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  • Artisan's Tools - 20.5.23 Every tool got a 2nd ability to choose from
  • Crafting - 27.5.23 Added "Building a Structure" to the progression table.

Homebrew Rules:

  1. Training Proficiency
  2. Studying spells during a fight
  3. Taming wildlife
  4. Long rest exhaustion (sleeping with armor)
  5. Hitting multiple enemies in combat
  6. Carrying system
  7. Downtime activities
  8. Artisan's Tools
  9. Crafting
  10. New Carrying System - Not yet implemented
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Diinkarazan appeared as a gaunt, 1.5 m Derro, making him tall by that race's standards. He had a staring, insane face, the most notable feature of which being his black-pupiled, glowing-red eyes. Gusts of wind constantly swirled around his presence and his hair was always streaming out behind him whilst changing color, texture, and straightness at random.

Known as The Mad God, he was trapped in the Abyss and tormented by nightmarish visions as punishment for both his and his brother's crime.

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Wood equipment shop

Apply Shop Inventory - Wooden Gear to see available goods in the Attributes

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Can be given to a tamed creature to increase its hit point maximum.

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