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Resting, Damage and Exhaustion

Short Rest

Downtime lasting 45 minutes – 1 hour, doing very little – such as eating/ drinking, reading, tending to wounds.
You gain everything back that requires a SHORT REST,
You can use Hit Dice to increase Hit Points, *Roll Hit Die +Constitution Modifer.

Long Rest

Rest duration is 6- 8 hours, where by 2 of the 8 hours can be spent on a Watch shift.
You can sleep, as well as doing light actions.

You regain everything back that requires a LONG REST,
You regain all Hit Points.
You regain all Hit Dice.

Damage and Dying

Unconscious – At 0hp a player character will be unconscious (from Non-Lethal Damage, an NPC/ Enemy, can be made unconscious).

Death Saving Throws – Player Characters when on 0hp, at the start of their turn, will need to roll Death Saving Throws, (unless already received a Medicine Check which Stailised them,

If the Death Save roll is 10 or over it’s 1 success, and under, is 1 fail.
A Critical Fail (1), is 2 Failures.
A Critical Success (20) ends Death Saving Throws, and the creature is stable with 1hp.

If you have 3 successes, without a Critical Success (20), then you are stable, but you do not gain any hp.

* Note that a stable unconscious creature can be woken temporarily without receiving healing and before 1d4 hours naturally restores it to 1 hit point and consciousness. This can be accomplished through a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check or expending one use of a Healer’s Kit.

Damage at 0hp – If a Player Characterm whilst on 0hp, suffers Damage pints equal to, or over than their maximum HP, it is instant death.


Level 1 – Disadvantage on Ability Checks

Level 2 – Speed is halved.

Level 3 – Disadvantage on Attack Rolls, and Saving Throws.

Level 4 – Hit Point maximum is halved.

Level 5 – Speed is reduced to 0ft.

Level 6 – Death.

_* Bed’s/ Bed rolls are needed to sleep, otherwise it will give 1 Level of Exhaustion.

A Long rest as well as having food and water, reduces 1 Level of Exhaustion, including spells realting to removing 1 Level of Exhaustion.

Levels of Exhaustion, per removal reduces the level. If you have Level 5 Exhasution, and manage to remove 1 Level, you will then be on Level 4 Exhaustion, and so on.