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"Spritz's visions can be vague, but always ring true."- "Dune"

In a small corner of The Drift's Anchortown District sits the home of an Apăneró (Water Genasi)named Tusitala, though most who know of him simply call him Spritz.

 The water genasi are rare people, like any genasi, who inherited aspects from an elemental genie of a given type somewhere among their ancestors. This gives  them a blood tie to the planes of elements. The ones who often call themselves the Apăneró are genasi blood tied to the water.

 Tusitala, or Spritz, is an elder of his kind. In all his years though he has yet to meet more than two other genasi and neither of which were of his kind. This brought loneliness for a time. No other genasi growing up meant he was always a bit different. He took to humor to soften the room when strangers would meet him for the first time.  In his youth his grandmother, a Terrasian (Human), taught him some of the stories of the genasi. She had raised him ever since his parents were lost at sea while fishing. When he came of age he travelled among the Myriad Islands in the Merid Sea hoping to find others like himself. Though his search failed, the sea calmed him. He felt at home and taught himself that though the tides can change the world around him, his value will always come from within. With that in mind he decided to settle down. He chose The Drift because it was the heart of the sea. He could keep an eye out for other Apăneró but his life would no longer be defined by it. In fact while on The Drift, he encountered a small group who would become trusted friends, and as close as any family. They were Ash'lorath Orianna, "Rumsfield", "Sister Slate", and "Dune".

 To pass the time on The Drift he has two main hobbies. The first is a penchant for pranks and puns. For example when walking through the markets he can often be heard complaining that there is “always way too much -commocean-” or when shopping for crustacean meat he would always ask the vendor if they were “feeling crabby today”. One of his favorite jokes to tell those who visit him is “What kind of ship do Vampirates sail?  A BLOODVESSEL!” In fact he is often so caught up in his own humor he often loses track of conversations or things he was trying to do. 

 As for pranks he enlists the help of two of his closest friends. A pair of otters called Koho and Poho. They will occasionally help in setting up the pranks. For example he taught them to use a sewing needle and thread and one night a trio of seacliff dwarves were drinking in one of the nearby taverns he sent Koho and Poho to sew their pants to the dwarves pants to their chairs as they got drunk. Then the genasi would create some water on the rafters above them so it would drip down onto their faces forcing them to stand up and reveal their awkward predicament. Few things are as amusing as three drunk dwarves trying to figure out why their chairs won’t stop hugging them.

 His other hobby also pays for his food and shelter. He is a diviner by trade, using containers of heavy liquids called the Vials of Reflection. He can pour them into several variable sized pans and watch the ripples to tell a guests fortune. The heavy nature of the liquids allow them to work even under the sea should the neighboring merfolk, triton, or sea elves request an in-home meeting. He begins and concludes each session with flicking his hand at the guests face sprinkling so water from his body on to them to form a connection. This is what garnered him the nickname Spritz. 

 His work has garnered him some local fame which enabled him to afford a sign outside his hut that advertises what he does. It reads:


“Seas your destiny! For One Shell of a Price”

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Agaia Greenteeth

"Oh Mother Agaia, hear my plea, for in this hour I am in great need. If you grant my favor, but forsake your ire, I entreat you to take from me what it is you desire." -the last prayer of a desperate soul.

Her gnarled, twig ridden hair is grey and long. Her skin pail and wrinkled. She stairs at you with inquisitive, wide black eyes. Tattered rags are her clothing, but she is adorned with a variety of  objects and pouches

Agaia Greenteeth is an ancient green Lar’feui-ag (Hag), known to have wandered the lands of -Somnia. Her lifespan has perhaps extended back as far as the Epoch of Light, though no one knows for sure. The last few centuries she has lived in the Forlorn Marsh of Prim'terra. Communities around her have often been plagued by tragedy, forcing many to be desperate enough to rely on her deals to cope. This rarely benefits the poor unfortunate souls in the end, but yet they continue to come.

She made her home in the Forlorn Marsh of Prim'terra for the last few centuries, but was forced out when Wood Woad destroyed her lair. She has since moved somewhere near The Drift in The Merid Sea.
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Some debate exists on if he was originally a troll or an ogre, but he gained apotheosis and ascended to E’mersie, becoming the patron god of both trolls and ogres.

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Kirk Hodges 2 months ago
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Kirk Hodges 7 months ago
Kirk Hodges 7 months ago
Kirk Hodges 7 months ago
Kirk Hodges 7 months ago
Kirk Hodges 7 months ago
Kirk Hodges 8 months ago
Kirk Hodges 1 year ago