Those who successfully cast the spell known as the Hand of Myrkul reveal themselves as the most holy and honoured priests of Myrkul. They are swiftly inducted into a select group known as Grey Ones. These priests wander the realms, preaching the word of Myrkul and visiting far flung temples and shrines.

Where they encounter violence used against Myrkulites, the Grey Ones respond to defend the faith and allied necromancers. Where they find heresy or faithlessness within the ranks of the Church of the Bone Lord, they are swift to deliver the Hand of Myrkul to false priests.

Grey Ones, it is claimed, are infused with Negative Energy, and this grants them a number of special abilities including the ability to successfully manifest the Hand of Myrkul. Grey Ones are better attuned to the undead, able to command and animate more of them than other priests of Myrkul. They are resistant to the effects of Negative Energy and so less affected by death effects. Lastly they are not affected negatively by any diseases or parasites that they acquire, exhibiting the physical effects of the spell but not suffering any internal weakness or death. This has led them to be seen as harbingers of death and so are greatly feared wherever they travel.

Hand of Myrkul: The most holy spell of Myrkul is the most holy spell of the Church of the Bone Lord, with very few priests able to master its casting (some say it is a gift from Myrkul himself), and those that do are known as Grey Ones and inducted into a special order.

The Hand of Myrkul wreathes the priest’s hands in spectral energy and the next thing he touches turns to dust. In rare instances the priest turns to dust instead or both the priest and the target turn to dust. It is said Myrkul shows his favour or disfavour based upon who is destroyed by the Hand of Myrkul.