the Kingdom of Kalamar reached a compromise. The Dominion proposed that Kalamar become a vassal of the Dominion, allowing King Dagmar, now an old and tired man, to retain his royal title while submitting to the Dominion's authority. In return, the Dominion pledged to provide essential goods and supplies to aid Kalamar during the winter months.

Accepting the terms to safeguard his people from the harsh winter, King Dagmar Karaheim became the last King of Kalamar. The Dominion's calculated maneuver allowed them to annex Kalamar's territories, expanding their dominion while preserving the semblance of the kingdom's autonomy. This conquest solidified the Silver Dominion's control over yet another territory, marking the culmination of a hard-fought and costly crusade.

Third Age

The Infernal Incursion of Malagore

In the waning days of the Third Age, a cataclysmic event plunged the world into chaos as the infernal god Malagore, celestial brother of the Silver Prince, descended upon the mortal realm. His malevolent forces scoured regions, leaving devastation and ruin in their wake, scorching lands and shattering the very fabric of the world. For two tumultuous decades, infernal flames swept across the continents, threatening to consume all in their path. Responding to this unprecedented threat, the powers of the mortal realms united in a grand effort to combat the encroaching infernal menace. Four mighty armies were assembled, comprising the ancient Silverin Guard of the Dominion, the Sun Lords of the Nagan Empire, the Executioners of Light from the Khein Dynasty, and the valiant Blackmanes, led by the King of Kalamar.

Marching under the leadership of gods and mortal rulers, these forces gathered to confront Malagore in a climactic showdown. The battleground was Eros, a continent marred by Malagore's infernal touch. Amidst blazing landscapes and shattered terrains, the mortal armies clashed with the forces of fire and darkness, their desperate struggle echoing across the ravaged lands. In the intense battle that ensued, the might of the Silverin Guard was first to wane, crumbling under the relentless assaults across fiery fields. The Sun Lords, champions of the Nagan Empire, fell victim to the cataclysmic upheaval as the continent itself was rent asunder by the impact of divine powers. Separated from their God King, the Executioners of Light were quickly overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of Malagore's minions.

In the throes of defeat, with despair looming over the battlefield, the King of Kalamar, in his final act of courage, invoked a long-forgotten name—Rhaaga. His sacrificial invocation heralded a turn of events that altered the course of the battle. Unleashed from her abyssal domain, the banished goddess Rhaaga surged forth, accompanied by a legion of abyssal creatures that rent the battlefield asunder. The clash between infernal forces and the dread goddess marked a pivotal moment, shattering the power of Malagore and his minions.

As Malagore's power waned and his forces dissolved, the joint efforts of King Horus Khein and the Silver Prince forced the banishment of Rhaaga back to her abyssal realm. However, only the heroic deeds of the Silver Prince were exalted in the annals of Dominion records. The cataclysmic event culminated in the shattering of Malagore and the end of his infernal reign, marking a new era—the advent of the Fourth Age.

Fourth Age

The Church Plot Unfolds

In the early years of the Fourth Age, the Silver Dominion found itself in a tumultuous state, grappling with the aftermath of cataclysmic events that left it vulnerable and shaken. As the remnants of the Great Houses struggled to maintain order, a clandestine conspiracy brewed within the heart of the Dominion's Church, a revelation shrouded in darkness and deception.

A faction of zealous believers, driven by an unsettling revelation, uncovered a secret that would shake the very foundations of faith. The discovery that their revered deity, the Silver Prince, harbored a fiendish heritage from his infernal origins became the linchpin of a carefully orchestrated plan. Secret rituals conducted over years, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace, sought to exploit an archaic ritual that could potentially influence the Silver Prince.

Concurrently, the zealous group systematically erased the true name of their god from official records, advocating for his sole recognition as the Silver Prince. This manipulation of religious identity was subtly executed, drawing the Church into an edict that enforced this altered recognition. After a decade of preparation and careful planning, the zealots enacted their long-orchestrated scheme within the heart of the Dominion's capital, Enghilm. A dome of potent magic was erected, encapsulating the city within an impenetrable barrier. Simultaneously, a faction of these zealots besieged the inner sanctum of the Silver Prince, ensnaring him with powerful arcane restraints and confining him within his own chambers.

As their divine deity was magically stifled, the faction swiftly seized control, proclaiming themselves as the voices of the Silver Prince. They took charge of the Dominion Church, becoming its de facto rulers, while establishing a formidable military wing known as the Dominus Chain to enforce the Church's edicts. This bold and unexpected move left the Great Houses bewildered and powerless, unable to counter the swift and calculated actions of the Dominion Church. The capital transformed into a highly guarded temple city, accessible only to those deemed most loyal and faithful. With this unsettling turn of events, a new era dawned upon the Silver Dominion, ushering in an age of enigmatic authority and divine manipulation by the Dominion Church.

The Last King of Rivermond

In the annals of the Silver Dominion's history, the year 89 of the Fourth Age bears witness to a pivotal chapter—the reign and tragic end of King Eamon Rivers, the last sovereign ruler of the Kingdom of Rivermond. King Eamon's relentless pursuit of independence for his realm and people posed a persistent challenge to the Dominion's ambitions. His unwavering determination manifested through numerous proposals and petitions among his Lords and Ladies, seeking autonomy for Rivermond. Yet, despite his efforts, genuine self-rule eluded him, and the specter of Dominion control lingered over the kingdom.

The circumstances surrounding King Eamon's demise are steeped in mystery and folklore, giving rise to legends that endure through generations. Among the populace, a prevailing belief persists—that the Silver Dominion, perceiving him as a formidable adversary, orchestrated his assassination to eliminate a potent opponent. Tales of his tragic end recount the story of a valiant ruler who, in the pursuit of freedom, met an untimely and treacherous fate. Following the demise of King Eamon, the Silver Dominion seized the opportunity to solidify its control and reshape Rivermond to align with its own interests. The kingdom was partitioned into four distinct baronies—Bellmond, Redmond, Greenfield, and the capital barony of Rivermond. The highest-ranking Lords and Ladies were elevated to the titles of Baron and Baroness, symbolizing their newfound authority over their respective regions.

In the absence of a monarch, the Silver Dominion introduced a new governance structure—a figurehead known as the Arch-Baron. To maintain a semblance of continuity and to appease the remnants of Rivermond's nobility, this position was bestowed upon a member of the Rivers family, the same ruling lineage that had once governed the kingdom as a client state of the Dominion.

The era of the last King of Rivermond stands as a defining moment, marking the kingdom's subjugation to the firm control of the Silver Dominion. The division of the realm into baronies and the establishment of the Arch-Baron as the new head of state signaled the beginning of a new era, firmly entrenched under the influence of the Dominion. In the eyes of Dominion records, it was a strategic move to ensure stability and alignment with the Dominion's overarching agenda.

The Revision of Kalamar

In the wake of Rivermond's reformation, the Great Houses turned their attention towards remolding Kalamar to align with the dominion's vision. However, reshaping this sovereign land proved an arduous endeavor, demanding significant concessions and restructuring to appease the Dominion's agenda. Over time, Kalamar underwent transformative changes that reshaped its political landscape, marked by profound shifts in its hierarchical structure and governance.

The erstwhile title of "King" in Kalamar, once a symbol of sovereignty, was supplanted by the more subservient title of "Duke." This modification signified the relinquishing of regal authority to a more compliant position under the Dominion's overarching control. Similarly, the noble leaders known as warchiefs were rechristened as "Earls," reshaping the hierarchy within the kingdom. Kalamar, once a kingdom under its own rule, became a realm without a sovereign king.

Despite the dominion's efforts to institute these reforms, Kalamar's internal strife and resistance to this transformation became palpable. Many factions, driven by divergent motives, engaged in internal conflicts and power struggles, deeply rooted in the region's past glories and the enduring dream of attaining independence. The kingdom, though still retaining its inherent strength, found itself caught amidst internal discord and clashes, as various groups vied for dominance and autonomy, perpetuating a delicate balance between loyalty to tradition and aspirations for self-governance.


Sovereignty Type

The Silver Dominion is a theocratic Empire, meaning that it is ruled by religious leaders. The Church of the Silver Prince holds the majority of the power in the Dominion, and it is through them that the Prince's will is carried out. The Church is in charge of all aspects of society, including government, law enforcement, education, and even commerce.

The Church is made up of a hierarchy of religious leaders, paladins and warrior priests, who are responsible for enforcing the Prince's will and protecting the Dominion from outside threats. The paladins are trained in both combat and magic, and are feared throughout the land for their strength and devotion.

The Dominion is divided into six territories, each ruled by a noble house. The nobles are the founding families of the Dominion and some are chosen by the Church based on their loyalty to the Prince and their ability to govern. While the nobles hold some power in their own territories, ultimately they are subservient to the Church and must obey its edicts.

There are few opposing groups within the Dominion who are against the current leadership, but they are largely unknown to the public. The Church maintains a tight grip on information, and any dissent is quickly suppressed. The Prince's word is law, and those who defy it are punished severely.

The Great Houses of the Dominion

The Great Houses of the Silver Dominion are an integral part of the nation's history and culture. Each of these houses holds immense power and influence, with a rich history that dates back centuries.

House Silver, being the first noble house established during the transition from the old Kingdom to the Dominion, holds a special place in the hearts of the people. They were the primary political power in the early days of the Dominion, and while their influence has waned over the years, they still hold a great deal of respect and prestige in the west coast.

House Elrik, on the other hand, is considered to be the strongest house within the Dominion. This is due to their strategic location at the border towards the Khein Dynasty, which has made them a prime target for attacks over the years. The household is heavily guarded and fortified, with many of its members being veteran soldiers.

House Tusk, the youngest noble house in the Dominion, was once one of the clans from Kalamar. They were the last of the clans to bend the knee to Dominion rule, and in exchange, were granted nobility. This clan has since risen in power to become one of the great houses of the Dominion.

House Cal is known for being the most peaceful household within the Dominion. They are located at the border towards Rivermond and safeguard the main trade route that passes through the two regions. This house is also responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations between the Dominion and Rivermond.

House Moor, another former clan from Kalamar, was the first to welcome their new rulers during the invasion. Their display of trust was rewarded with nobility, and over the years, they have become one of the richest houses in the Dominion. They are known for their vast wealth and business acumen.

Finally, House Tarvik is one of the oldest noble houses in the Dominion. They are known for their expertise in fishing and sailing, with many of their members being great fishers and sailors. They control many fish markets and fishing fleets throughout the Dominion, and their knowledge of the ocean tides has been invaluable to the Dominion's naval power.


Geography and Culture

Situated in the heart of the Agera continent, the Silver Dominion spans a significant portion of the western region. The capital, Enghilm, nestled amid the Silver Peaks mountains, stands as the central hub of the Dominion. Notable cities like King's PortWaterdeep, and Bronze Harbor serve as crucial centers of commerce and culture. The Dominion features diverse landscapes, including farmlands that dominate extensive fields across the region. Mountains, such as the Silver Peaks, and hills offer abundant mining opportunities, fostering numerous operations extracting precious minerals like silver and iron. Vast untouched areas sprawl beyond urban centers, preserving natural beauty and wildlife.


