1. Characters


PC (Mistwalkers)

After disagreeing with the concept that the Way of Light was best spread through quiet contemplation, she convinces some of her friends to ditch the monastery and head east to help with the crisis after the Day of Mourning. Having worked on a ship to get to Khorvaire, she is decently used to sailing and knows a bit on how to sail.

After leaving the ship at the docks in the Shadow Marches, she is approached by a charming guy called Dah'mir who claims he is a scholar.  But, alas, he was in fact a cultist dragon. After escaping the Bone Mound with Virikhad, she bumps into Warden and decides to stick with him and set course for New Cyre. Virikhad decides to go on his own path to try and save Tetkashtai and Medalashana. 

She then joined the Mistwalkers and got into shenanigans.