22 Avunai, 1024

I ran into Nila Cotton, and we had some drinks together. More her than me. She thanked me for being a part of the group that emasculated her father. I was going to ask if she doesn't feel a bit bitter towards me then I remembered my own father and how I wouldn't feel shit if he suffered. We caught up for a while. It was nice. At the end of the night we parted ways and I head back to the inn. 

23 Avunai, 1024

In the morning we went off to the Tower of Daynight to meet Alexandra Kingsley, who was training students on the use of Magic Missile at the time. Blindfolded. Wizards really just cheat their way into accuracy too, don't they? She told us she was studying the tablets and that the peoples who lived there generally lived to be only around 10-11 years old, and had offspring at around 7. So they really do seem like tiny humans with an accelerated life cycle. Where we're going she said seemed to be like a protected tomb more than a city. She examined some Larysine, then gave us a folding boat and well wishes on our way. Told us it was dangerous but an important archeological discovery.

Oris didn't have anything for a long journey so we went to buy supplies. I picked up health potions and a Robe of Useful Items. It has patches that, when removed, turn into an object. The seller snickered when they gave it to me, they had marred a lot of the patches and you can't tell what the purpose is. It's all a mystery. However they didn't do a good job on all of them, I can tell what three do and I'll have the last laugh. I got it for 70 and one of the patches gives me 1000+ gold.

We head off to the border where we'll be let off and venture on our own. We came to a river, I secured two ropes together on either side by flying over to give the others a guide. It still took them some time and difficulty to make it across, especially Sett who was still adapting to heavier armour he purchased in town. We made camp for the night and Sett took first watch, Aggma took the second. I should have asked to take one but... Can't be assed if I'm honest. I'm feeling dour. Not like I sleep heavily anyway. During the night I heard the fires put out and immense buzzing. I opened my eyes a wink and saw fireflies above the branches. Nothing of importance. Back to bed.

24 Avunai, 1024

Aggma grabbed my leg during the night and I was up. Then she dragged me. I should really tell them all they need to do is whisper to me and I'm awake. She pointed to her bag which was being dragged away. I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes and saw that it wasn't just the thing deciding to crawl off, but someone was dragging it away by a string. I wanted to go stop them but then the world's worst Owl impression sounded behind and they darted off. It was an organized thing, they had a lookout. For a moment I wondered... But the Stormfarers wouldn't stoop to petty thievery. 

They ran off to the east. Same direction we're traveling. I told my companions about it in the morning and we decided to set a trap. 

Caessa, our guide, brought us to Evertown, a small village. Coincidentally where the thieves were off to. We could take four days to hell by going towards the capital, or five days by avoiding settlements. Oris and Sett went in to ask about the rumours and goings on of the area both from the civil strife and the situation around Rhyngate and more dauntingly... Whitlington Bridge

The army, called the Blackburn, and the national standing army are stopping people to ensure their loyalties aren't "misplaced". Rhyngate is currently neutral, undecided where their loyalties lie. People are fleeing to there and its surrounding villages. Because neither side can stand fence-sitters they've posted a force around there each. So either way we're walking into a fire. Not great for us. Not great for me. Shit.

We were planning on cutting over the mountain (such as it is) to get there as fast as possible. There's a town just a day's travel then its 3 days of wilderness. Plan is to rest at the inn for the night, do final preparation, then trek on through. As we turned to leave we heard someone call out to us... and I recognize that voice. Even after it fucking cracked and deepened. It'll never get rid of that whining edge. Tamhas Blarach became a local guard.