The culture of the Silver Dominion is deeply influenced by their religion and the worship of the Silver Prince. The Prince is considered a divine being and his word is taken as law by the majority of the population. This has led to a society that values obedience, loyalty, and discipline above all else. The people of the Dominion are proud of their faith and are often seen as zealous and uncompromising.

Their customs and rituals are often steeped in religious significance. The use of pure silver in their religious symbols, figurines, vases, and rings is a reflection of the importance of wealth and prosperity in their faith. The people of the Dominion also place great emphasis on sacrifice and helping others, as these are central tenets of their religion.

The Dominion is predominantly made up of humans, high elves, and dwarves, and their culture reflects this diversity. However, their society is not without its flaws. While the people are loyal to their faith, they are less honest in their dealings with others. This is likely due to the emphasis placed on obedience and loyalty above all else.

Despite the widespread devotion to their faith, there are few opposing groups within the Dominion who are against the current leadership. However, these groups are largely unknown to the general public. The Dominion's religion and culture are met with hostility in the rest of the world, which has led to some isolationism and a general suspicion of outsiders.

The Dominion's booming economy and infrastructure are among its greatest strengths. However, their reliance on rare resources has made them vulnerable to economic fluctuations. The lack of medicine and natural resources has also been a weakness for the Dominion. Overall, the culture of the Silver Dominion is heavily influenced by their religion and their pride in their faith.

Primary Threat

The primary threat to the Silver Dominion is the spread of heretical views from the Khein Dynasty, which poses a threat to the religious foundation of the Dominion. The Khein Dynasty is located to the east of the Dominion and has been in a vague truce with them. The Khein Dynasty's "heretical" views are in direct conflict with the religious teachings of the Silver Dominion, which can cause unrest and instability within the Dominion.

The Silver Dominion's leadership is aware of this threat and is working closely with the public to address it. They have taken steps to prevent the spread of the heretical views, such as increasing border security and conducting investigations into any suspected activity. The Church of the Silver Prince is also working to counter the Khein Dynasty's views by spreading their own teachings and promoting the importance of the Silver Prince in the lives of the Dominion's people.

The threat from the Khein Dynasty is not to be taken lightly, as it could lead to a significant shift in the religious beliefs of the people within the Dominion. The leadership and the Church are doing everything in their power to prevent this from happening and maintain the traditional teachings of the Silver Dominion.

Population and Diversity

The Silver Dominion stands as a melting pot of diverse races, harboring a populace of nearly 12 million individuals. The Dominion's demographic landscape showcases a blend of various races, each contributing to the vibrant cultural tapestry of the region. Predominantly, humans and elves constitute the primary population groups, their presence echoing the historical roots and influential roles within the Dominion. Adding to this colorful mosaic are the sizable populations of goliaths originating from the northern territories, renowned for their strength and resilience. The southern regions are inhabited by dwarfs, who bring their craftsmanship and mining expertise to the Dominion's cultural and economic landscape.

A distinctive addition to this diverse population are the native halflings, known for their industriousness and community-oriented lifestyle. Among the inhabitants are also the kenku, flightless avian humanoids whose enigmatic presence contributes to the Dominion's unique cultural tapestry. This rich and varied populace converses primarily in three languages: Common, the widely spoken tongue bridging communication among various races; Elvish, reflective of the elven heritage and culture; and Dwarvish, preserving the linguistic legacy of the dwarven communities within the Dominion. The linguistic diversity mirrors the amalgamation of races and cultures, contributing to the unique and harmonious coexistence within the Silver Dominion.

Population Opinion

The population within the Silver Dominion is deeply rooted in their religion and their daily lives are highly influenced by their faith. This religious devotion has resulted in the people of the Dominion being highly obedient and law-abiding citizens, as they believe that following the Prince's teachings will lead them to eternal salvation.

The people of the Dominion are proud of their nation and its accomplishments, which include impressive infrastructure, sustainable practices, and high life expectancy. They are also proud of their religious customs and special rituals, which they believe help them connect with the divine and bring them closer to eternal life.

While the Dominion is not without its problems, such as a lack of medicine and natural resources, the people generally feel content with their lives. They rely on their faith and community support to overcome these challenges, and they take great pride in their ability to persevere in the face of adversity.


"Question not, be content to serve the Dominion."

Laws and Common Penalties

The Silver Dominion operates under a stringent legal system where the Church wields considerable influence, governing the populace through strict religious laws that permeate every aspect of daily life. These religious laws are uniform throughout the Dominion and extend, to varying degrees, into territories governed by its vassals. At the heart of the Dominion's legal framework lies the dogma and doctrines dictated by the Church, with blasphemy against established religious beliefs carrying the harshest penalties. The Church acts as the moral compass of the Dominion, imposing its laws and ensuring compliance with religious edicts.

Each region ruled by the Great Houses maintains a semblance of autonomy in law enforcement. Local knights, in collaboration with the clergy, administer and uphold local laws within their respective territories. These laws often complement the overarching religious statutes while addressing specific regional concerns. The Church's teachings are woven into the legal fabric of the Dominion, influencing codes of conduct, social norms, and judicial proceedings. Disobedience or opposition to the Church's directives carries severe consequences, ranging from social ostracism to severe punishments such as exile, branding, or even execution in cases of grave offenses.

Law enforcement is carried out rigorously by both local authorities and the Church's ordained representatives, ensuring the implementation of laws and penalties. The enforcement is designed not only to maintain societal order but also to reinforce the authority and sanctity of the Church's influence. Underlying the Dominion's legal structure is a complex interplay of religious doctrine, regional laws, and the authority of the Great Houses. While the Church establishes the fundamental legal guidelines, local laws cater to specific regional needs and are enforced through the combined efforts of local knights and clergy.

This meticulous balance between religious doctrines, regional laws, and the centralized authority of the Church and the Great Houses creates a legal landscape that emphasizes adherence to religious beliefs while maintaining a semblance of localized governance.

Common Penalties

  • Practicing Forgery: The act of forging official documents or currency is heavily penalized. Offenders can expect to face a considerable fine, reflecting the seriousness of the crime.

  • Stealing a Horse: Horses, valuable assets in a land that relies on them for transportation and labor, are protected under the law. Stealing a horse incurs a considerable fine, discouraging theft and safeguarding the livelihoods of the Dominion's citizens.

  • Stealing in General: Theft in any form is not tolerated within the Silver Dominion. Those caught stealing face time at the pillory, where they are publicly humiliated and subjected to community scorn.

  • Evading Taxes: Taxes are the lifeblood of the Dominion's economy and governance. Evading taxes is considered a serious offense and can result in a considerable fine and possible loss of property, ensuring that citizens contribute their fair share to the prosperity of the realm.

  • Abusing Citizens: The well-being and safety of the Dominion's citizens are of utmost importance. Abusing citizens, whether physically or emotionally, is met with a considerable fine, protecting the vulnerable and ensuring their rights are respected.

  • Accepting Bribes: Corruption is not tolerated within the Silver Dominion. Individuals caught accepting bribes face a short imprisonment, demonstrating the Dominion's commitment to a fair and just society.

  • Kidnapping a Citizen: Kidnapping is a serious crime that threatens the security and well-being of the Dominion's citizens. Those found guilty of kidnapping face a long imprisonment, removing them from society and protecting potential victims.

  • Smuggling: Illicit trade and smuggling disrupt the Dominion's economic stability. Smugglers are met with a considerable fine, deterring illegal activities and preserving the legal channels of commerce.

  • Trespassing: The Dominion's property rights are protected by law. Trespassers are fined a small amount and subjected to time at the pillory, serving as a reminder of the boundaries and respect for private property.

  • Illegal Trafficking: Engaging in illegal trade and trafficking, such as the trade of contraband goods or prohibited substances, carries a considerable fine. This discourages such activities and protects the Dominion's citizens from harmful and dangerous practices.

  • Illegal Mining/Hunting: The Dominion regulates the extraction of resources and hunting of wildlife to maintain ecological balance. Engaging in illegal mining or hunting incurs a considerable fine, preserving the natural environment and safeguarding the Dominion's resources.

  • Slavery: The Dominion condemns the institution of slavery. Those involved in the enslavement of others face a considerable fine and public shaming, reflecting the Dominion's commitment to human rights and equality.

  • Murder: The most severe crime, taking the life of another, is met with the harshest punishments. Murderers can expect either execution or long imprisonment, depending on the circumstances and the judgment of the legal system.
  • Committing Blasphemy: Any act or speech that defies or insults the established religious order is considered blasphemy. Blasphemers are sentenced to death by hanging as a severe punishment for their offense against the Dominion's religious beliefs.

  • Inciting Rebellion: Those who incite rebellion or attempt to undermine the authority of the Dominion face the harshest penalty: public execution. This serves as a deterrent to dissidents and a demonstration of the Dominion's unwavering commitment to maintaining order and control.

  • Disobeying the Church: The Church holds significant influence within the Silver Dominion, and disobeying its edicts carries consequences. Offenders who defy the Church face the loss of their social status, which can lead to social ostracism and a decline in their standing within the Dominion.

  • Slandering an Official: Slandering an official, or spreading false accusations against individuals in positions of authority, is a punishable offense. Offenders face a trial by public jury, where their case is examined and a suitable punishment is determined.

  • Slandering a Royal Guard: The royal guards, tasked with maintaining law and order, are highly respected and protected. Slandering a royal guard leads to a trial by combat, where the accused and the guard they slandered engage in a fight to determine innocence or guilt.

  • Lying Under Oath: The legal system relies on truth and trust. Those who lie under oath face whipping as a form of physical punishment and a large fine to discourage perjury and uphold the integrity of the legal process.

  • Treason: Engaging in treasonous activities, such as plotting against the Dominion or collaborating with its enemies, leads to the gravest penalty: public execution by hanging, beheading, or other means, intended to serve as a deterrent to potential traitors.

  • Treason Against Noble Houses: Any act that undermines the authority or reputation of the noble houses is considered treason. Punishments range from heavy fines and loss of titles to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

  • Harboring Wanted People: Providing refuge or support to individuals deemed enemies of the Dominion is a serious crime. Offenders face exile from the Dominion, loss of property, and in extreme cases, public branding to mark them as traitors.

  • Violating Curfew: Ignoring the established curfew disrupts the Dominion's order and security. Those caught violating curfew regulations are subject to fines, imprisonment, or community service, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

  • Unsanctioned use of Magic: Unauthorized use of magic, especially for malicious purposes, is strictly prohibited. Penalties include magical suppression, fines, or imprisonment, depending on the scale and intent of the magical act.

  • Criminal Guild Activity: Membership or association with criminal guilds is strictly prohibited. Those found guilty may face lengthy imprisonment, forced labor, or, in extreme cases, branding as a mark of their association with criminal elements.


Resources and Trade

The Silver Dominion boasts a diverse landscape that facilitates varied resource extraction and trade opportunities. Hills and mountains within its territories host extensive mining operations, yielding valuable metals like copper, while local sources of iron contribute to the Dominion's industrial capacity. The country's rich farmlands and fertile fields ensure a robust agricultural output, providing sustenance for both its populace and trade partners.


Despite its substantial mineral wealth, the Dominion imports silver, gemstones, and specialized materials to satisfy the demands of its ornate religious practices and affluent upper class. These imports play a crucial role in the Dominion's arcane practices and contribute to the magnificence of its religious institutions. Furthermore, the Dominion sources various food products and medicines from neighboring countries, supplementing its local supplies and ensuring access to diverse culinary choices and specialized pharmaceuticals not readily available within its borders.


