1. Characters

Dax' Athla

PC (Mistwalkers)

She used to be a hunter for the tribe, under the name Akzu. She would often trade with the humans from New Galifar and got to learn to speak Common pretty well. She was not the best at tracking the prey but she was pretty handy with a melee weapon, a good shot with the bow and she always had good ideas about how to trap the prey . One day, everything changed....

Cut off from the Shared Dream of the Lizardfolk, the source of all knowledge and purpose, she has been exiled from Q'Barra, and has found her way to New Cyre, looking for a new purpose, and answers...

Her newfound abilities appeared shortly after, the physical expression of her newfound mental ability to break the hold of the corruption. She embraced the darkness and can now sense it and understand it.