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  1. Notes

#17 - Whisked away

PC Post - Alras Ferstrider

Location: Wodan’s Camp, the Protected Trees, Hawthorne’s Pride


The elf sniffed the brew in the mug and discovered a welcoming but wickedly strong scent, reminiscent of autumn and so stiff that it could walk on its own.  He couldn't help but grin and take his first slow gulp, gauging how strong it was as he began to drink.  He  was almost tipsy by the time he swallowed the first gulp down. 

“I'm going to need to nurse this for a while, that is strong stuff! I'm sorry to hear of your defeat, your adversary must have been monstrous to best one such aaf yourself.”  Alras sighed, then took a small swig of his ale. When his companion didn't elaborate, the hunter continued the conversation.  “Thank you, for everything.  The cloak, the fire, the beer and the meat and conversation.  Mostly, for being a friendly face to a stranger like me. While I can't speak to your opponent's leadership, I can say the clan was reduced by your loss.”

Wodan smiled and raised his mug. “To new friends.”

Alras raised his own mug and took another drink from it as did Wodan. They sat in silence for a few minutes just drinking and watching the fire burn. After about ten minutes, Alras began to feel a bit strange. He glanced down at his mug and saw it half empty. It was strong, but he’d drunk more in the past. He set his mug on the ground and tried to stand and immediately felt lightheaded.

“Are you well elf?” Wodan asked.

Alras tried to steady himself but the world around him was beginning to spin. He staggered slightly and Wodan stood up and grabbed his arm.

“Sit by the fire Elf, your obviously not used to such strong drink. Close your eyes and do what your kind does like sleep and I will waken you when the sun is rising.”

Alras, unable to get his head right or his thoughts straight nodded and allowed Wodan to help him sit back down. Alras closed his eyes, but the spinning sensation didn’t go away. A minute or so later, everything went black and Alras lost consciousness.

He didn’t know how long it had been since he had blacked out, but he first heard Wodan’s voice, followed by another, feminine one.

“Aye, I found him wandering the forest like a lost babe.”

“Good, I believe he’s the one we were told to watch for. Did the powder work on him as we explained?”

“It took a few minutes as expected, but he was out before he finished his drink. As the Queen requested, I continue to serve and protect this sacred grove.”

“Your service is welcomed and appreciated Wodan Hawthorne. The loss of your clan was a great gain to the Queen and this sacred place.”

“It is my honor to have such a place to protect. Will you be taking him with you?”

There was a momentary pause and Alras thought he heard a second male voice, but could not make out what was said. After a moment, the female answered Wodan.

“Yes. My partner has gone to get our mounts so that we can put him on one for the ride to the city.”

Alras tried to open his eyes, but they were still very heavy. He tried to stretch, but only got a small response from his limbs. Whatever Wodan had spiked his ale with was wearing off, but it would still be some time before it left his system. A few minutes later he heard heavy crunching in the snow followed by a large pair of hands, Wodan’s most likely, hoisting him off the ground.

“Where do you want him?” Wodan asked.

“Here,” he heard the female reply.

Alras felt himself hoisted and put unto the saddle of a large animal and then leaned forward onto the mount’s neck. The animal smelled of musk and pine but was very warm, making staying conscious difficult. He then felt a heavy fur draped over his back to shelter him against the cold and a hand gently placed on his back to keep him right in the saddle.

“Thank you again Lord Hawthorne. The Queen will, I am sure, send you her own thanks in time.”

“It was honor to help my friends.” Wodan replied and Alras felt the mount lurch forward.

Alras guessed over an hour of time passed as they rode through the trees, snow and blowing wind. As the first rays of light began to crest, he heard what reminded him of a large animal moving through thick tree branches. It lasted a moment and then stopped. Trying to open his eyes, Alras found it much easier and when he tried to flex his hands, they finally responded.