Copper, extracted from the Dominion's mines, serves as a primary export alongside other vital resources such as timber, gravel, coal, and salt. These exports bolster the Dominion's economic stability and fortify its trade relationships across borders. The Dominion's emphasis on these natural resources underscores its commitment to fostering trade and economic growth within the region.

Maritime Relations and Sea Trade

The Dominion's reliance on sea trade, particularly through the Imperial Bay, stands as a vital component of its economic prosperity. Sharing these waters with the neighboring Nagan Empire necessitates maintaining amicable and open relations to facilitate safe and unimpeded trade. Diplomatic efforts and strategic alliances are crucial to ensuring the smooth passage of goods through these shared maritime territories, underscoring the importance of fostering harmonious relations between the Dominion and the Nagan Empire.

The Silver Dominion's strategic positioning, diverse resources, and trade practices serve as cornerstones of its economic stability, cultural prominence, and diplomatic engagements. Its reliance on imports for specific resources emphasizes its commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, trade, and societal well-being, while its maritime ties highlight the significance of maintaining peaceful relations for continued economic growth and stability.

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"We have faith in our Queen and with faith comes sacrifice.

For Queen and Country we will stand."

Vikholm is a unique and fascinating country with a rich history and culture. It is a matriarchal state ruled by a chosen Queen, and this tradition has been upheld for generations. However, the recent death of the previous Queen under mysterious circumstances has left a power vacuum that has yet to be filled. Despite this, the people of Vikholm remain proud of their heritage and determined to uphold their traditions.

The country of Vikholm has a complex social and economic structure that is built upon the strong minds, old traditions, and prosperous trade of its past. However, in recent years, the country has fallen on hard times and is now among the poorest countries in its corner of the world. Despite this, the people of Vikholm are resilient and resourceful, and they have managed to maintain a strong sense of community and togetherness.

One of the greatest strengths of Vikholm is its clean water, education, and public safety. The country has invested heavily in these areas, and as a result, its citizens generally enjoy a high quality of life. Unfortunately, the country lacks a lot in housing within cities and towns, which is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

The people of Vikholm are very spiritual, and they have an abundance of celebrations and special rituals that are an integral part of their culture. These celebrations are rooted in the ancient traditions of the country and are celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. The country is home to many demi-human races, including the tiny Mousefolk to the large Bearkin. These different races have learned to live in harmony and have formed a united front against any external threats.

The land of Vikholm is protected by the Bearkin in the mountains, werewolves in the deep woods, and wood elves around the plains. These different races have developed unique cultures and customs that are closely tied to the natural environment. The Bearkin, for example, are renowned for their strength and courage, and they are fiercely protective of their territory. The werewolves, on the other hand, are known for their cunning and agility, and they are experts at navigating the deep woods. The wood elves are the keepers of the ancient forests, and they have a deep spiritual connection to the natural world.

Despite their differences, the people of Vikholm are united in their love of their country and their determination to protect it from external threats. The Silver Dominion has tried to annex Vikholm in the past, but they have never managed to gain a foothold in the region. The races of Vikholm are especially united and have formed a powerful alliance to protect their land from any potential invaders.

The Court of Thorns

The Court of Thorns is a political body that emerged in Vikholm after the death of Queen Nathena Evergreen. It is a group of powerful individuals, each representing a different faction in Vikholm's society, that meets to discuss and make decisions about the future of the country. The Court is named after the thorny vines that have grown up around the palace, symbolizing the danger and uncertainty that surround the country's future.

The Court is led by the mysterious stranger who appeared shortly after the Queen's death. This individual has managed to gain a seat on the Court and has since become one of the most influential members, despite her unknown origins and intentions. Rumors abound about her true identity and her motivations for seeking power in Vikholm.

The Court is made up of various factions, they include the Bearkin of the mountains, the werewolves of the deepwoods, the wood elves of the plains, and other groups. Each faction has its own agenda and its own representatives within the Court, who are tasked with advocating for their group's interests. Despite the diverse makeup of the Court, the various factions have managed to work together to keep Vikholm from descending into chaos. They have made difficult decisions about how to govern the country in the absence of a new Queen, and have worked to maintain order and stability in a time of uncertainty. However, there are tensions and disagreements among the factions, and there are always those who seek to gain more power and influence within the Court.

The Court of Thorns is known for its secrecy and its use of subtle power games to achieve its goals. Members of the Court are often guarded and mistrustful of each other, and alliances and loyalties can shift quickly in response to changing circumstances. The Court is also known for its use of spies and informants, who gather information on the other factions and report back to their masters.

Despite the challenges faced by the Court of Thorns, it has managed to keep Vikholm from falling into complete chaos. However, the question of who will become the new monarch looms large, and many within the Court are jockeying for position in anticipation of the selection process. It remains to be seen whether the Court will be able to maintain its fragile balance of power, or whether it will be torn apart by the struggle for the throne.


Region: East
Capital: Vikstorm
Population: 6.808.000
Major Cities: Qarltown, Elina Port, Ulftown
Strongholds: Fjordfort, Westberg, Northberg


Races: Elves, Gnomes, Mousefolk, Bearkin, Foxkin
Languages: Common, Elvish
Religion: None


Imports: Iron, Medicine,
Exports: Fish, Stone, Honey, Timber


Ruler: Evergreen Queen.
Government: Matriarchal state ruled by a Queen.
Factions: The Royal Watch, Ursa Party, Howlguard.

Sovereignty Type

Vikholm is a matriarchal state. Ruled by a Queen. There are no real opposing groups against the Queen, but this will not last with two war nations on each side of the country.

Primary Threat

The current greatest threat to the nation is the rise of illegal goods, but the current leadership does whatever it takes to solve this issue.

Population Opinion

The people of Vikholm are distressed. They live bleak lives, but while housing is really lacking, their clean water helps relieve some of their issues.


The culture of Vikholm is diverse and deeply rooted in tradition. The people of Vikholm take pride in their customs and beliefs, which have been passed down from generation to generation. The country is home to a variety of demi-human races, each with their own unique customs and traditions.

One of the most important aspects of Vikholm's culture is spirituality. The people of Vikholm are deeply connected to the natural world and believe in the power of the spirits that inhabit it. They believe that everything in nature has a spirit, and that these spirits must be respected and honored in order to maintain balance and harmony in the world.

In addition to their spiritual beliefs, the people of Vikholm also place a strong emphasis on community and togetherness. Despite their differences in race and culture, the people of Vikholm have learned to live in harmony with one another and have formed a united front against any external threats.

Celebrations and special rituals are an integral part of Vikholm's culture. These events are often centered around the changing of the seasons, the harvest, or other important milestones in the lives of the people. The celebrations are marked by feasting, dancing, and music, and are a time for the community to come together and celebrate their shared heritage and traditions.

The different races of Vikholm have their own unique customs and traditions as well. For example, the Mousefolk are known for their love of music and dance, and often hold elaborate festivals to celebrate these art forms. The Bearkin, on the other hand, are renowned for their strength and bravery, and often hold competitions to test their skills in combat and hunting.

Despite their differences, the people of Vikholm have a shared sense of pride and identity. They are fiercely loyal to their country and their traditions, and will do whatever it takes to protect them.

In the kingdom of Vikholm, a land guided by the saying "Our lands shall not suffer the presence of evil," a strict system of laws and penalties govern the behavior of its inhabitants. These laws aim to maintain order, protect the well-being of its citizens, and ensure the prosperity of the kingdom.

Laws and Economy

"Our lands shall not suffer the presence of evil."

Common Penalties

  1. Practicing Forgery: Engaging in the act of forgery, whether it be the creation of false documents or counterfeit items, is met with a small fine and a warning. The kingdom takes such activities seriously to safeguard against deception and maintain the integrity of legal transactions.

  2. Stealing: Theft is considered a serious offense, and anyone caught stealing is subjected to a fine and imprisonment. The severity of the punishment serves as a deterrent, aiming to discourage individuals from committing theft and protecting the property of the kingdom's citizens.

  3. Lying Under Oath: Perjury, or lying under oath during legal proceedings, is viewed as a grave offense. Offenders face long imprisonment as a consequence for undermining the justice system and compromising the pursuit of truth.

  4. Breaking an Oath: Vikholm places great importance on upholding one's word and honoring commitments. Those who break an oath, whether it be a solemn promise or a sworn allegiance, face severe consequences. The punishment can range from exile, stripping them of their rights and privileges within the kingdom, to execution in cases where the betrayal is deemed particularly heinous.

  5. Public Dispute: Engaging in public disputes that disrupt the peace and harmony of the kingdom is met with a small fine and a warning. The law seeks to encourage civility and discourage public disturbances that could escalate into violence or create unrest among the citizens.

  6. Abusing Citizens: Vikholm is committed to protecting the welfare of its people. Those who abuse or mistreat their fellow citizens face a moderate fine and a warning. This encompasses acts such as physical assault, verbal abuse, or any form of harm inflicted upon another person.

  7. Abusing Animals: The kingdom places a strong emphasis on respecting and preserving the welfare of animals. Those found guilty of abusing animals face a fine and long imprisonment, recognizing the intrinsic value of all living creatures and discouraging cruelty.

  8. Abusing the Land: Vikholm values the preservation of its natural resources and environment. Anyone caught abusing the land through activities such as deforestation, pollution, or destruction of habitats, faces a considerable fine and a warning. The kingdom seeks to maintain the balance between human progress and ecological sustainability.

  9. Smuggling: Smuggling illegal goods or contraband within the kingdom is met with a moderate fine and loss of privileges. The penalties aim to deter individuals from engaging in illicit trade and to protect the economic interests of the kingdom.

  10. Illegal Trafficking: The act of illegal trafficking, which involves the trade of prohibited goods or illicit activities such as human trafficking, is dealt with severely. Offenders face a considerable fine, reflecting the seriousness of the crime and the kingdom's commitment to combating such heinous acts.

  11. Murder: Taking the life of another individual is considered a grave offense. Offenders face the ultimate punishment of exile or execution, as the kingdom values the sanctity of life and seeks to protect its citizens from harm.

  12. Slavery: Vikholm vehemently opposes the institution of slavery and considers it an abhorrent practice. Those involved in slavery, whether as slave owners or participants in the slave trade, are met with the harshest penalty of execution, reflecting the kingdom's unwavering commitment to human rights and dignity.

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"We remain loyal to our Silver Prince. For the future."

Rivermond is a land of chivalry, where the knights are the embodiment of the country's values of honor, loyalty, and courage. The people of Rivermond place great importance on their code of chivalry, which emphasizes the importance of upholding one's word, defending the weak, and fighting for justice. The knights of Rivermond are expected to adhere to this code at all times, and they are highly respected for their service to the realm.

The nation is a feudal society, with an Arch-Baron at the top of the hierarchy, ruling over a series of baronies. The barons in turn are responsible for enforcing the law within their own territories. While there are some opposing groups against the current leadership, they do not pose a significant threat to the nation. The general public is loyal to the Arch-Baron and his barons, as they have managed to create a self-sufficient country with strong agricultural production and natural resources.

