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Oceanyka, still sometimes known post-independence as Australia, is a confederation of tribes, villages, towns and city-states located in the continent of Oceania. It is an anarchic land filled with treasure, danger, cruelty and death. Outside of the palisades of villages, the stone walls of towns, the sniper towers of cities and the bunkers of colonial outposts anarchy reigns, and he with the biggest gun wins. Oceanyka autonomously developed two different civilisations which had been at war with each other for millennia before the arrival of foreign settlers; the Aboriginals and the Ferozen. In their last great war, they destroyed each other, leaving the continent ripe for British colonisation. This state of affairs lasted for almost a century, greatly enriching the Empire, but Oceanyka reached independence through bloody revolution in the late 19th century, as a confederation between all peoples within it. Originally aligned with the West, a left-wing revolution in the capital has brought it closer to the Moscow Pact, under the leadership of President Alan Redfort.

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From the elections of July 1924 to the British Union of Fascists' soft coup in 1931, Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald led Great Britain into an era of reconstruction, the strengthening of workers' and civil rights, and scientific-technological progress, linked to the West's rising industrial wealth and vanguardism of the Roaring Twenties. Like many in the post-war democratic socialist wing of the Labour party, Ramsay had carefully observed the success of the Soviet New Economic Plan, a dual system in which the free market coexisted with state control over vital heavy industries and in which both the welfare state and labour rights were very strong. However, unlike the Soviets who abolished private property, Labour believed that a transition from private enterprise to worker-owned enterprise could be fostered peacefully.

For nine years, Ramsay MacDonald's government developed a modern, industrialised welfare state within Great Britain, which would rely on free trade with the world's independent nations and not on imperial hegemony over their resources. Trade with the United States of America proved vital, as this nation followed a model of foreign policy similar to what MacDonald sought in Britain, and its market was well oriented towards it. Throughout the battered Europe, British industrial products became renowned as some of the finest and of the highest quality; so did British weapons. MacDonald's cabinet, especifically Sir Arthur Harris, convinced him that a second great war was likely within ten years, leading to the complete recreation of the British Navy and the British Air Force. Having been depleted of capable officers and working equipment by the Grand Exile towards Canada, the British government planned to field a relatively small fleet and air force, but one possessing cutting-edge technology and trained in the latest tactics and strategies of war.

Ramsay called his style of governance "British Socialism", and it became increasingly estranged with Soviet-style authoritarian bolshevism throughout the course of the interwar period, but especially following the wars of aggression which Trotsky carried out in the mid-1930s. His successor, Clement Atlee, would further pull Britain west by allying with Germany and America during World War II, becoming one of the great powers involved in creating the United Nations.

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The Owen Gun is a legendary all-Oceanykan 9x19mm Parabellum submachinegun. It was designed during the early phases of the Civil War, and quickly adopted as the Federal Army's standard submachinegun. The Owen Gun proved more accurate and reliable than SMGs imported from Britain or the US, and it could be produced locally, a decisive factor in its favour when WW2 broke out and arms imports became restricted. Its natural habitat is in the deadly bogs of the east, in the searing deserts of the Outback, in the dark jungles of the north, and in the mountains of the far south. It is a trustworthy firearm in any climate, biome or weather condition. Despite the introduction of the AKM series of rifles to the Federal Army, the Owen Gun is still the main close-range automatic firearm of the Federal Army, and a sought-after product in the nation's gun markets.

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The Red Navy's 3rd Battlefleet "Crimsons" is a naval battlefleet whose core is a large group of dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers using extensively modified, high-tech propeller aircraft. Its screen consists of modernised WW2 and even some Great War hulls on their last legs. Its name refers to the fact that, though largely obsolete thanks to naval airpower and missile warfare, the 3rd can still put up a mean fight disregarding how bloodied it is, charging forwards at full speed to deliver the one killer broadside and torpedo run. Theoretically. In reality, it acts as the Red Navy's reserve fleet.

