1. Organizations

The Incendiary Order


Founded in 1050TR (2312), The Incendiary Order is an order of monks who live on the Thorne side of The Barrier Mountains, near Ukratathol. The order worships Ilduvar and they see fire and explosive reactions as acts of creation and change, rather than destruction. The church and base of operations for the order is known as The Chapel of Flint.

The bulk of the students of the order are Powder Gnomes who have a natural affinity to explosives. Students are taught the secrets of Black Powder and other alchemical concoctions; they are also taught to channel their Ki into their explosives.

At the age of 150 students are expected to leave the safety of the chapel to go forth and spread its teachings. 150 years after that, they must return to the order and share their learnings.

Each monk carries an amulet comprising two columns, each tapered to a blunt hexagonal point.

Pyrite columnflint column

One column is made from pyrite, the other from flint. When flint is struck against pyrite, it generates a spark. The monks of the Order don't habitually use these amulets as working tools (steel is better for sparking than pyrite), but they regard these ancient materials as sacred and symbolic.

The Incendiary Order's daily rites are simple and meditative. An offering of bread is burnt for Ilduvar at the end of each day in a brass bowl at a simple shrine, and a few words of thanks are spoken for the bringing of the nightfall which leads to the morning.