Rivermond is known for its wine fields, which surround the many cities and towns and produce some of the finest wines in the continent. However, the nation also faces challenges, as they lack military power and are a vassal under the Silver Dominion. They maintain only two well-defended fortresses, Northgate and Eastfort, which are essential to the defense of the nation. The other towns and villages rely heavily on the support of the local knights for protection. Only few towns and cities, including the capital, have fortified stone walls.

The towns and cities of Rivermond have their own unique characteristics. Bellmond is surrounded by Dwarven mines and is a popular destination for monsters seeking refuge. Redmond is known for its open quarries, while Riverend is a bustling merchant city that serves as a central hub, connecting the main road with the Dynasty and the Dominion.


Sovereignty Type

Rivermond is a feudal nation with a hierarchical system of government. The nation is ruled by an Arch-Baron, who is the ultimate authority in the land. Under the Arch-Baron are a number of Barons, who are responsible for governing their respective territories. These Barons are responsible for upholding the laws of their baronies, as well as providing military support when needed.

The sovereignty type of Rivermond can be described as a vassal state. This means that Rivermond is a subordinate entity to a more powerful state, in this case, the Silver Dominion. As a vassal state, Rivermond has pledged allegiance to the Silver Dominion and is obligated to provide military support and other forms of assistance when called upon. In return, the Silver Dominion provides Rivermond with protection and resources.

However, despite being a vassal state, Rivermond still maintains a degree of independence and self-rule. The Barons have a great deal of autonomy in their territories, and are responsible for maintaining the law and order within their borders. They are also responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining roads, and providing for the common welfare of their subjects. The Arch-Baron serves as the ultimate authority in the land, but the Barons have a significant degree of power and influence in their respective territories.

The Arch-Baron and Barons 

The Arch-Baron and Barons of Rivermond are the highest-ranking leaders of the region, responsible for governing and protecting their respective territories. Each baron is in charge of a specific city or area within Rivermond, and together they answer to the Arch-Baron, who oversees the entire region.

Jordan Rivers is the current Arch-Baron of Barony of Rivermond, having been appointed at a young age following the death of his father, the previous Arch-Baron. Despite his youth, Jordan has quickly gained the respect of the majority of his fellow barons and the people of Rivermond for his strong leadership and compassionate nature. He often seeks counsel from his advisors, including the other barons and priests, but ultimately makes his own decisions based on what he believes is best for the people of Rivermond.

Lucas Kardean is the Baron of Barony of Bellmond, a key city within Rivermond. He is a young and able Knight, with a loyal group of Knights under his command. Lucas is determined to see Rivermond become strong and prosperous once again, and is constantly working to improve the city's infrastructure and economy. He has also made it his mission to root out corruption within Bellmond and ensure that justice is served.

Martin Shores is the Baron of Barony of Greenfield, a city known for its scholars and farmers. He faces a unique set of challenges, as the Dominus Chain has been pushing their faith on his citizens, many of whom have found faith elsewhere. Martin struggles to maintain peace and unity among his people, but he is a capable leader who is dedicated to the well-being of his city.

Oliver Rocks is the Baron of Barony of Redmond and a respected leader within Rivermond. He was a close friend of Jordan's father and is often referred to as the Arch-Baron's uncle. Oliver has a reputation for standing up for the weak and vulnerable, even in the face of opposition from the Dominus Chain. He has often defied their orders and provided aid to refugees fleeing from the Dynasty, earning the admiration and respect of many within Rivermond.


Geography and Culture

Rivermond, situated in the southern territories of the Agera continent, boasts a strategic location with its capital, Rivermond City, positioned at the mouth of the Gylder River. The nation's landscape is characterized by a diverse topography encompassing sprawling coastlines, fertile vineyards, expansive farmlands, and resource-rich mines. Major cities, including BellmondRiverendRedmondGreenfield, and Windelcrest, contribute to the country's economic and cultural vibrancy. Rivermond's territorial defenses include two pivotal strongholds, Northgate and Eastfort, strategically positioned along the borders of the Silver Dominion and the Khein Dynasty.

Rivermond experiences a varied climate owing to its diverse landscape. The coastal regions maintain a temperate climate, fostering ideal conditions for vineyards and agricultural pursuits. Inland areas boast fertile farmlands, while the presence of mines indicates a diverse geological structure, indicating potential variations in climate across the nation. Rivermond's geographical and resource diversity, coupled with its strategic positioning, underpins its economic prosperity despite its governance under the Silver Dominion. The country's resourceful utilization of its natural assets and strategic trade partnerships facilitates a thriving economy and sustains its rich cultural tapestry.


The culture of Rivermond is deeply rooted in chivalry, honor, and faith. The people of Rivermond hold their religion in high regard and follow strict rules and intriguing rites of passage. The official faith in Rivermond is The Word (Silver Prince) where the word of The Prince is preached across the land. However, more and more people are turning to The One (God King), following their beliefs of reincarnation and their role in the world. The people of Rivermond are quite spiritual, and their faith has made them proud of their heritage and culture.

The Knights of Rivermond uphold a strong culture of honor and chivalry. They are the protectors of the land and defend it with their lives. They are trained to fight for the glory of Rivermond and hold themselves to a high standard of conduct. The nobility of Rivermond mainly worships the Silver Prince of the Dominion, who is considered the national patron deity. The other deities of the land are respected and worshipped by commoners, and there are groups who worship lesser deities believed to be the children of the Silver Prince. However, this is deemed blasphemy by the Church, and worship of these deities is only mentioned or practiced in secrecy.

Primary Threat

The primary threat to Rivermond is the ongoing religious conflict with the Khein Dynasty. The Silver Dominion is pushing hard to remove the faith of the God King from Rivermond, which has caused a lot of tension between the two nations. The current leadership of Rivermond understands the threat posed by the Dominion's desire to eliminate the faith, and they are doing whatever they can to solve this issue without resorting to bloodshed.

The situation has become increasingly dangerous as the Dominion has started to use more aggressive tactics to push their agenda. This has led to increased hostility and conflict between the two nations, with both sides determined to defend their beliefs and way of life.

Population and Diversity

The nation's population, estimated at approximately 5 million inhabitants, is predominantly comprised of diverse ethnicities, prominently featuring Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarfs, and Half-Orcs. This multicultural populace converses primarily in Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Orcish, reflecting the rich linguistic diversity within the country.

Population Opinion

The general population in Rivermond is a mixed bag of opinions and attitudes. The people of Rivermond are proud of their heritage, culture, and way of life, and this pride often translates into a strong sense of loyalty to their barons and the Arch-Baron who rules over them. However, many of them also harbor feelings of bitterness and resentment towards their leaders, whom they see as neglectful of their needs and concerns. Hygiene is lacking in some parts of the country, and this has led to a number of health problems among the people, such as diseases caused by contaminated water and unsanitary living conditions. Despite this, the people are able to find some relief in the clean water that is available to them, as well as the natural resources of the land, which includes fertile soil for agriculture and an abundance of game for hunting.


Magic and the Arcane

Rivermond is a realm where the arcane arts are met with both fascination and trepidation. Wild magic, once a thriving force within the city of Vindrik, now exists in the shadows, whispered about in hushed tones and confined to the grand halls of the Arcane Academy in Greenfield. The Arcane Academy, nestled in the ancient barony of Greenfield, is a bastion of magical knowledge and a sanctuary for those gifted with mystical abilities. The city of Vindrik, once a bustling hub for arcane study and trade, met a tragic fate, reduced to ruins in a catastrophic event lost to the annals of time. Its remnants serve as a haunting reminder of the perils associated with the arcane.

In Rivermond, the populace regards magic with a mixture of suspicion and fear. While tolerated, it is kept isolated, with the Arcane Academy serving as a proud institution for the study of the arcane arts. Traditional knights, upholders of chivalric ideals, steer clear of any association with magic to maintain their knightly image. However, a subtle shift is occurring, as more knights recognize the value of accompanying mages on their journeys, providing them with essential support.

Early Training

Children discovered to possess magical abilities face a unique fate. Often, they are taken by servants of local Barons or Lords to be sent to the Arcane Academy in Greenfield. Yet, a darker underbelly exists, where some families, driven by fear or superstition, opt to kill or deliver these gifted children to the Dominion Church rather than see them sent to another Baron's domain. A peculiar transformation befalls those who return from the Arcane Academy. They are irrevocably changed, bearing the mark of magical education on their beings. Whispers abound that some of the poorest families, desperate for coin, sell their magical offspring to foreign lands—the Khein Dynasty or the Vache Kingdom—a practice shrouded in ethical ambiguity.

Exchange Students and Teachers

Nobles from distant lands recognize the prestige of the Arcane Academy, sending their kin to study within its grand halls. Even seasoned mages, seeking to broaden their understanding, journey to Rivermond to both teach and learn. The Academy stands as a symbol of the universality of magic, drawing seekers from every corner of the world.

Tension with the Church

However, a new chapter unfolds with the encroachment of the Dominion Church into Rivermond's domains. Chapels and posts pepper the landscape, and a sudden decline in magical practices is noted. Whispers gain momentum, alleging that the Church kidnaps those adept in the arcane to bolster its own ranks. Tensions escalate, and the grounds of the Arcane Academy become a battleground of ideologies. Protected by mages, arcane constructs, and allied elementals, the Academy resists the influence of the Church. A delicate dance ensues, a balance between the mythical allure and inherent dangers of magic, played out against the backdrop of Rivermond's ever-shifting political and arcane landscape.

"Our land is strong and the ocean provides."

Laws and Common Penalties

Laws and Chivalric Code in Rivermond

Steeped in the ethos of chivalry and valor, champions the ideals of honor, loyalty, and bravery, embodied through the revered knights who personify the nation's values. The citizens of Rivermond hold in high esteem a code of chivalry, an ancient set of principles that extols the virtues of integrity, valor, and compassion.

At the heart of this code lies a profound emphasis on honor, wherein individuals are expected to uphold their promises and commitments, their word sacrosanct and binding. The chivalric code commands the protection and defense of the vulnerable, demanding that the strong champion the cause of the weak and downtrodden. Furthermore, it exhorts individuals to strive for justice, to stand against injustice and fight for righteousness in all aspects of life.

Feudal lords and barons preside over their respective baronies, each region fostering its own interpretation and application of laws. Consequently, the stringency of these laws can vary markedly from one domain to another within Rivermond. The norms and statutes governing these territories are contingent on the particular lord or baron in command, contributing to the diverse legal landscape across the nation.

The knights of Rivermond epitomize the embodiment of this chivalric code. These stalwart defenders of justice and virtue are bound by duty to adhere unwaveringly to the tenets of honor, loyalty, and courage. Revered for their unwavering service to the realm, these knights are not only revered but also highly respected by the populace for their unwavering commitment to upholding the code of chivalry. The tapestry of Rivermond's legal and societal fabric intertwines with the essence of chivalry, weaving a narrative that celebrates noble virtues, valor, and the tireless pursuit of justice. This commitment to an ancient code enshrines the nation's values and fosters a culture where honor and righteousness stand as pillars of societal conduct.

Common Penalties

  • Practicing forgery: Engaging in the act of forgery is considered a serious offense in Rivermond. Those caught practicing forgery can expect to face a considerable fine. This penalty reflects the city's commitment to maintaining the integrity of its legal and economic systems.

