Malystin (mah-lee-steen)
(little shadow)

Kobold - Slayer class (Ranger/Rogue)

Malystin, or Maly for short - was raised by a The Dirty Shadows that specialized in thriving in the shadows, as arboreal rangers or silent killers, lead to believe his parents abandoned him and were killed by magic users - only to find out that he was stolen and utilized for his small stature and camouflage while his parents were killed by the clan - of which came in great use upon the discovery of some unsavory behind something potentially disastrous. However, distractions got the best of Maly when he was caught spying on such vital information, and fearing the clan that had been lying to him his entire life and the new-found enemies

In depth:

Maly and his clan often stole and spied on wealthier, better off clans - generally they go unseen and unheard of due to their great skill and nimble moves. What Maly didn’t know was the longstanding issues other clans had towards the halflings, like the one he was apart of. He was often used to gather information about hunt times, when clan members would be away, and relay the information to his clan about when everyone could come to loot their belongings.

One night he saw some peculiar dressed non-halfling clan members collect together and travel into this old, abandoned cabin near the watermill. They seemed pretty wealthy enough that he was pretty damned sure they’d have some decent loot to last the clan a good minute, if not some decent weapons or spell books. As they were congregating around an old oak table, Maly snuck through some broken ceiling boards and perched, delicately, on some thin, decaying wooden planks holding the building together, and began listening in on their plans.

(This is where he learns some vital information - and information that his Halfling clan killed his parents to steal his egg to utilize for spy purposes)

The scaffolding high above was not as strong as he needed it to be, even for his petite frame - the molding wood gave way under his small frame. And although he caught himself rather quickly, and threw himself back onto another, sturdier plank - the clan members spotted the shadow of his tail disappear and knew someone was watching. On high alert, the occult members spread around like fire and began shuffling around in disarray to find, capture and kill Maly.

He fit himself in through a small window that was bordering the ceiling, pushed himself outside and quietly watched them disperse, frantically searching for the kobold they had just spotted. He was reeling from this newfound information. He didn’t feel safe going back home. He had nowhere else to go.

He knew one thing for sure, though - that’d he’d swear off thievery.


Was present for the events of Maiden Voyage of The Discovery

After the shipwreck, he set up a makeshift Sheldon Raga, and Zayn Moore.


After the events at Rosemore Island, and returning to Tulsa-Aria, Malystin joined The Slowcart Foundation as an Agent.