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Despite finding victory in the Weltkrieg, the German Empire was in dire straits. Its allies, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, were on the eve of total collapse from internal tensions. Communists throughout Europe were emboldened by Vladimir Lenin's successful revolution, seeing in Germany the ultimate form of imperialism. The Americans and British had been humilliated, and would do everything in their power to accelerate the collapse of Europe's superpower. There were not enough troops, funding, supplies, ships or bureaucrats to assert control over the half of the globe that Germany now controlled, paralysing its government. In the war, over five million German soldiers had perished. And finally, the Generals' Conspiracy, by which the far-right radicals of the Deutsches Heer had wrested control over the German government, and a genocide was likely imminent. The opposition SPD mobilised, seeing no alternative but a bloody revolution, declaring the German government corrupted of its purpose and illegitimate on the 18th of October of 1919. Kaiser Willhelm II was petitioned to join the revolutionaries in opposing Ludendorff and Hindenburg, but he refused, citing these two figures as being central in Germany's victory. In response, the SPD declared the creation of the Weimar Democratic Authority in Thuringia, joined by a number of pro-democratic army commanders and militias. A new conflict for the soul of Europe had begun, the Velvet Revolution.

To prevent massive bloodshed the likes of the thirty years' war, Kaiser Willhelm II ordered the majority of the Weltkrieg's soldiers discharged and demobilised, while remaining Deutsches Heer units would perform security in the Empire's colonies and puppet states. However, the massive influx of unemployed young men trained for war inflated the burgeoning militia problem. Internal security forces were unable to keep the situation under control either. Militias at the time could be more or less divided into the following categories.

  • Far-Right Militias such as the National Socialist Sturmabteilung (later replaced by the Schutzstaffel) were staunch supporters of the junta, wishing to go through with the Septemberprogramm conspiracy at its full capacity. They were usually made up of Weltkrieg veterans, Prussian and Bavarian nobility as well as senior Deutsches Heer commanders. Bavaria eventually became their centre of operations with the election of an NSDAP state government.
  • Right-Wing Militias such as the monarchist DVNP's Der Stahlhelm were also supporters of the junta, but not explicitly of the Septemberprogramm conspiracy. They were usually made up of middle class citizens and Weltkrieg veterans.
  • Centrist Militias such as Zentrum's Iron Front, who were opposed to the junta, but also to violent revolution. These militias acted as peacekeepers throughout the conflict, engaging both left-wing and right-wing radicals, and acting as an ad-hoc police force.
  • Left-Wing Militias such as the SPD's own Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, which aimed to depose the junta through direct action, and establish either a radically constitutional monarchy or a social-democratic republic. They were supported by working-class and middle-class Germans, as well as many younger NCOs and officers of the Deutsches Heer.
  • Far-Left Militias such as the KPD's Roter Frontkämpferbund which aimed at the complete overthrow of the German regime and the establishment of a communist state, inspired by Vladimir Lenin's USSR. They were supported by labourers and trade unionists.

While most of the Velvet Revolution was a low-intensity conflict characterised by street fights, skirmishes and assassinations, it did come close to a civil war on what was known as the Black March. The 13th of March of 1920, generals Ludendorff and Hindenburg announced the dissolution of the Reichstag and the creation of an interim government with full executive powers. In response, the Ruhr Red Army rose up in arms, occupying much of Germany's most important industrial centre. Kaiser Willhelm II ordered the dissolution of the KPD and the dishonourable discharging of both Ludendorff and Hindenburg from their military posts, an order which simply did not go through, weakening public perception of the monarchy even further. Fighting erupted throughout the country for two weeks, in which over 34,000 Germans died. It was only when Germany's political parties (excluding the NSDAP, DVNP and KPD) met together at Weimar to discuss the crisis, proclaiming the Internal Peace Act (which ordered the Deutsches Heer to perform internal security duties), that order was restored.

On the 17th of December, 1923, these parties met once more to put an end to the overall internal conflict. This time, every political party in Germany (except the KPD) was present, as well as a number of Kaiser Willhelm II's representatives. They decided to transform Germany into a constitutional monarchy, purge the Deutsches Heer's political power, ban the KPD, and disarm most political paramilitaries (limiting the number of party security forces that any group could have). The Freikorps were to be formalised as part of the nation's overall defence strategy, much like America's apolitical paramilitary groups. On the 13th of January, 1924, the German Constitution of 1924 was enacted, ending both the Velvet Revolution and German despotism.

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The Type 38 was Japan's standard issue bolt-action rifle, chambered in 6.5x50mm Arisaka, from 1905 until the introduction of the Type 99. During the Pacific War, the vast majority of Type 38 rifles had their buttstocks and barrels cut down to carbine length; the perfect weapon for paratroopers, drivers, artillerymen, and other such roles which required a shorter, lighter weapon.

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The argelben is one of the most cultivated crops in Oceanyka. The watery, tasty, soft-textured vegetable grows well in temperate climates and has an enormous variety of culinary uses, owning to its unique composition. It tastes like a compromise between a carrot and an onion.

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