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Luigi Pavarotti is a force of nature. Not tall but quite portly, he has thick black curly hair and a beard and is wears bright, flamboyant clothes. He comes from Miragliano in Tilea and has a strong Tilean accent.

From what you've seen and heard, despite his physical appearance he is quite the ladies man, willing to try anything with anyone.

He took a shine to Ravenclaw Darkwood at the Garden Party during the Middenheim Carnival

He is currently in Middenheim as he is the Baronial Physician, assigned to look after the son of Graf Boris Todbringer, Stephan Todbringer.

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In the morning Franz Baumann sent for a healer to come and treat Mahgnim Rib who is badly injured after the fight with the daemon Gideon. The healer turned out to be Elvyra Kleinestun from Weissbruckwho had treated the Thrumir Bhakdramafter the encounter with the Guardian Daemonin the Bogenhafen Sewers.

Over the course of the next week, Mahgnim heals and the party spend the downtime in the cellar gaining some new skills.

From time to time Franz appears with news from the town. He hands you a letter that you were supposed to have received from Magiriustelling you where the ritual was due to take place. The messenger was waylaid and drugged by Gideon, to be used as the sacrifice in the ritual in Warehouse 13. Because of the interruption to the ritual he was forgotten about and woke up after the drug wore off. Recognised as one of Franz’s informants by a thief who was watching the warehouse, he was smuggled back to the The Crossed Pikes . There was also a letter Magirius had obtained which was sent by an Etelka Herzen to Johannes Teugen,  which must have been a covering letter for the scroll to be used in the Ritual. The letter seems to have been sent from Grissenwald, near Nuln.

Franz shared that the watch had recovered a scrollfrom Teugen’s body and the Priestess of Verenahad confirmed it contained some arcane magic from a far off land. It wasn’t clear where the scroll was now.

Magistrate Richter was recovering after his housekeeper engaged Elvyra to treat him. She diagnosed that he was suffering from Purple Brain Fever.

The Ruggbrodersare demanding that the Teugens are stripped of their land and assets by the Baron for their involvement in occult matters and that the Ordo Septanarius be disbanded.

The party are also considered subjects of extreme interest in the death of Councillor Magirius. 

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roddyide 1 month ago
Unknown 1 month ago
roddyide 1 month ago

Day 8 of your trek through the Wastelands.

The journey becomes slower as the terrain becomes more difficult again: the land is low-lying and damp, with occasional patches of wet ground. A couple of hours before dusk you hit the promised roadway- little more than a wide pathway, but obviously in use since recent hoofmarks and wheel-tracks can be seen in the soft earth, also heading south-west. As the sun begins to set, the party crests a small hill and can see the promised bog-land stretching ahead of them, with the track just visible between tussocks and stagnant pools.

At the end of the day you camp and spend another wet, bleak night

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