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  1. Notes

#19 - The Charging Dead

PC Post - Alras Ferstrider

Location: Unknown


While he was mildly pissed off that he'd been betrayed, he couldn't find it in himself to be that angry as the human was a stranger.  His biggest concern was that he could be heading even further from the prince and his intended.  He debated in his mind whether to speak or not to his captors, but given that he'd just flexed his hands, likely in view of them, then they already knew he was awake. 

In for a copper...

“If I ask you where we're going, will you answer me or just knock me out again?”

Behind him in the saddle, he heard a feminine chuckle. “Stress not Tyss, you are under the protection of the Queen of the forest you have found yourself lost in. The sedation was more for your safety than another’s.”

He heard another laugh to his right and Alras slowly lifted his head, worried the world would spin on him again, but thankfully it did not. On the back of the largest elk-like animal he’d ever seen sat a male Snow Elf. He glanced behind himself to see he was sitting in front of a female Snow Elf and both of them were riding a similar mount. He looked back at the male.

“Does this look as humiliating as I think?” Alras asked.

The male chuckled again. Alras looked around as the male started to reply and he noticed he was in a clearing, not far from the tree line.

“I am sure it does Tyss.” It took Alras a second to realize they were speaking in Elven and the odd words were from a very old dialect. Thinking about it, the word they kept calling him meant ‘cousin.’

“I am also sure that it will look all the worse when we enter…”

The male snow elf stopped and Alras looked over to see a spear protruding from his chest. The female Snow Elf cried out.


She started to turn her mount to try and help him but her and Alras’ attention went straight away to the tree line where several dozen figures were charging out of. Alras recognized several of them immediately as ghouls, in fact, the whole charging force was undead and they were greatly outnumbered.

“Get behind him on the mount and follow me. Do not worry about controlling the mount as it knows its way home and to avoid traps, but I will not leave Michio here to become one of those!” The Snow Elf said almost shoving Alras off of her mount. He hit the ground and reached up for the dead male’s mount’s reins. Grabbing them, he pulled himself up into the saddle behind the male’s corpse as the female pulled a horn from a saddle bag. She spurred her mount into a run and Alras followed suit as several arrows missed them by inches. As they rushed forward towards the opposite tree line from where they had come, the female brought the horn to her lips and began to blow long bellowing notes from it. Alras suspected that it was a warning or call for help.

Half way across the clearing and Alras glanced back. There was a mix of the undead and had to number fifty at least. Bringing his attention forward again, he saw a dozen riders burst through the tree line they were heading for followed by twice that many figures on foot. Half of those on foot stopped and he saw them knock and draw arrows and begin raining round after round of arrows down upon the charging undead horde.