1. Locations



The world of Kaldashia is an artificially created hospitable planet created by YaigmothIt is divided into 5 distinct areas called Shards. 


Each region is fundamentally different because they have a variance in how many different types of mana affect the landscape and its inhabitants. 


Dominaria is the basic region of Kaldashia and each shard inhabits one source of mana. All other regions are what they are as a result of mixing the basic mana types found in Dominaria. 

The regions of Dominaria are wild and mostly uninhabited. The savage chromatic dragons roam the landscape and elementals of the appropriate element are a common siting. Each shard in Dominaria is also dominated by a titan, these demigod like beings never seem to leave their shard and obliterate anything that goes against their will. 


Coruscant and Ravnica are two urban regions that surround Dominaria on the out and inside. Each shard is a mixture of two types of mana, and they are each lead by a dominant guild. Every guild is believed to serve a purpose in Yaigmoths master plan. 


Between the shards of Dominaria lie the shards of the region of Tarkir. They are the home of the lung dragonflight and each inhabit three colours of mana. These rural lands are home to powerful clans which aim to tame these savage lands and learn their secrets.  


There are 5 additional shards that contain three types of mana. They are the outer reaches of Kaldashia whose outer borders are directly connected to the void. This region is known as Alara

Living on the edge of the known world the inhabitants of Alara are very conscious of their mortality and the fragility of the world they live in. Most humanoids creatures live close to the elemental obelisks at the centre of their shard, and strive to harness its power. Moreover each shard is home to a mysterious cult


The region of Zendikar is located between Alara and Ravnica. With no tie to any specific type of mana these shards are very unstable and are more known for what they are not rather than what they are. They manifest all types of mana apart from the one most distant to them. The landscapes are mostly void with scattered floating islands. The metallic dragons have claimed this area as their home. 


The final region in the centre of Kaldashia is a mystery to most and is known as Urzatron. It is said to be the home of Yaigmoth and be a place where all colours of mana are manifested in perfect balance.

World Map