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Reux (pronounced 'rooks') is a village in the heart of Sedgemoor. There are seven main families, and a population of approximately 220. They've been having a hard time lately.

Elder Murdagh was the last of the thegns. He was eighty-two when he was found spontaneously combusted in his home on 1 King's Week RP 268. It was then that a meeting was called to name a council of aldermen to rule in his stead. 

The seven prominent clans are MacKee, Sharpe, Brewer, Standish, Kent, Thomasson, and Barrett. There are others, but they are neither numerous nor prominent. Of these seven, all but Thomasson own longhouses in the town center. The Thomasson clan is split, and its living members live among the Sharpe and Barrett houses.

Most of Reux is made of sod and slate houses, or wattle and daub huts. The exceptions are the six longhouses in town, which are built of petrified wood blocks, with lacquered goatskin roofs. That, and the stone priory, where Karna is worshiped among several smaller gods, including Speed, and Tarkus of the Hunt.

A single Hadrus named Hamish is co-owned by MacKee, Sharpe, and Barrett. Hamish* knows how to pull a plow, mainly. Don't imagine that there aren't fights about who gets to use Hamish.

There's an orchard called Abhlord half a mile out of town. Young 'uns go there to get frisky, and the apples and pears provide for the town's supply of scrumpy and pabulum.

Rooks all grow yams in their personal gardens, and most of their trade shepherding or tending goats. There's a canidaur named Publius around town who makes cheese, and a Sandringer named Sakarias who runs a smithy. Other than that, almost every Roux in town is human. 





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