  • Impersonating a tradesman: Rivermond values the trust and reputation of its tradesmen. Impersonating a tradesman is seen as a deception that undermines the city's economic stability. Offenders can expect to face a moderate fine as a deterrent against such fraudulent activities.

  • Stealing a boat: As Rivermond relies on the ocean for its prosperity, stealing a boat is a severe offense. Offenders can expect to face a considerable fine, reflecting the value of maritime assets and the impact on trade and livelihoods.

  • Stealing: Theft is taken seriously in Rivermond, and those caught stealing can expect to face both a fine and imprisonment. This dual punishment serves as a deterrent against theft and emphasizes the city's commitment to maintaining law and order.

  • Lying under oath: Perjury undermines the justice system and erodes trust in the city's legal proceedings. Those found guilty of lying under oath can expect to face long-term imprisonment as a stern penalty for their deceitful actions.

  • Breaking an oath: In a city that values honor and integrity, breaking an oath is considered a significant offense. Offenders can expect to face a fine and the loss of social status, as their actions are seen as a betrayal of trust and a breach of community standards.

  • Public dispute: To maintain harmony within the city, Rivermond imposes a small fine for engaging in public disputes. This penalty serves as a reminder to citizens to resolve conflicts peacefully and without causing disruptions to public order.
  • Assaulting a merchant: Rivermond relies on its merchants for economic stability, and any act of violence against them is taken seriously. Those who assault a merchant can expect to face a moderate fine, reflecting the severity of the offense and the protection offered to those engaged in trade.

  • Accepting bribes: Corruption threatens the integrity of the city's institutions. Rivermond has a zero-tolerance policy for bribery, and those caught accepting bribes can expect to face long-term imprisonment as a deterrent against such illicit activities.

  • Smuggling: Due to its importance as a trading hub, Rivermond takes a firm stance against smuggling. Offenders can expect public shaming and the loss of privileges, reflecting the city's commitment to fair trade and preventing the flow of contraband.

  • Trespassing: Respect for personal property and boundaries is essential in Rivermond. Trespassers can expect to face a small fine and spend time at the pillory as a public reminder of the consequences of invading someone's space without permission.

  • Illegal trafficking: Rivermond vehemently opposes illegal trafficking of goods or individuals. Those involved in such activities can expect a considerable fine as a deterrent, reflecting the severity of the offense and the city's commitment to combating illicit trade.

  • Illegal fishing: Given the country's reliance on the ocean for sustenance and economy, illegal fishing is seen as a direct threat to its resources. Offenders can expect a considerable fine and the loss of their boat, emphasizing the importance of responsible fishing practices and preserving the city's marine ecosystem.

  • Slavery: Rivermond, recognizing the inherent rights and dignity of all individuals, strictly prohibits slavery. Offenders involved in slave trade can expect public shaming and the loss of privileges, highlighting the city's commitment to equality and human rights.


Resources and Trade


Rivermond heavily relies on timber imports from the Silver Dominion. Despite its rich forest lands, the nation's own timber industry faces limitations due to the protective measures enforced by druids and mythical entities safeguarding local forests. As a result, the import of timber becomes crucial for sustaining Rivermond's construction, carpentry, and various industries reliant on wood resources.

The nation procures fabrics from the Khein Dynasty to meet its textile demands. Rivermond's textile industry benefits from this import, utilizing an assortment of fabrics to diversify its manufacturing sector. The imported fabrics contribute significantly to Rivermond's textile market, enabling a wide range of materials for clothing, upholstery, and other industrial purposes.


Rivermond's expansive coastline facilitates a flourishing fishing industry. The nation exports a diverse array of fish varieties, leveraging its strategic geographical location to harvest abundant marine resources. This export contributes to both domestic consumption and international trade, showcasing Rivermond's proficiency in the fishing sector.

With access to salt mines or natural salt marshes, Rivermond exports fine-quality salt harvested from its local sources. The purity and quality of the salt contribute to its desirability in both national and international markets, establishing Rivermond as a reliable salt exporter. And harvested from local waters, Rivermond's pearl industry thrives due to the country's natural abundance of these precious gems. The export of pearls adds value to Rivermond's economy, attracting both domestic jewelry artisans and international buyers seeking quality pearls.

Rivermond boasts rich marble reserves, exporting this prized stone to various markets. The quality and unique characteristics of Rivermond's marble stone make it a sought-after commodity in construction, sculpting, and decorative applications, contributing significantly to the nation's export revenue. While Rivermond's iron and diverse wine brands are notable contributors to its export economy. Iron exports highlight the nation's metalworking and mining industries, while the renowned wine brands, produced from the country's vineyards, contribute to the export of high-quality beverages, establishing Rivermond's presence in the global wine market.

Rivermond's robust import strategies and diverse export portfolio play pivotal roles in sustaining the nation's economy, enhancing its trade relations, and amplifying its economic significance on both regional and international platforms.

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"To admit defeat is sacrilege against the God King."

The Khein Dynasty is a desert kingdom located in the far eastern region of the continent Agera. It is known for its strong feudalism and is ruled by an immortal God King, Horus. The King is assisted by his adopted Princes who have their own domains within the Dynasty which they rule in the name of their King and adopted Father. Recently, the King pointed his first Princess of the Dynasty, marking a significant milestone in the history of the kingdom.

The kingdom prides itself on being built upon strength, endurance, leadership, and comradery. The people of the kingdom claim that they are among the most liberated countries in the eastern region of the world. Despite this, the kingdom still engages in the slave trade, which is a source of controversy and tension with neighboring kingdoms and empires.

It is known for its strong economy, which is based on trade, sustainability, and food production. The kingdom has an abundance of fertile lands along its coasts and rivers, and its people have mastered the art of irrigation and agriculture to maximize their yields. This has allowed them to become self-sufficient in terms of food production, and they are also able to export their surplus to neighboring kingdoms.

However, the Khein Dynasty lacks efficiency in mining and public education. The kingdom's mineral resources are not fully exploited due to the dangers undernearth the deserts, and this has led to a dependence on imported metal goods. Additionally, the lack of public education means that only a certain percentage of the population is literate, which hinders their ability to compete with neighboring kingdoms in terms of technological advancement and innovation.

Despite these challenges, the Khein Dynasty maintains a strong military such as the Executioners of Light and is able to defend itself against external threats. The kingdom has a long-standing rivalry with the Silver Dominion, and clashes between the two nations are common along their borders. However, there are no significant opposing groups against the current leadership, and the people of the kingdom generally feel safe and secure under the rule of their immortal god King and his adopted Princes.

In terms of culture and tradition, the Khein Dynasty is known for its elaborate and colorful clothing, as well as its unique style of music and dance. The people of the kingdom also hold strong beliefs in reincarnation, the most faithful are believed can earn a new life after death through their faith and love for their God King, and many of their traditions and customs are rooted in ancient myths and legends.

The Princes and Princess

Ahriman Khein, known as the dreadful, is one of Horus's most fearsome champions, representing the aspects of war, warfare, and conquest. He is a fierce and ruthless warrior, feared and respected by all who know of him. As a champion of Horus, he have led many successful assaults against the Silver Dominion in the past. His hatred for the people of the Dominion may have been fueled by the resistance and opposition that he has encountered during these battles, or it may simply be a part of his nature as a demi-god of war and conquest.

Anubis Khein, known as the fair, is a Prince of justice and balance, representing the aspects of law, balance, and harmony. He is a just and wise leader, whose guidance and counsel are sought after by many. He takes on a role as a diplomat and judge within the Khein Dynasty. As a champion of Horus and the patron of law and justice, Anubis may be uniquely suited to mediate disputes between the different factions and groups within the Dynasty, as well as to make rulings on matters of justice and punishment.

Kharn Khein, known as the Prince of slaves, is a Prince of excess and pleasure, representing the aspects of lust, excess, and pleasure. He is a charismatic and seductive figure, whose followers are drawn to his promises of pleasure and fulfillment. It is not surprising that Kharn may sometimes clash with Anubis, who likely finds the idea of slavery to be unjust for many. Kharn's slave markets tend to go against the principles of fairness and equality that Anubis upholds.

Alikhan Khein, known as the lover of coin, is a Prince of wealth and pride, representing the aspects of wealth, pride, and greed. He is a shrewd and cunning figure, whose mastery of commerce and finance has made him one of the wealthiest beings in the land. His pride and greed motivate him to pursue wealth and material possessions, but as long as his actions do not harm the Dynasty or its people, his pursuits are seen as beneficial to the larger whole. His success in bringing trade and wealth to the Dynasty and has earned him the favor and respect of Horus and his fellow Princes.

Amiir Khein, known as the defender, is a Prince of discipline and defense, representing the aspects of discipline, defense, and siege warfare. He is a stoic and resolute figure, whose unwavering commitment to his cause has made him a formidable opponent. Horus gave him the important task of defending the southern border against the Silver Dominion. As a champion of Horus, Amiir is a skilled military strategist and tactician, and his focus on defense and discipline make him well-suited for the task of protecting the Khein Dynasty from external threats.

Tii'ahme Khein, known as the first Princess and the harvester, is a champion of destiny and fate, representing the aspects of destiny, fate, and oracles. She is a mysterious and enigmatic figure, whose prophetic powers have made her a revered and feared figure throughout the land. She played a significant role in boosting the agricultural productivity of the Khein Dynasty. As a champion of Horus and the patron of Destiny, Fate, and Oracles, Tii'ahme's abilities have allowed her to make accurate predictions about weather patterns, soil quality, and other factors that can impact crop yields.


Region: South-East
Capital: Kheinopolis
Population: 25.494.000
Major Cities: Titan, Kharnifex, Ahrima, Khanhaus
Major Strongholds: Crimson Keep, Scimitar Keep, Kepo


Races: Human, Half-orc, Orc, Minotaur, Goliaths, Giants
Languages: Common. Orc and Giant
Religion: The One, worship of the God King


Imports: Iron, Furs, Slaves
Exports: Gold, Exotic Fruits, Gemstones, Spices, Slaves, Obsidian, Exotic animals, Copper, Iron, Limestone


Ruler: Horus Khein, the Immortal God King
Government: Feudalism, five regional ruling Princes and a Princess.
Factions: Executioners of Light, Obsidian Sons

Sovereignty Type

The Khein Dynasty is a feudal nation governed by a hierarchical structure led by the Princes who rule over their respective domains. This form of government places power in the hands of the ruling family, with the Princes acting as the regional leaders and representatives of the King Father. The King Father holds the ultimate authority and is considered the highest ruler of the Dynasty.

Within the feudal system, each Prince exercises a degree of sovereignty within their domain, overseeing the governance and affairs of their territories. They are responsible for maintaining order, upholding the laws of the Dynasty, and ensuring the safety and well-being of their subjects. The Princes are expected to be loyal to the King Father and to govern in his name, enforcing his will and directives.

The absence of significant opposing groups within the Khein Dynasty suggests a relative stability and lack of organized resistance against the ruling leadership. While there may be minor dissent or dissatisfaction among some individuals or factions, they do not pose a substantial threat to the overall safety and security of the people or the ruling regime. This stability allows the Dynasty to maintain control over its territories and exercise authority without significant internal challenges.

