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  1. Locations

The Tower of the Guardians of the Archonon

This tower is home to the growing military wing of the society. Initially founded as an office comprised of the Archon's personal bodyguard, today their ranks have swelled and their remit seems to grow larger every year. There growing strength has even said to have been noted by the King with some concern. 

The lowest floors of the tower are home to a stable of giant buffalo. These do not serve as the steeds of the riders of the Office, they famously ride giant bats. The only people in The Kingdom to do so. The bats, however, cannot fly over the long distances so the buffalo are employed to pull the wagons containing the bats until they are close to where they are going to be deployed.  


The older buffalo are eventually used for their meat. The Bond does not believe in wasting the bounty of nature and believes no more than her bounty should really be needed. 

If you look up at the tower you will see that some of the floors above this have what at first appear to be large portal shaped windows. Closer inspection will reveal that these are actually giant openings. These are the openings the bats and their riders use to enter and leave the tower on their flights. They lead directly to the bat aviary where the creatures are saddled and cared for. 


The bats flight ability makes them a force to reckoned with in combat. They can be easily shielded and can swoop from the skies and bite a man's head clean off. Breeding continues to be a problem for the office and they have struggled to increase the creatures number. As is discipline. Not all bats can be trained to the degree necessary and occasionally a new bat will attack those on the ground without their riders consent and despite their best efforts to control the beasts. Several merchants, travellers and even several members of the Bond have met a grisly fate this way. As a result the riders and their bats are highly feared and even the site of them makes many locals run for cover. 

Immediately above the avivaries of the bats with their circular openings are several floors dedicated to the training of the members of the office. Here they get some of the best combat training of any military unit in The Kingdom. The personal bodyguard are know to receive particularly intense and elite training and only the bravest, strongest and most skilled make the cut. 


Above them are the accommodations for the personal bodyguard of the Archonon. These are widely recognised by their distinctive uniforms which includes a heavy mask and a large top hat. The lower orders carry blades and other weapons and their uniforms breastplate show a diagonal cross. 

The leaders of the guard have the hats and mask but no cross and they tend to carry ceremonial objects as opposed to practical weaponry favoured by the foot soldiers of the personal bodyguard. 


The highest floor are home to the Head of the Office and their immediate staff.