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Joe Burns 2 weeks ago
Joe Burns 2 weeks ago

Gili is a 23 year old Barovian female living in Ambehgris. Born to Zeenik parents that settled in the city in 627 AN, Gili has raised with equal parts Barovian tradition and local Ambehgris culture. She occasionally holds down small jobs either directly supporting her parents or in fits of independence has attempted to strike out on her own. But overall has struggled to find her calling or sense of direction in life and tends to drift from one engagement to the next.

Gili is a high functioning alcoholic. The near perfect storm of Barovian tolerance for drink and combined with the hedonistic culture of Ambehgris turned her at an early age to the life of reverie. Gili never misses a festival, is one of the loudest gallery fans at every Gladiatorial Barge match, and is a well known regular in taverns across the City. 

Despite her fondness for drink, she is seemingly both competent and lucky in her ability to fend for herself in the near constant bar fights she finds herself in. She’s drawn the attention of factions from local guilds as well as the Gairfell Brigade and would likely have fallen on the wrong side of either of them were it not for the watchful eye of the Zeenik community who seem to always show up at the nick of time to pull her away from the center of attention.

Gili can often be found living her best life in the taverns and festivals of the city, or sleeping it off in Zeenik Town.

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