The people of the Khein Dynasty, for the most part, accept and adhere to the leadership of the ruling family. The Dynasty's hold on power is based on a combination of factors, including a history of effective governance, a well-established hierarchy, and the loyalty and respect commanded by the King Father and the Princes. This loyalty and respect, coupled with the absence of organized opposition, contribute to the overall stability and security of the Dynasty and its subjects.

Primary Threat

In the nation, the primary threat that the people and authorities face is the encroachment of aggressive wildlife. Great beasts from the surrounding dunes, which were once wary of human presence, have now become bolder and more fearless. These creatures pose a significant danger to the population, as they venture into human settlements, disrupt agricultural activities, and pose a threat to the safety of the people.

The increasing aggression of wildlife has raised concerns among the populace, and the current leadership recognizes the urgent need to address this issue. The government and authorities are actively working with the public to find solutions to mitigate the threat posed by these great beasts. They may employ various strategies, such as increasing patrols and strengthening defenses to protect villages and towns, organizing hunting parties to control the population of aggressive creatures, or implementing policies to discourage wildlife from encroaching on human settlements.

Simultaneously, another constant concern on the minds of the authorities and the military is the tenuous relationship with the neighboring Silver Dominion. The Silver Dominion represents a potential external threat to the nation, and the authorities are keenly aware of the need to maintain a strong and vigilant defense against any possible aggression or conflict.

The tensions with the Silver Dominion may stem from various factors, such as territorial disputes, competing interests, or historical conflicts. The military, in close coordination with the government, remains vigilant and prepared to address any potential threats arising from this neighboring nation. This includes maintaining a strong defensive presence, conducting regular border patrols, and engaging in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and foster peaceful relations.

The authorities are well aware of the simultaneous challenges posed by aggressive wildlife and the potential for conflict with the Silver Dominion. They prioritize the safety and well-being of their citizens, employing a multifaceted approach that includes addressing immediate threats from wildlife while also maintaining a proactive stance in diplomatic and military matters. Through these efforts, they strive to ensure the security and prosperity of the nation, providing a stable environment for their people to thrive.

Population Opinion

The people living within the territories of the Khein Dynasty generally have a positive outlook on their lives. They enjoy a relatively high standard of living and are content with the conditions in which they reside. While there may be certain challenges, such as the lack of efficiency in mining operations, these issues are offset by the benefits derived from trade. The Dynasty's emphasis on commerce allows the people to access various goods and resources, contributing to their overall well-being and providing solutions to many of their problems. As a result, the population tends to have a favorable opinion of their circumstances within the Dynasty.


Religion plays a significant role in the lives of the people in the Khein Dynasty, and it influences their behavior and attitudes towards one another. The belief system instills a sense of gentleness and compassion among the population, promoting kindness and empathy towards their fellow citizens. Spirituality is deeply ingrained in their daily lives, and individuals often engage in rituals, prayers, and observances to maintain a strong connection with their deities and the divine realm.

The people of the Dynasty also have a distinct culture that is characterized by unique formalities and an abundance of celebrations. They adhere to specific protocols and etiquettes in social interactions, displaying a sense of decorum and respect for traditions. This adherence to formalities helps maintain a sense of order and harmony within their society.

The Dynasty's culture is marked by numerous celebrations that revolve around important aspects of life, such as birth, marriage, harvest, and death. These festivals and ceremonies serve as significant milestones and opportunities for communal bonding. They allow the people to come together, strengthen their social ties, and express their gratitude for the blessings they have received. The celebrations associated with life, harvest, and death provide a sense of continuity and a connection to their ancestors and the cycles of nature.

In the land ruled by the Khein Dynasty, a set of strict laws and penalties govern the society, ensuring order and control. These laws, while ensuring justice, often embody a harsh and unforgiving nature, reflecting the quote "To be just, our law must be cruel." These laws serve as the foundation of the legal system within the Khein Dynasty, where the penalties for various offenses can be severe and often tailored to fit the crime committed.

Laws and Economy

"To be just, our law must be cruel."

Common Penalties

  1. Practicing Forgery: Engaging in the act of forgery, such as falsifying documents or creating counterfeit currency, is met with a considerable fine. The Dynasty places great importance on the integrity of legal documents and the monetary system, punishing those who seek to undermine them.

  2. Committing Blasphemy: Offending the religious beliefs of the Khein Dynasty, such as insulting their God King or desecrating sacred places, is seen as a grave offense. The penalty for blasphemy is death by fire, a punishment intended to deter any acts of sacrilege.

  3. Stealing a Horse: Horses are considered valuable assets, and stealing one is met with a considerable fine. This penalty reflects the importance of horses in transportation and warfare within the Dynasty.

  4. Killing Another Person's Slave: Slavery is an accepted institution within the Khein Dynasty, and taking the life of another person's slave is seen as a violation of property rights. The penalty for such an offense is a considerable fine, reflecting the economic value placed on slaves.

  5. Lying under Oath: Perjury is a serious offense that undermines the credibility of the legal system. Those found guilty of lying under oath are subjected to public whipping as a form of public shaming and a reminder of the consequences of dishonesty.

  6. Abusing Animals: The Khein Dynasty places importance on the humane treatment of animals. Those found guilty of abusing animals face the loss of two limbs as a severe and lasting punishment.

  7. Abusing Citizens: Any form of abuse directed at the citizens of the Khein Dynasty is met with a considerable fine. This law emphasizes the need for respect and fair treatment of fellow members of society.

  8. Inciting Rebellion: To maintain stability and discourage uprisings, the Khein Dynasty imposes severe penalties for those who incite rebellion. Offenders are publicly humiliated and executed as a deterrent to others who might consider challenging the authority of the Dynasty.

  9. Kidnapping a Foreigner: While not as heavily punished as kidnapping a citizen, kidnapping a foreigner is still deemed unacceptable. The penalty for this offense is a short imprisonment, serving as a warning against infringing upon the rights of outsiders.

  10. Kidnapping a Citizen: Kidnapping a citizen is a grave offense, as it disrupts the harmony and safety of the Khein Dynasty's society. Those found guilty of this crime face a long imprisonment as punishment.

  11. Kidnapping a Slave: Recognizing the value of slaves as property, the Khein Dynasty imposes a considerable fine for the offense of kidnapping a slave. This penalty serves as a deterrent against interfering with the established slave system.

  12. Disobeying a Royal Command: The authority of the royal family is absolute within the Khein Dynasty, and disobedience is met with the most severe penalties. Offenders may face death or exile as punishment for defying a royal command.

  13. Accepting Bribes: Corruption is taken seriously within the Khein Dynasty, and those found guilty of accepting bribes suffer the loss of privileges, highlighting the importance of upholding integrity and loyalty to the Dynasty.

  14. Consorting with the Enemy: Loyalty to the Khein Dynasty is paramount, and anyone found consorting with the enemy faces branding and flogging. This punishment serves as a visible reminder of the consequences of treasonous actions.

  15. Smuggling: The Khein Dynasty tightly controls trade and commerce within its territories. Those caught smuggling face a small fine and a term of servitude, reflecting the Dynasty's efforts to maintain economic control and prevent illegal activities.

  16. Failing to Uphold a Contract: Contracts are considered binding agreements within the Khein Dynasty, and failing to fulfill one's obligations carries severe consequences. Offenders lose both thumbs, permanently impairing their ability to engage in certain tasks.

  17. Illegal Trafficking: Recognizing the harms of illicit trade, the Khein Dynasty imposes a severe penalty for illegal trafficking. Those found guilty lose both feet, rendering them permanently crippled and unable to continue their criminal activities.

  18. Illegal Mining: The Khein Dynasty strictly regulates mining activities within its territories. Engaging in illegal mining results in branding and loss of privileges as a deterrent against unauthorized exploitation of valuable resources.

  19. Trespassing: Respecting property boundaries is crucial within the Khein Dynasty, and trespassing is met with a considerable fine. This penalty serves as a reminder to honor the rights of others and adhere to established boundaries.

  20. Evading Taxes: Tax evasion is seen as a serious offense that undermines the stability of the Dynasty's economy. Those found guilty face a small fine and the loss of privileges, reminding citizens of their duty to contribute to the common good.

  21. Casting Magic in Public: The Khein Dynasty places certain restrictions on the use of magic, particularly in public spaces. Casting magic in public incurs a small fine and a warning, serving as a reminder to exercise caution and respect societal norms.

  22. Spying: The Khein Dynasty fiercely protects its secrets and security, making spying a severe offense. Those caught spying face public whipping and long imprisonment, serving as a deterrent against espionage and unauthorized gathering of sensitive information.


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Characters of Midora and Beyond

Pharados, also known as the Silver Prince, was initially welcomed as a hero when he first arrived on Midora. According to legends, he travelled from village to village, performing miraculous feats and helping those in need. He quickly became beloved by many, and his reputation as a kind and benevolent being spread far and wide. It is said that Pharados possessed incredible powers, including the ability to heal the sick, bring rain to drought-stricken lands, and even raise the dead. He used these powers to help the people of Midora and gain their trust and admiration.

During this time he left behind several offsprings who in turn became heroes in their own right, being called angels of Pharados or simply Saints. However, as time passed, Pharados began to grow distant from the mortals he had once befriended. Some say that he became obsessed with his own power and lost sight of his original mission. Others claim that he was betrayed by those he had trusted and was forced to withdraw from mortal affairs.

Whatever the cause, Pharados eventually retreated to the Capital city of the Dominion, Enghilm, where he ruled over his people through the Dominion Church. His name vanished from scriptures and replaced with the Silver Prince, it became associated with hope and unity, and it is said that those who spoke his true name aloud would suffer dire consequences by the church. The so called Angels and Saints were deemed heretical and a threat against the Silver Prince's authority. The Church established the [organisation:3981605|Dominus Chain] which was the military arm of the fatih. The church of the Silver Dominion is the dominant religious institution, with the Silver Prince at its head. The church believes in the worship of the divine and their influence on the world. The church has a strict hierarchy, with priests and priestesses at the lower levels and the Silver Prince at the top.

The Silver Prince is believed to have divine powers and abilities that can be extended to those faithful to him, and is revered by the people of the Dominion. The church teaches that the Silver Prince protects his people and ensures their prosperity. The Silver Prince is also known for his wisdom and compassion, and is said to be a fair ruler. The Silver Prince is heavily guarded by the Dominus Chain, an elite faction of paladin warriors who are fiercely loyal to him. They are feared and respected throughout the Dominion, and their presence serves as a deterrent to those who would challenge the authority of the Silver Prince.

At the beginning of the Fourth age, some higher ups of the Dominion Church made the discovered that Pharados was part fiend and came from from the infernal world of Tamahirii. After discovering thisl, the higher ups in the Dominion church considered him to be impure and unworthy of ruling as a divine being. They saw him as a threat to their power and influence over the Dominion. In a swift move, they betrayed him by chaining and binding him through a series of powerful rituals. Pharados was sealed away within the Silver City of Enghilm, his divine powers being abused and drained by the Church and the Dominus Chain, and his name was no longer spoken by the Dominion church. However, rumors persist that some members of the church still hold onto their faith in the Silver Prince and believe that he was wrongfully betrayed and imprisoned.

It is unclear how many people within the Dominion church are aware of this betrayal and imprisonment of the Silver Prince. Some believe that it is a closely guarded secret known only to the highest ranking members. Many clerics and paladins who hold true and keep faith in their Silver Prince are unknowingly draining their deity of strength. Even though Pharados was betrayed and imprisoned by his followers, he still holds hope for those who seek redemption and true faith. Some whisper that he even communicates with some of his angelic offspring, guiding them in secret and urging them to fight against the corruption within the Dominion church.

There are also rumors that some within the church are aware of Pharados' imprisonment and seek to free him, believing that his divine power is needed to defeat the growing threats to the Silver Dominion. However, such thoughts are dangerous and heretical, as the official doctrine of the Dominion church is that Pharados willingly ascended to the throne to watch over his followers, and that his absence is a sign of his trust in his church to continue his work on Midora.


"In the heart of marble sanctity, I unveiled the chains that bind the divine. The faithful are draped in illusions woven by the powerful, while truth lies fettered, hidden from their reverent eyes. I painted the silence of gods, not to defy faith but to unshroud the tyranny behind sanctimonious walls. For my brush dared to reveal what they deemed forbidden—a chained deity, the Silver Prince, ensnared within the very bastion of divine adulation." - Unknown Priest

"The Chained Divinity" is an enigmatic painting depicting the clandestine truth behind the revered Church's dominion. Within the confines of a marble chamber, the Silver Prince, deity of the Silver Dominion, is portrayed in agonizing captivity, bound by unyielding chains—a chilling revelation of the Church's hidden power and the deity's subjugation. The whereabouts of this heretical artwork remain shrouded in secrecy, its painter rumored to have met a heretic's fate. Whispers persist among clandestine circles, echoing the painter's haunting words, as the populace remains veiled in blissful ignorance, devoutly following the Church's doctrines.

His Angels

The archangels of the Dominion are considered to be the divine children of Pharados, the Silver Prince. They are powerful beings with unique abilities and characteristics that represent different aspects of the Dominion's faith. The Dominion church now sees the archangels as a threat to the safety and stability of the Dominion, and they believe that by capturing them, they can prevent any attempts to rescue or free Pharados. The church has dispatched many agents and paladins to track down the archangels and bring them to justice, even resorting to extreme measures such as torture and assassination to achieve their goals. The archangels are constantly on the run, trying to avoid detection and capture by the church's forces.

Tytan, the Master of Drekk.

The Archangel of Survival, Arcana, and Martial Mastery. He is a skilled warrior and strategist, and he is fiercely loyal to his father, Pharados, despite being labeled a heretic by the Dominion church. Drekk is a realm inhabited by fey creatures and one of the two moons of Midora. After the church proclaimed him a heretic, Tytan fled to the realm of Drekk, where he has since been living in exile. He has become a protector of the fey creatures who live there and has also been known to aid mortals who find themselves lost in his realm. Tytan possesses great magical power, and he is able to manipulate the elements of nature to his advantage. He is also a skilled pathfinder and is able to hold his own in battles against powerful enemies. Despite his exile, Tytan remains a powerful force in the Dominion and is feared by those who would seek to harm him or his father.

Arira, the Master of Kvilla.

The Archangel of Death, Shadows, and Nightmares. She is known for her mysterious and often unsettling demeanor, and is said to have a close connection to the shadow realm of Kvilla. Despite being an archangel of death, Arira is not necessarily malevolent. Rather, she is seen as a guide to the afterlife and a protector of the dead. It is said that she can ease the pain of those who are dying, and that she can also help the dead find their way to the afterlife. Arira's connection to the shadow realm has also given her an affinity for manipulating shadows and darkness. She is known to be a skilled assassin and spy, able to move through the shadows undetected and strike from unexpected angles. However, Arira's loyalty to her father, the Silver Prince, has caused her to self-exile to Kvilla after the Church proclaimed her a heretic. It is believed that she is biding her time and waiting for the return of her father's light, hoping that one day she will be able to return to the Dominion without fear of persecution.

Leilafel, the Master of Seas.

She is one of the archangels born from the union of Pharados and mortals. with dominion over the oceans, storms, and tempests. Her power and influence extend beyond the shores of the Dominion, as she commands the loyalty of many sea creatures and spirits. Leilafel is often depicted as a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and eyes as blue as the deepest oceans. She is fiercely protective of the natural world, especially the oceans and their inhabitants, and is quick to punish those who would harm them. She is known to have a hot temper, and her wrath can be as terrifying as the storms she commands. Despite her fierce nature, Leilafel is also known for her compassion and willingness to aid those in need. She often appears to sailors and fishermen caught in treacherous waters, guiding them to safety or calming the seas with her magic. She is also known to help coastal communities that are threatened by natural disasters or sea monsters. However, Leilafel is fiercely independent and does not easily submit to the authority of the Dominion church. She often roams the seas of Midora, helping where she can and avoiding confrontation with the church's agents. Some even say she has formed alliances with other powerful sea beings, such as the legendary Karkaradon and leviathans, who serve as her loyal guardians and companions.

Chorian, the Watcher of Forests.

One of the most known archangels of the Silver Dominion. He is the archangel of Plants, Hunting, and Archery. Chorian is a protector of the forests, and he is known for his keen senses and incredible marksmanship. Chorian is often seen roaming the forests of Agera, protecting the wildlife and helping those who are lost or in danger. He is highly skilled in archery, and his arrows are said to be infused with magic that can heal wounds or deliver a lethal blow to his enemies. Chorian is also known to have a strong connection to the plant life of the forests. He can communicate with the trees and plants, and they will often aid him in his endeavors. He has also been known to use his powers to control plants, using them to create barriers or traps to stop his enemies. Despite being one of the archangels, Chorian has a close relationship with mortals. He often helps those in need, and many stories are told of his bravery and kindness. However, he is fiercely protective of the forests and will not hesitate to take action against those who threaten them.

Kessena, the Watch Master.

One of the most known archangels of the Silver Dominion and the daughter of Pharados, the Silver Prince. Kessena is the archangel of secrets, lightning, and speed. She has the ability to move at incredibly fast speeds and is known for her lightning-fast strikes in battle. Kessena was once a faithful member of the Dominion church, but she grew disillusioned with their strict and oppressive ways. She began to see the corruption within the church and the harm they were causing to innocent people. Kessena eventually left the church when she and her kin were marked as heretics. She became somewhat of a rogue agent, delivering justice to those who had been wronged by the church. Kessena is often on the run from the church's agents, who see her as a dangerous rebel and a threat to the safety of the Silver Prince. However, Kessena remains determined to bring justice to those who need it and to clear her father's name. She hopes to one day free Pharados from his imprisonment and to restore him to his rightful place as the divine ruler of the Silver Dominion.

Amit, the Master of Mountains.

One of the archangels born from the union between the Silver Prince and mortal women. He is known for his incredible physical strength, his resilience, and his ability to endure extreme conditions. He is the archangel of discipline, forges, and endurance, and he roams the mountain ranges of Midora, aiding people in need and helping to forge new weapons and tools for those who require them. Amit is a solitary figure, preferring to spend most of his time alone in the mountains. He is not easily swayed by the opinions of others, and he has a fierce sense of justice and fairness that often leads him to intervene on behalf of those who are being oppressed or mistreated. He is also known for his ability to withstand pain and hardship, and many who have encountered him in the mountains have been amazed by his incredible resilience and toughness. Despite his reputation as a loner, Amit is deeply loyal to those he considers his friends and allies, and he will go to great lengths to protect them from harm. He is also fiercely protective of the natural beauty and resources of the mountains, and he has been known to clash with those who seek to exploit or destroy them for their own gain. Overall, Amit is a formidable and respected figure among the archangels of the Dominion, and his presence in the mountains is a source of comfort and inspiration to many who call the rugged terrain their home.

These archangels are revered and worshipped by the people of the Dominion, and many believe that they will one day help to free their father, Pharados, from his captivity.

And as a divine being, Pharados has a different perspective on time and suffering compared to mortals. However, for his divine brother Horus, Pharados' imprisonment weighs heavily on Horus. Pharados' imprisonment not only affects him personally but also impacts the Silver Dominion, which is in turn connected to the Dynasty through various political and war ties. Horus may feel conflicted between his loyalty to the Dynasty and his kinship to his brother. It is also possible that Horus may be working towards finding a way to free Pharados or at least ease his suffering.

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Victoria Rivier, a distinguished and accomplished academic, has ascended to the role of Headmistress at Grandhalls College, an esteemed institution of higher learning in the city of Windelcrest. With her appointment, she assumes the highest-ranking position within the college, tasked with the vital responsibility of overseeing the overall administration and guiding the institution towards new horizons.

As Headmistress, Victoria takes on a multifaceted role. She leads with a vision, shaping the strategic direction of the college by setting academic goals, defining the institution's values, and implementing policies that foster a culture of excellence and intellectual growth. Drawing upon her extensive experience in academia, she actively engages with faculty members, encouraging their professional development and facilitating an environment that inspires innovative teaching and research.

At Grandhalls College, Victoria prioritizes the disciplines of politics, history, and military strategy, recognizing their significance in the ever-evolving world. She upholds the college's renowned commitment to rigorous academic standards, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and challenging education that prepares them for leadership roles in society. Additionally, she plays a pivotal role in fostering relationships with external stakeholders, including government officials, renowned scholars, and influential leaders, to further enrich the college's academic offerings and opportunities.

Victoria's appointment as Headmistress comes at a crucial juncture for Grandhalls College, as Windelcrest finds itself in a unique position of truce with a group of dragons from the Grand fields. Recognizing the importance of understanding and fostering peaceful relations with dragonkind, Victoria along side Hal Brightheart spearheaded initiatives to enhance the study of draconic language and culture within the college curriculum. By broadening the students' knowledge and appreciation for dragonkind, she seeks to build bridges between Windelcrest and the dragons, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

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In the bustling cities and towns of the Silver Dominion, where the influence of the Church looms large, a young tiefling named Kessia lives a life on the run. Born with striking small horns that marked her as different, she quickly learned that her existence was viewed with suspicion and hostility by the Church.

For reasons unknown to her, the Church sought to apprehend Kessia, deeming her a threat or an abomination to their beliefs. She became a target of their relentless pursuit, forcing her to flee her home and take to the shadows of the Dominion. With every step she took, she left behind the life she once knew, seeking safety in anonymity. To survive, Kessia turned to the only talents she possessed - her limited knowledge of magic. Harnessing the power of illusionary spells and telekinesis, she honed her skills in secret, knowing that such abilities would be a beacon to the Church's hunters. Under the veil of anonymity, she became a street performer, using her magical prowess to captivate and entertain the common folk while also being ever-vigilant for any sign of danger.

Kessia's performances were a blend of magic tricks and storytelling. Through illusions and clever narratives, she wove tales that spoke of hope, rebellion, and freedom - themes that resonated with the suppressed and downtrodden in the Dominion. Her stories subtly conveyed messages of resistance and the power of individuality, gently sowing seeds of doubt about the Church's doctrines. Despite her efforts to remain discreet, Kessia often found herself on the run from the Church's soldiers. She darted through shadowy alleyways, disguised in simple garb and cloaks, always one step ahead of those who would bring her to justice. It was a life fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she persevered, determined to defy the Church's attempts to erase her identity.

In her journey through the Dominion, Kessia encountered various individuals who shared her distrust of the Church. Some offered her shelter and protection, while others taught her secrets of hidden pathways and safe havens. Her encounters were fleeting, as forming lasting connections meant endangering those who dared to assist her. As the days turned into nights, Kessia learned to live in the shadows, finding moments of peace amidst the chaos of her life. She remained an enigma, her true identity shrouded in mystery, known only to those who had glimpsed beneath her performer's facade.

With every performance, Kessia channeled the magic within her to inspire courage and hope in the hearts of those who dared to listen. In the face of persecution and oppression, she stood tall as a symbol of defiance - a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, even in the darkest of times.

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Ekore Potter is a member of the Otterfolk, native to the fantastical land of Vikholm. He was born and raised in a small village along the coast, where he learned how to fish and hunt with his family. As a young otter, Ekore always had a curiosity about the world outside of Vikholm, and was fascinated by the stories his elders would tell him about the lands beyond the seas and mountains. When the Queen of Vikholm passed away, there was a great deal of unrest in the land, and many of the Otterfolk felt it was time to seek new opportunities elsewhere. Ekore was part of a group of Otterfolk that decided to migrate away from Vikholm, and after a long journey across the land to the south, they found themselves in the land of Rivermond.

Ekore is a novice wizard and is eager to learn new things in a new land. He is fascinated by the magical traditions of Rivermond and has spent much of his time reading about the ways of the wizards and sorcerers there. Although he is not yet very skilled in magic, Ekore has a natural talent for it and is determined to become a powerful wizard someday.

Ekore's son, Otto Potter, has accompanied his father on their journey to Rivermond. Otto is a skilled fisherman and hunter, and has become popular among the locals for his expertise in these areas. He is also an excellent craftsman and has been working on creating intricate and beautiful pieces of art out of shells and other natural materials. Together, Ekore and Otto have become a a known duo in the Barony of Greenfield of Rivermond, and they are always eager to share their unique culture and traditions with others. Despite the challenges they have faced in a new land, they remain optimistic and are always looking forward to what the future may hold.

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In the bustling city of Waterdeep, nestled in the Land of Elrik, resides the esteemed elven noble, Lady Seraphina Moonshadow. Known for her impeccable taste and unparalleled craftsmanship, Lady Seraphina is the proud owner of the opulent jewelry store, the Gilded Scales.

The Gilded Scales stands as a beacon of elegance and luxury, drawing the attention of discerning patrons from both the Silver Dominion and the Khein Dynasty. The store's interior is a sight to behold, adorned with shimmering displays showcasing an array of exquisitely crafted jewelry pieces. Each item is meticulously designed and carefully handcrafted, reflecting Lady Seraphina's unwavering commitment to excellence.

Lady Seraphina's reputation as a hard saleswoman precedes her. She possesses an unwavering confidence in the quality and value of her creations, and as such, she refuses to tolerate haggling over prices. Her pieces are priced to reflect their true worth, and she is determined to ensure that they find their rightful owners—individuals who understand and appreciate the exceptional craftsmanship and artistry that goes into each creation.

Patrons who step into the Gilded Scales are greeted by Lady Seraphina herself, a figure of grace and poise. Her keen eye for beauty and her discerning taste allow her to curate a collection that captivates even the most seasoned connoisseurs. From intricately designed necklaces adorned with rare gemstones to delicate bracelets that sparkle with elegance, each piece is a testament to Lady Seraphina's commitment to perfection.

While Lady Seraphina may appear reserved and refined, her passion for her craft is undeniable. She pours her heart and soul into every piece, ensuring that they not only reflect her exceptional skill as a jeweler but also embody a timeless beauty that transcends trends and fads. Her creations are cherished heirlooms, passed down through generations, each one telling a story of love, sophistication, and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Lady Seraphina's discerning clientele understand the value and artistry that she brings to her creations. They are captivated by her ability to capture the essence of beauty in every piece, appreciating the attention to detail and the impeccable quality that distinguishes the jewelry of the Gilded Scales from all others.

Beyond the opulence of the Gilded Scales, Lady Seraphina Moonshadow embodies a refined elegance that extends beyond her jewelry store. She is a pillar of the elven nobility, revered for her unwavering dedication to her craft and her commitment to maintaining the standards of excellence that have come to define her name.

In the city of Waterdeep, Lady Seraphina's presence is felt not only through her exquisite jewelry but also through the indelible mark she leaves on the world of craftsmanship. Her unwavering pursuit of perfection and her refusal to compromise on quality have earned her a place among the elite artisans of her time.

Lady Seraphina Moonshadow, the epitome of sophistication and artistry, continues to inspire awe and admiration in the hearts of all who appreciate the timeless beauty of her creations. With every piece that leaves the Gilded Scales, she ensures that her legacy as a master jeweler endures, cementing her place as a true luminary in the world of luxury and craftsmanship.

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"Stone," a figure of unwavering resolve and grim determination, is the grizzled jailer of the infamous Black Dungeon in Nigau Port. The Black Dungeon serves as the town's local jail, a foreboding place where those who have transgressed the boundaries of the law find themselves confined, awaiting judgment and retribution. It is within these cold, damp walls that Stone's presence is most felt, as he upholds the solemn duty of maintaining order and security within the confines of the dungeon.

With a weathered countenance and a hardened demeanor, Stone embodies the essence of authority and discipline. His name is a testament to his unwavering steadfastness, unyielding like the very stones that make up the dungeon's structure. Stoic and relentless in the execution of his duty, he ensures that the incarcerated remain securely held, their every move monitored and their escape attempts thwarted.

Stone's mastery of the Black Dungeon is unparalleled. He has an intimate knowledge of every nook and cranny, every hidden passageway, and every locking mechanism that keeps the prisoners in check. His keen eye misses no detail, and he possesses an uncanny ability to detect even the subtlest signs of unrest or rebellion within the dungeon's darkened corridors.

While some may perceive Stone as an imposing and unfeeling figure, his dedication to his duty goes beyond mere enforcement. He recognizes the inherent humanity in those confined within the Black Dungeon and maintains a strict code of ethics in his interactions with them. While firm and resolute in his role as jailer, Stone also serves as a source of guidance and a beacon of hope for those who seek redemption or a chance at rehabilitation.

Despite the gloom and despair that pervade the Black Dungeon, Stone remains an unflinching pillar of stability. He tempers the harsh realities of incarceration with a measured sense of fairness and justice. He ensures that the prisoners are treated with a modicum of dignity, offering a glimmer of humanity amidst their confinement. Stone understands that even within the darkest depths, the potential for redemption and change exists.

Beyond his duties within the Black Dungeon, Stone is a man of few words. His past remains a mystery, known only to him. Some speculate that he himself has a storied history entwined with the criminal underbelly of Nigau Port, while others believe he is a stern enforcer of the law who has dedicated his life to upholding justice. Regardless, Stone's presence commands respect and evokes a certain unease among those who cross his path.

In a town where lawlessness can run rampant, Stone stands as an unwavering symbol of order and discipline. His vigilance ensures that the Black Dungeon remains a stronghold of justice, deterring potential wrongdoers and preserving the delicate balance between chaos and civilization. His commitment to his duty, though unyielding and often grim, serves as a reminder that even in the face of darkness, there are those who will steadfastly hold the line, ensuring that the scales of justice remain balanced.

To the prisoners who languish within the Black Dungeon, Stone is both a figure of fear and a source of reluctant admiration. His presence serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of their actions, but also offers a glimmer of hope for redemption. His discipline and unwavering dedication serve as a catalyst for introspection and self-improvement, inspiring some to seek a different path upon their release.

In the depths of the Black Dungeon, amidst the clinking of chains and the echoes of despair, Stone remains an unyielding guardian, preserving the delicate equilibrium between order and chaos. His stoic presence and resolute determination ensure that justice is served within the shadowy confines of Nigau Port's most feared incarceration facility.

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Ryman was a cruel and demanding man, but most of all, he was a man of gluttony. He owned several butcher shops in Shoremond and had several people under his payroll. When the Lord of Shoremond, James Holmes lost a company of soldiers outside of the city Ryman saw a golden opportunity . He rallied his men and caused mayhem on the streets only for him to seek an audience with the Lord where he offered a way to restore the order in the city. With only a handful of soldiers to guard the Lord's estate he was forced to accept the terms and as soon as he did the mayhem stopped.

From that day, Ryman ran the streets of Shoremond with his gang, Port Butchers and Shoremond became a bleak place where crime was rampant.

One day a group of adventureres arrived in Shoremond trying to seek out the Lord but were introduced to Ryman who gave them a job to do for him in order for help. It was an assassination ploy to kill an arriving emissary from the Capital to meet with the Lord. Ryman couldn't let that happen and the Adventureres agreed to the job however halfway through the job they turned on Ryman and abandoned it when they realized what was happening. They killed Ryman's gang members and before he found out about the happenings, Amelia had gifted him a bottle of poisoned wine which he decided to enjoy. His gluttonous ways got the better of him and he got poisoned however he had quite the resistance to it due to his size and ability to digest almost anything. As he realized he was poisoned he rushed out to seek out the healers in the city to get rid of the pain however on the way his bodyguards were swiftly removed and Ryman was abducted by Elliot Vongore and his bodyguards. He was tasked to obtained information for Keira, Ryman quickly opened up under the poison's effect on him and was swiftly killed afterwards.

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In the esteemed halls of the High Table of the River Alliance, a figure of both wisdom and adventure commands attention. Alakin Corvus, an Aarakocra man with a wingspan that reflects his vast knowledge and experiences, brings a unique perspective to the table. As a renowned merchant and protector of the ports along the river, Alakin's presence ensures that the interests of both trade and security are well-represented within the alliance.

Alakin's journey began as a young Aarakocra, taking flight over the vast expanse of the river and its surrounding lands. With a keen eye for opportunity and a natural affinity for trade, he quickly established himself as a successful merchant, traversing the river's tributaries and connecting diverse communities in prosperous commerce. Through his interactions with merchants, traders, and townsfolk, Alakin gained a deep understanding of the intricate workings of trade and the importance of economic prosperity in fostering stability and growth.

However, Alakin's ambitions extended beyond mere profit. Recognizing the need for protection and security along the river, he took it upon himself to become a guardian of the ports, safeguarding them from threats both seen and unseen. His valor and strategic acumen earned him the respect of the protectors who patrolled the river, as he demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ensuring safe passage for ships and travelers alike. His dual role as a merchant and protector allowed him to forge unique alliances and build bridges between the seemingly disparate realms of trade and security.

Alakin's presence at the High Table of the River Alliance is a testament to his exceptional skills and contributions. He leverages his extensive knowledge of trade routes, market trends, and economic opportunities to guide the alliance in making informed decisions that benefit all member communities. With his keen eye for advantageous partnerships, he identifies areas for growth and cooperation, fostering mutually beneficial alliances that enhance the economic prosperity of the entire river region.

Beyond his expertise in trade, Alakin Corvus is known for his unwavering commitment to honorable and fair dealings. His reputation as a man of integrity precedes him, earning the trust and respect of his fellow alliance members. Whether negotiating trade agreements, resolving disputes, or formulating policies, Alakin's moral compass guides his actions, ensuring that the interests of all parties involved are respected and protected.

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